Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 3:34 a.m. No.17858032   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8036 >>8041 >>8043 >>8045 >>8048 >>8057 >>8062 >>8077 >>8084 >>8089 >>8094 >>8106 >>8114 >>8122 >>8129 >>8138 >>8147 >>8152 >>8165 >>8167 >>8278 >>8315 >>8492 >>8495 >>8621 >>8631 >>8698



Brunson Brothers Federal Lawsuit thst is NOW on the Docket at the SC


these guys who are doing this play TRUMPETS

and it is not about election fraud it is about the OATHS they took

Holy Moly SC also took OATHS

they must do thisor they to will suffer penalty from OATH


i think the take the OATH from FLYNN needs to make a comback

future proves past



short version




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4ac89 No.9731054 ๐Ÿ“

Jun 24 2020 12:06:33 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a4abe1 No.9731023 ๐Ÿ“

Jun 24 2020 12:04:50 (EST)


I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.WWG1WGA


Take the oath.

Mission forward.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.16506930 ๐Ÿ“

Jun 24 2022 22:04:01 (EST)

Are you ready to serve your country again?

Remember your oath.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7f6d6e No.9792365 ๐Ÿ“

Jun 29 2020 18:17:42 (EST)


A counter-attack to the 1st [law and order] strike _prepared and ready in an effort to change the narrative _prevent [blind] mass public awareness re: coord effort to remove [sitting] US POTUS _covertly disrupt CoC _regional comm as needed.

Media plans to disregard [re_label as political attack _AG election interference] and inject script.

Some commanding officers [EOs] may provide [CLAS 1-99] that do not reflect those [1-99] of the POTUS or the AG of United States.

Appropriate action should be taken.

Remember your oath.

Remember your mission.

Infiltration not invasion.

Defend and protect at all costs.





Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fbc9d5 No.9721632 ๐Ÿ“

Jun 23 2020 16:01:06 (EST)๐Ÿ“

More coming? [senior]

Remember your oath.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 10733c No.9478007 ๐Ÿ“

Jun 4 2020 22:14:36 (EST)๐Ÿ“

Remember your oath.

Remember why you joined.

It's about the person standing next to you.




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5d646d No.9472818 ๐Ÿ“

Jun 4 2020 18:02:12 (EST)


Those loyal to our Constitutional Republic and our Command Structure.

Those loyal to the Office of the President and the will of the people.

Those who swore an oath to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Those good people who serve proudly for America.






Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c2f5bc No.9095184 ๐Ÿ“

May 9 2020 12:28:23 (EST)๐Ÿ“

Patriotism is on the rise.

Will you stand?๐Ÿ“




all pb












Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 3:38 a.m. No.17858036   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8037 >>8041 >>8043 >>8045 >>8048 >>8057 >>8062 >>8077 >>8089 >>8315 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698



The US Supreme Court Case that Could Change Everything

November 26, 2022 by Suzanne Maresca


From the website, updated as of November 23, 2022


Background ~


Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson (the brothers) witnessed the 2020 election along with claims from members of congress that the election was rigged. What got their attention was when the proposition to investigate those claims was presented to Congress and put to a vote.


What came as a shock to the four brothers is when they discovered that 387 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence actually voted against the proposed investigation, thus thwarting the investigation. Whether the election was rigged or not was no longer their main concern. What now became the concern was when those members of Congress violated their sworn oath by voting to thwart the investigation.


The brothers wanted to do something about this. Their brother Deron had quite a lot of experience in the legal field, which started out when he began suing banks in an attempt to show the corruption in that part of the financial world, so he had enough knowledge to file a lawsuit against the now current 385 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.


He already had experience with the SCOTUS by bringing two petitions to them, both of which were denied, but this experience gave him enough success along the way to give him the confidence that maybe, just maybe, he might be able to do something about this thwarted investigation.


Their brother Gaynor was heavily occupied with his audio/video television business (Rock Canyon Studios) so Deron got together with his other two brothers to plan out the strategy. They decided to have their oldest brother Loy to be the name on the lawsuit, which is called a โ€œComplaintโ€ and because he would be on the Complaint, the Court would refer to him as the Plaintiff. The 388 people being sued will now be called Defendants.


Loy filed the complaint, which eventually got stuck in the Federal Court, so they got together and decided to have their brother Raland file the identical lawsuit with his name on it, in the Utah 2nd District Court. While Loyโ€™s lawsuit continued to be held hostage in the Federal Court, Ralandโ€™s lawsuit eventually made it to the SCOTUS.


