Anonymous ID: 7569bd Dec. 1, 2022, 6:07 a.m. No.17858348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8351 >>8362 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698



Major H/T to “M Seeker of Truth” for the investigation he has done regarding Charlie Ward and his associates. Most of the information presented here has been discovered by him, with a few extra bits thrown in.


The following are videos that present this evidence:

Video 1: 30 Reasons I Dont Trust Charlie Ward:

Video 2: Child Trafficking Victim on Charlie’s Private Jet:

Video 3: Charlie Ward and the Mafia:

Video 4: The Kinahan Mafia:

Video 5: Interview with Charlie Ward’s Son:

Video 6: Charlie, Jack Kidd, XRP, Nesara/Gesara:


There are 3 potential aspects to the CW-Net that are major causes for concern:

1) Cryptoken scammers,

2) Disinformation network, linked to founders of British Propaganda, and

3) Links to notorious and vicious Irish Mob, the Kinahan Cartel


Cryptoken Scams

One of CW associates, Nicholas Veniamin, promotes various “investment proposals”. These range from crypto, Iraqi Dinars, and gold investments.


Veniamin is part of the “XRP Club”, otherwise known as the “Gesara Club”.


This appears to be operated by Charlie Ward and Jack Kidd (tbc).


With respect to XRP (Ripple), CW claims that the new ‘Quantum Financial System’ will use a cryptocurrency that is backed by gold. That crypto is XRP.


Ripple has now partnered with the World Economic Forum.


In addition to these investments, CW, Simon Parkes, Veniamin and another company “GoldBusters” is promoting gold investments.


Interestingly, they are an English company that continually promote to US Citizens and their 401k plans. Not sure of the regulations surrounding this situation, but one could imagine their would need to be some oversight in that regard.


Jack Kidd and the Ministry of Propaganda

As mentioned, Jack Kidd is partnered with Charlie Ward to promote NESARA/GESARA, XRP and the “global currency reset”.


Jack Kidd is the brother of supermodel, Jodie Kidd, and is labelled a ‘Qanon Conspiracy theorist’ in the UK. Their sister, Jemma Kidd, created the ‘Jemma Kidd MakeUp’ brand. All the siblings were directors of the company, alongside Ghislaine Maxwell.


According to M Truth Seeker, the company also had a significant shareholder, Lord Rothschild. (Video 1).

There was also a company, ‘Gesara Ltd’, that was formed in the UK a few months after CW first YouTube post.


However, the ancestry of the Kidd family is even more fascinating. Jack Kidd’s grandmother, Janet, was a socialite who cavorted with royals and had neighbours like Averill Harriman.


She was also the daughter of Max Aitken, otherwise known as Lord Beaverbrook. Max Aitken was a Canadian media mogul from the early 1900s. During WWI, he became the first Minister of Information, and was responsible for propaganda campaigns.,_1st_Baron_Beaverbrook


Aitken went back to running his media empire, while some of his colleagues in the Ministry of Information worked towards building a permanent, hidden propaganda machine known as the Tavistock institute.


Back in private enterprise, Aitken assisted a family build their own media empire, the Murdochs. First with Keith Murdoch. In the 1950s, Aitken trained Rupert Murdoch for 2 years at his news empire, the Daily Express.


Back to Jack Kidd, it is hard to know what he has accomplished in his own right. He was a professional polo player and hobnobbed with the elite, including Ghislaine Maxwell. However, he is now partnered with Charlie Ward and the NESARA/GESARA propaganda that accompanies it.

Anonymous ID: 7569bd Dec. 1, 2022, 6:07 a.m. No.17858351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8361 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698



The Kinahan Cartel

At the beginning of Charlie Ward’s YouTube career, he received very little views (sub 100). However, somehow he got sponsored by ‘Nero Premium Vodka’.

See video 3.


Nero Drinks was a Scottish company, but the owners and director of the company were based in the South of Spain (Costa del Sol). This is the same area that Charlie Ward lives.

In April, 2022, Nero Drinks was sanctioned by the US Government as part of reigning in a huge Irish criminal cartel.


The Kinahan Cartel have major operations in the UK, Spain and UAE (Dubai). Charlie Ward is from the UK, lives in Spain, and claims to have an office in Dubai. He has also personally claimed to have dealt with the Irish mafia in the past (see Video 3).


It is claimed that Nero Drinks was operating as a massive money laundering operation for the Kinahan Cartel. How did Charlie Ward get sponsored by Nero at a point his YT channel was less than 100 views?


The Kinahan Cartel is one of the most vicious transnational crime organisations in the world.


Their operations are slowly being closed down worldwide. In September, 2022, the owner of Nero Drinks (Johnny Morrissey) was arrested in Spain.


The article above claims the cartel was using an ancient Arabic method of transferring money, known as ‘Hawala’.


Hawala has been around for over a thousand years. While the system itself is not criminal, it does have significant links to criminal organisations and the financing of terrorism. Most interestingly, modern-day Hawala for criminals involves the use of some sort of ‘token’.


In Video 5, M Truth Seeker interviews Charlie Ward’s son, Glenn. Glenn states that he despises his father. However, there was an interesting event that Glenn explains:

Glenn went to Dubai with his family (wife and child) and was meant to be with Charlie. However, Charlie hands his son an encrypted phone (PGP), and asks his son to meet someone. That person was a criminal who demanded hundreds of thousands of dollars from Glenn, otherwise he would kill his family (wife and child). He was forced on the run in Dubai with his family, and his father never helped him get out of the situation.


Why does Charlie Ward have an encrypted phone?


Why would a criminal in Dubai threaten Charlie Ward’s son, asking for money?


Charlie Ward claims to have moved money around the world for the elite. Does he know about the Hawala system?


Lastly, at the end of Video 5, Charlie’s son claims that his father is absolutely useless with money. He also claims that there is no way his father is smart enough (or capable) to be running a propaganda campaign, scam-token program, or anything else. Glenn claims that if anything nefarious is going on, it would have to be organised and run by someone in the background.


This leads to an interesting question: