Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:02 a.m. No.17859112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9116 >>9123

=Elon Musk "Confident" Brain Chip Company Neuralink Can Begin Human Trials In Six Months


At a live-streamed event on Wednesday evening, Elon Musk announced that Neuralink Corp's coin-sized brain chip could be implanted in human heads for clinical trials within the next six months.


"We want to be extremely careful and certain that it will work well before putting a device into a human, but we've submitted, I think, most of our paperwork to the FDA, and probably in about six months, we should be able to upload Neuralink in a human," Musk said during the event at the company's headquarters in Fremont, California.


Neuralink's brain-computer interface (BCI) is a small chip implanted in a human's head to allow a person suffering from a debilitating condition, such as the aftereffects of a stroke or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), to communicate with their thoughts.


Previously, Musk had promised human trials would begin in 2020, then 2022, and now the target appears sometime in the first half of 2023. He also revealed two other BCIs that could one day be attached to the spinal cord and restore movement in someone with paralysis.


"As miraculous as that may sound, we are confident that it is possible to restore full-body functionality to someone who has a severed spinal cord," the billionaire co-founder said.


One of the presentation's highlights was a video of a monkey "telepathically typing" on a screen with a BCI implant.


"To be clear, he's not actually using a keyboard … He's moving the cursor with his mind to the highlighted key. Now technically, he can't actually spell. So I don't wanna oversell this thing, because that's the next version."


BCI technology has been studied in academia for decades. Last year, European research announced a person who has ALS had regained his ability to communicate after a brain chip was installed in his head. And Brown University recently said, "using a brain-computer interface, a clinical trial participant was able to create text on a computer at a rate of 90 characters per minute just by thinking about the movements involved in writing by hand."


Musk's entry into the space in 2016 has spurred increased investments via venture capitalists into startups pushing this cyborg technology forward.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:05 a.m. No.17859125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9189

State of Florida Removes $2 Billion from BlackRock In Anti-ESG Divestment-“Using Our Cash to Fund BlackRock’s Social-Engineering Project Isn’t Something Florida Ever Signed Up For”


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is a favored strategy by woke companies focused on making the world “a better place.”


Forbes describes the criteria for the ESG strategy as:


Environment. What kind of impact does a company have on the environment? This can include a company’s carbon footprint, toxic chemicals involved in its manufacturing processes and sustainability efforts that make up its supply chain.


Social. How does the company improve its social impact, both within the company and in the broader community? Social factors include everything from LGBTQ equality, racial diversity in both the executive suite and staff overall, and inclusion programs and hiring practices. It even looks at how a company advocates for social good in the wider world, beyond its limited sphere of business.


Governance. How does the company’s board and management drive positive change? Governance includes everything from issues surrounding executive pay to diversity in leadership as well as how well that leadership responds to and interacts with shareholders.


BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment management corporation and the world’s largest asset manager.


The company has embraced ESG and encourages portfolio companies to disclose their ESG data including carbon emissions and board diversity, among other criteria.


BlackRock’s woke strategy seems ironic considering their heavy investments with global polluter and the human rights crushing CCP run China.


Last December,William Hild, Executive Director of Consumers’ Research, sent a letter to the governors of the 10 states with the top 10 state pension funds invested with BlackRock.


Hild writes, “Later today, Consumers’ Research, the nation’s oldest consumer advocacy organization, will issue a Consumer Warning focused on the world’s largest money management firm, BlackRock. The warning is meant to raise awareness among American consumers that BlackRock is taking their money and betting on China. In so doing they are putting American security at risk, along with billions of dollars from U.S. investors, including many state-run pension plans. I wanted to make sure that you were aware that your state is one of the top ten states whose public pension funds are invested in BlackRock and, therefore, potentially at risk based on the issues we outline in our Consumer Warning.”