The events of both lawsuits [from March 23, 2021 to November 23, 2022] can be seen at


Hereโ€™s an interview with Loy Brunson from November 21, 2022 ~

go to article for long vid:


>>17858032 short discussion breaking it down

And if you want the ten minute analysis of what this could mean, this fellow lays it out pretty well, also from November 23rd ~


REALIST NEWS โ€“ Breaking. Supreme Court takes the critical election case!

Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 3:43 a.m. No.17858041   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8043 >>8045 >>8048 >>8057 >>8062 >>8077 >>8089 >>8114 >>8122 >>8147 >>8315 >>8492 >>8495 >>8573 >>8631 >>8698

>>17858032 Brusnson Brothers are TRUMPET players and lawsuit about election is about OATHS ALL TOOK


Supreme Court to decide whether a citizen has the right to damages for treason by the President, VP, and Congress


The source is the U.S. Supreme Court.


Here is the case:


The case could break anytime before Nov. 23rd.


The Justice Department has failed to file an answer.


They represent the President, VP, and Congress.


Raland Brunsonโ€™s audio explaining his case is attached here:


The key to the case is suing public officials for failing to protect the country from security breaches.


What breaches?


For paying for rigging their re-election using fraudulent voting machine systems.


Approved by the President, V.P., and Congress.


Public officials are being sued personally for damages for these security breaches.


Including unidentified John & Jane Doe defendants who work for local Election Boards.


That means they have to pay the cost of their defense.


The Supreme Court has had enough from the other branches of the federal government:


the media


the Deep State




the President and V.P.


Who is Raland Branson?


Tip from Team America Michigan.


Harry the Greek


Rick Baptist and the Brunson Brothers


9,518 views Oct 27, 2020

Rick Baptist professional studio trumpet player mostly known in the Los Angeles, CA area presented a Master Class at the 2015 National Trumpet Competition at Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania on Friday, March 20, 2015, while he was there he spoke of the Brunson Brothers, so here is the Brunson Brothers that he spoke of and they are Arlan, Raland, Deron & Gaynor Brunson, The Brunson Brothers.

Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 3:47 a.m. No.17858045   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8048 >>8057 >>8062 >>8077 >>8089 >>8244 >>8315 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698





November 30, 2022


Is this the Supreme Court case that will drain the swamp?

By Paul Dowling


"The Question: How can you support, and defend, the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don't believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? You can't. Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims come from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it's about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES."


โ€”Question of Law in the Supreme Court case known as Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al. (Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress)


They Broke Their Oaths


Loy, Raland, Deron, and Gaynor Brunson all witnessed what they believed to be the theft of the 2020 election and decided to file suit. However, the interesting approach that they have taken is not to make a formal complaint that the election was stolen; instead, they have chosen to sue members of the U.S. Congress who voted not to investigate whether any election irregularities may have occurred that could have affected the outcome. In other words, the Brunson Brothers were motivated to sue because these elected officials broke their oaths to protect the Constitution of the United States.


The Brunson Brothers believed that, to support and defend the Constitution, an investigation into possible fraud needed to take place. Otherwise, how could anyone know with certainty whether the election had been secure?

What shocked the Brunson Brothers was that only 147 members of the US Congress voted in support of the proposed ten-day audit of the election before certifying the ballot count of the Electoral College, while, according to the Washington Post, 377 members voted against the proposed ten-day investigation, and eight abstained.


Supreme Court Docket No. 22-380


Eventually, the case โ€” Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al. โ€” ended up on the docket of the Supreme Court . The "Questions Presented" section, in Raland J. Brunson's Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, goes like this:


A serious conflict exists between decisions rendered from this Court and lower appeal courts, along with constitutional provisions and statutes, in deciding whether the trial court has jurisdiction to try the merits of this case.


This case uncovers a serious national security breach that is unique and is of first impression, and due to the serious nature of this case it involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress, while deeming them unfit from ever holding office under Federal, State, County or local Governments found within the United States of America, and at the same time the trial court also has the authority, to be validated by this Court, to authorize the swearing in of the legal and rightful heirs for President and Vice President of the United States.

In addition there are two doctrines that conflict with each other found in this case affecting every court in this country. These doctrines are known as the doctrine of equitable maxim and the doctrine of the object principle of justice. Equitable maxim created by this court, which the lower court used to dismiss this case, sets in direct violation of the object principle of justice also partially created by this Court and supported by other appeal courts and constitutional provisions.


These conflicts call for the supervisory power of this Court to resolve these conflicts, which has not, but should be, settled by this Court without delay.

Might the Supreme Court grant relief, not only to the Brunson Brothers, but to millions who are weary of being characterized as "election deniers" simply for wanting investigations to take place? Is it possible that some, or all, of those named in the lawsuit might be removed from office? Keep an eye on this one.


Paul Dowling has written about the Constitution, as well as articles for American Thinker, Independent Sentinel, Godfather Politics, Eagle Rising, and Free Thought Matters.

Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 3:48 a.m. No.17858048   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8057 >>8062 >>8069 >>8077 >>8089



>Is this the Supreme Court case that will drain the swamp?


>By Paul Dowling


>"The Question: How can you support, and defend, the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don't believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? You can't. Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims come from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it's about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES."


>โ€”Question of Law in the Supreme Court case known as Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al. (Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress)


They Broke Their Oaths






Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 3:57 a.m. No.17858062   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8066 >>8077 >>8082 >>8089 >>8109 >>8315 >>8429 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698










and do not forget that Supreme Court took OATHS


movie is getting goood



7 hours ago

Truth Rising: Loy Brunson speaks about Supreme Court case 22-380

60 views Premiered 7 hours ago

Loy Brunson talk about his Supreme Court case where the congress members are charged with treason.


Robert Thompson

Robert Thompson

6 hours ago

I can only pray for this country that this happenes. I'm just going to say it's going too. I mean this could upend all of Congress. But what happens next

Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 4 a.m. No.17858077   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8089 >>8315 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698










Team Awesome Power Hour with Loy Brunson 11/26/2022

1,779 views Premiered Nov 26, 2022

We are THRILLED to bring you an update on Supreme Court 22-380 with Loy Brunson! He was so gracious to share his time and knowledge with us. We pray you will be blessed and enjoy! Thank you Loy, this was such an honor. God bless you all! Praying for a RIGHTEOUS SUPREME COURT DECISION! for more info and to support Loy.

Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 4:07 a.m. No.17858089   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8094 >>8106 >>8186 >>8315 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698


Brunson Brothers Federal Lawsuit that is NOW on the Docket at the SC

these guys who are doing this play TRUMPETS

and it is not about election fraud it is about the OATHS

this bread












all pb


>>17857866 very interesting worth listening to











>Is this the Supreme Court case that will drain the swamp?


>By Paul Dowling


>"The Question: How can you support, and defend, the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don't believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? You can't. Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims come from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it's about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES."


>โ€”Question of Law in the Supreme Court case known as Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al. (Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress)


They Broke Their Oaths

89,463 views Dec 21, 2015

In honor of U.S. Constitution Day, NSA employees retake the Oath of Office.


Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 4:10 a.m. No.17858094   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8106 >>8315 >>8492 >>8495 >>8631 >>8698






look ( cannot get it to post)




Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1dc9cb No.2281677 ๐Ÿ“

Jul 25 2018 12:51:49 (EST)



I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.๐Ÿ“


You owe it to your country.

To yourself.

To your children.

We stand with you.

The time is now.


Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 4:15 a.m. No.17858106   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8108 >>8114 >>8122 >>8126





hahahahahahaaa this video is so stooopi


will be revisited



real traitors revealed



VoteVets - Traitor Oath

4,283 views Jul 13, 2021


Michael Flynn posted a video himself and his family taking the QAnon oath. He also called for a military coup against President Joe Biden.

Heโ€™s also still using his โ€œGeneralโ€ title to push these conspiracies and must be recalled to active-duty and court-martialed immediately for sedition. #TraitorFlynn


hahahahaha i love this shit


Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 4:23 a.m. No.17858122   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8129 >>8138 >>8147


TRUMPET players


45,970 views Jul 17, 2007

The Brunson Brothers


the William Tell Overture

on The Tonight Show.







12 years ago

these guys would come play every year at my high school back in th 80's. they were very talented.


Mark H

Mark H

2 months ago

Their father was a trumpet player, right! Sounds great!



13 years ago

Wow, that's what I am learning.

I wish I was nearly as good as these guys.

WOW, they are really good.



Nicole Haderlie

Nicole Haderlie

14 years ago

I don't think I've ever heard a trumpet sound like that, crazy!!

Anonymous ID: e81e66 Dec. 1, 2022, 4:47 a.m. No.17858177   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8179


why ask

be born again and go with us

HE loves ALL the world, HE wants YOU to be HIS


listen to the teachings:

10 Reasons It's Better to Have the Holy Spirit

Published on: Jul 8, 2022


Current Lesson: "The Holy Spirit in Us / Born of the Spirit"






Other lessons in this teaching

Select a lesson tile below to listen:

Lesson 1 - The Holy Spirit in Us / Born of the Spirit


Duration: 00:55:35


Current Lesson


Lesson 2 - Revelation Knowledge / Power


Duration: 01:05:22


Lesson 3 - Remembering All / Things to Come


Duration: 00:45:34


Lesson 4 - Holy Spirit Gifts


Duration: 01:11:53


Lesson 5 - Fruitfulness / Comforted to Comfort / Sin, Righteousness, Judgment


Duration: 01:01:55




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