“For these reasons and more, Consumers’ Research wants to ensure you are aware of the risks associated with investing with BlackRock. We urge elected officials to do their due diligence in educating themselves and their staff on the multiple risks posed by BlackRock’s extensive investments in Chinese companies, both from an ethical standpoint as well as the fiduciary responsibility owed to U.S. pension holders and retirees. As the leader of a state whose pension funds are among the top ten most extensively invested in BlackRock, we invite you to examine our report and conduct any necessary efforts to learn more about the risks to the assets of your state’s public employees.”


In addition to Blackrock’s troubling heavy investments in China, their ESG focus has led the State of Florida to announce that it will pull $2 billion of its assets managed by the firm.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:07 a.m. No.17859128   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US and NATO directly involved in Ukraine conflict – Lavrov


Washington not only supplies Kiev with weapons but is also training its troops, says the Russian Foreign Minister


The US and NATO are directly participating in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a media conference on Thursday, accusing the West of seeking to completely destroy Russia.


Lavrov pointed out that Washington and its allies have essentially announced to the public that they are not just seeking Russia’s defeat on the battlefield but want it “destroyed altogether as a player.” There is even some discussion on how they could divide up Russian territories among themselves, the diplomat added.


“Don’t say that the US and NATO are not participating in this war. You are directly involved,” Lavrov stated, noting that the West is not only supplying Kiev with weapons, whose sole purpose is to kill Russians but is also actively training the Ukrainian military in countries like the UK, Germany, and Italy.


He added that aside from a significant number of mercenaries, there is also an ever-increasing number of Western instructors who are working directly on the ground in Ukraine and are showing troops how to fire the “trinkets” that are being supplied to the country.


According to a report by CNN, the Biden administration is currently considering a dramatic expansion of the training the US military provides Kiev. The plan could include instructing as many as 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers a month at a base in Germany, the channel claimed, citing multiple US officials.


Washington has already committed close to $20 billion in security assistance to Kiev since the beginning of the conflict in late February.


Last month, Moscow summoned the British Ambassador to Russia over claims that the UK had provided training to Ukrainian forces that attacked Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in Crimea in late October. The British Defense Ministry, however, has denied the allegations.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:08 a.m. No.17859131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

EU has no legal way to seize Russian assets – officials


Brussels still hopes to use the frozen funds to finance Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal reports


EU officials have said they cannot legally confiscate Russian assets that have been frozen as part of Western sanctions, however, they hope to set up an international court to prosecute Russian officials for the military operation in Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.


According to European Commission officials, the international principle of state immunity doesn’t allow the executive body to appropriate the assets of the Russian Central Bank, but lawmakers have proposed that EU member states and their allies create a fund to manage the liquid assets and lay aside profits from those investments for the reconstruction of Ukraine.


According to the commission, Brussels has no current figures on the amount of Russian Central Bank assets that bloc countries hold or what proportion is in liquid assets such as cash.


According to the Kremlin, around $300 billion in reserves held abroad have been frozen since March, along with billions more belonging to Russian businesses and individuals.


The legality of using Russian state and private assets to fund Ukraine has been under discussion for several months, but the bloc’s desired mechanism is not easy to implement, as in most member states seizing frozen assets is only legally possible when there is a criminal conviction.


Meanwhile, Washington is facing its own challenges when it comes to using of Russian funds. Treasury and Justice Department officials have reportedly asked lawmakers to develop new legislation to expand their powers, not just to freeze, but to seize the assets. US officials told the journal that the administration is constrained in what it can do until that new authority is introduced.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:09 a.m. No.17859135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

Mail Bomb Sent To US Embassy In Madrid Amid Spate Of Mystery Attacks


A day after Spanish authorities scrambled to evacuate and seal off the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid over a letter bomb from an unknown sender which injured a Ukrainian employee, the US Embassy in the capital city has also confirmed it received a "similar" package.


"The United States’ embassy in Madrid has received a letter similar to the five letter-bombs sent to the Ukrainian embassy to Spain and other targets in the country, according to La Sexta TV station," Al Jazeera reports Thursday. At sixth letter bomb was reported later in the day. An official US Embassy statement said, "We can confirm a suspicious package was received at the U.S. Embassy in Madrid."


Spain's Deputy Interior Minister Rafael Perez briefed reporters, saying that while a culprit has yet to be identified, all the letter bombs are believed to have been sent from within the country. Letter bombs were also mailed to three government offices as well as Spanish arms maker, he told reporters.


Spain has said it is greatly increasing security measures at government offices and outside of embassies and foreign consulates around the country amid the ongoing threat. The prime minister's office had been sent a letter bomb last week, which was intercepted.


According to details in CNN of the sixth uncovered letter bomb:


The sixth and latest bomb was detected Thursday afternoon and sent to the US embassy in Madrid. It was intercepted at around 12.30 p.m. local time at the security post of the embassy, a police source told CNN. A special protocol was activated for these cases, the source added.


"We are grateful to Spanish law enforcement for their assistance with this matter," Jamie Martin, a spokeswoman for the US Embassy in Madrid, told CNN.


With security already on a heightened state of alert over suspicious packages, the letter bomb did not denotate, with the one sent to a Spanish weapon manufacturer described as having been defused by a bomb squad.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:11 a.m. No.17859141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

South Africa President Ramaphosa's Resignation Believed Imminent Over 'Farmgate' Scandal


South Africa is facing deep political turmoil and corresponding uncertainty across markets amid growing calls for President Cyril Ramaphosa to step down over an emerging bizarre scandal centered on the alleged theft of $580,000. The over half million in cash was literally found stuffed in a sofa at a farm that Ramaphosa owns. The timing of the crisis couldn't be worse given long-awaited economic reforms had only just begun to take shape and improve the country's outlook.


The mysterious cash payment has sparked outrage particularly among the opponents of the ruling African National Congress, and with his allies holding emergency consultations. On Thursday South African media is reporting President Ramaphosa is to imminently address the nation as prospect for his resignation grows, and as he faces impeachment.


Ramaphosa, who has advanced himself as an 'anti-corruption' and reformist president, has vehemently denied wrongdoing in the scandal coming to be known as "Farmgate", centered on a game farm he owns in South Africa's northeast.


According to a summary of the scandal in CNBC:


In what has become known as the “Farmgate” scandal, Ramaphosa is alleged to have covered up a $4 million theft from his Phala Phala farm in the north east of the country in 2020. Some $580,000 of this was found beneath sofa cushions, and allegations also include working with Namibian authorities to apprehend, torture and bribe the suspects.


Ramaphosa staunchly denies the allegations and has not been charged with any crimes. He maintains that the cash was the proceeds from the sale of buffalo. He has confirmed that the robbery took place, but insists that the amount stolen was smaller than alleged and denies participating in a cover-up.


The rand has weakened more than 3% against the dollar as the country is on edge awaiting Ramaphosa's and the ANC's next move. The economic reforms he set in motion are now seen as under threat by the major scandal, also as political succession within the ANC would remain uncertain.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:14 a.m. No.17859153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9163 >>9432 >>9481

Transgender Activist Running International Drug Smuggling Operation IN PLAIN SIGHT Targeting Minors


Transgender activists across the country have targeted children in wide variety of sick ways for several years. But UC Santa Cruz PhD. student Eli Erlick has found a unique and quite illegal way to prey on our nation’s youth.


Erlick is a troubled and irredeemable individual who once advocated for the assassination of Supreme Court Justices. The call came the day Roe v. Wade was overturned.


Chaya Raichik, who operates Libs of Tiktok, first revealed back in August that Erlick has been trafficking hormonal drugs across North America to underage transgender minors. Erlick’s social media channels openly promote her illegal scheme.


In the post below, Erlick brags about how she violates state laws to carry out her operation. She also mentions the hormones provided to her underage clients include testosterone, estradiol, and spironolactone.


Erlick further reveals to an Instagram follower that her operation is international, making this a federal crime.


The PhD. Student boasted Wednesday to Raichik that her business is going “very well” and thanked Raichik for the “free advertising.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.17859171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9180 >>9206 >>9432 >>9481

Not Letting a Good Tragedy Go to Waste, Banking Elite Use FTX Fraud, Crypto Crash to Push CBDCs


CBDCs mean the total death of any economic freedom the public has left…


Central bankers and international corporate financiers have long been pretending to hate the very concept of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Etherium while at the same time investing heavily in blockchain technologies and infrastructure. The purpose of the ruse is not clear, but more than likely it was an attempt at mass reverse psychology - “We don't like crypto and digital currencies because we supposedly have no control over them; free market proponents should embrace them blindly because that is how you will beat us.”


In the meantime, while major banking firms are investing billions into various blockchain products, central banks and global institutions like the BIS and IMF have been developing their own systems. In fact, the BIS notes with enthusiasm that around 90% of central banks around the world are already in the process of adopting CBDCs.


But why would anyone want to use government and establishment bank controlled cryptocurrencies when they have access to Bitcoin and dozens of other coins that are supposedly independent? Why trade freedom for more centralization?


First, existing cryptocurrencies are not as free as many people believe, with ample government tracking of blockchain transactions in place for years, the notion of the completely anonymous crypto user is a bit of a fantasy, and the idea that a product such as Bitcoin is going to “bring down” the central banks is becoming less realistic by the year.


Second, the crypto market is highly unstable in part because it is still very limited. While crypto use in America is higher than most other countries with around 12% of people using it as an investment (not as a currency), the rest of the world is mostly uninterested with an estimated global footprint of around 4%. Of that 4% only a handful of people actually own the majority of the market; these people are known as “whales” and they have the ability to tip the market up or down with little effort.


This happens in many other trade commodities and paper currencies also. The point is, crypto is not immune to manipulation.


Third, crypto is enticing to people because of the quick profits that can be had, but massive losses are also a danger. The overall crypto market has plunged by $2 trillion in the past year alone – Over 60% of its value. The implosion of huge trading companies like FTX also undermines the stability of the market and usually it's the average investor that ends up suffering the consequences.


All of these factors and more can be used by banking elites as a rationale for the implementation of CBDCs and global regulation of crypto trading. And, if the bloodbath in existing coins continues, people may even welcome CBDCs as a “safe” investment or currency system.


The investment losses in blockchain products along with the scandals in exchanges is a rather convenient opportunity for the banking establishment to promote their own currencies as a replacement. In the wake of the FTX event, multiple international banks including JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have called for government regulation and a shift over to CBDCs.


The US House has scheduled hearings on FTX with an emphasis on regulation. In Europe, globalist Christine Lagarde and the ECB are calling for global cooperation on monitoring and controlling cryptocurrencies. Lagarde wants a “digital Euro” to take the place of existing coins and blames FTX and the larger market losses on lack of oversight.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:19 a.m. No.17859178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

Half of the Twitter Accounts MTG Wants Reinstated Belong to Foreign Nationals


MTG also hired foreign national Milo Yiannopoulos as her congressional intern…


Half of the Twitter accounts that Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says she wants to see reinstated to Twitter belong to foreign nationals, like that of Milo Yiannopoulos, the non-citizen and close personal associate of MTG that she’s hired as her congressional intern. This comes despite MTG claiming to be an America First conservative, and as she campaigns for establishment leader Kevin McCarthy to be the next Speaker of the House.


After President Trump’s account was reinstated to Twitter, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) shared a list of 10 of the “people who need [to be] brought back” by its new owner, Elon Musk. Despite MTG’s claims of being an America First conservative, and as countless American citizens remain locked out of the public discourse, half of those listed are foreign nationals.


“People who need [to be] brought back @elonmusk,” read the tweet above a list of names, which originated from “I, Hypocrite,” before being reposted by MTG.


Atop the list was Milo Yiannopoulos, the foreign national intern of MTG’s who recently posted to Telegram that he’d failed to make it less than 24 hours without using the “N-word.” The post came the morning after the Englishman spent Halloween at MTG’s home.


Other foreigners included on the “America First” Congresswoman’s wish list were Brits Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins, plus Canadians Gavin McInnes and Stefan Molyneux.


Among the Americans included on the list was Nick Fuentes, who MTG has now publicly “disavowed” at Kevin McCarthy’s behest, having previously endorsed his work. She also appeared with him on stage at AFPAC, arm-in-arm.


Showing how quickly MTG has changed her stripes, the post she shared from “I, Hypocrite” was published on November 21st, just 8 days before she “disavowed” Fuentes, accusing him of being a “racist” and an “antisemite.”

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:20 a.m. No.17859183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

GOP Attorneys General Seeking to Prevent Vanguard From Purchasing Utilities Over Climate Agenda


A coalition of 13 Republican attorneys general filed a “motion to intervene” on Monday, asking a federal energy regulator to block The Vanguard Group from buying shares of publicly listed utility firms due to its decarbonization goals.


In February, Pennsylvania-based Vanguard asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to extend the blanket authorization granted in 2019 to buy large quantities of shares in utility firms. Section 203 of the Federal Power Act (FPA) does not allow the firm to own over $10 million worth of public utility shares until it gains authorization from FERC.


In the motion, the attorneys general point out that FERC only granted such authorization to Vanguard back in 2019 due to assurances from the firm that it will refrain from investing “for the purpose of managing” utility companies.


The firm also guaranteed that it will not take any action that affects the prices at which power is transmitted or sold, nor would it seek to exercise any control over the day-to-day management of utility firms.


“Now, Vanguard’s own public commitments and other statements have at the very least created the appearance that Vanguard has breached its promises to the Commission by engaging in environmental activism and using its financial influence to manipulate the activities of the utility companies in its portfolio,” the motion says.


In a Nov. 29 press release, Republican Attorney General Todd Rokita from Indiana pointed out that Vanguard has committed itself to the Net Zero Assets Managers initiative as well as other climate alliances that aim to achieve net zero emissions.


“Given such activism, Vanguard cannot possibly have refrained from interfering with or exercising some measure of control or influence over these coal- and gas-powered energy companies,” he said.

Negative Impact


The motion was filed by the states of Utah, Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska, Mississippi, Alabama, Montana, Louisiana, South Dakota, Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, and South Dakota as well as the nonprofit Consumers’ Research.


Since there are investor-owned utilities in these states, the weakening of such companies would harm the people residing in the states, the filing said.


The motion gave the example of Utah-based PacifiCorp owned by Berkshire Hathaway. In 2022, Vanguard pushed climate disclosure for a few of Berkshire’s “carbon-intensive operating companies” while noting that some of these firms have made net greenhouse gas emissions.


At present, 20 percent of PacifiCorp’s energy comes from natural gas or coal generation. In Utah, this includes facilities at Hunter, Currant Creek, and Huntington.


If costs went up due to the closure of these facilities or because of using more expensive alternative energy sources, consumers in the state would be harmed, the motion stated.


“We took this action on behalf of American energy consumers because time and time again we see massive Wall Street firms pretending to ‘passively’ manage their shares,” Consumers’ Research Executive Director Will Hild said in a statement to The Daily Wire.


“But instead they use those assets to bully utility companies into adopting radical left-wing policies that drive up electric bills and risk the stability of our power grid.”

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:24 a.m. No.17859197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9472 >>9481

Kanye West Praises Hitler on Alex Jones Show: ‘We Gotta Stop Dissing the Nazis’


Rapper and entrepreneur Kanye West praised Hitler on Thursday morning during an appearance on the Alex Jones Show, as he continued his attacks on Jews — as Jones largely approved of West’s incendiary remarks.


“I like Hitler,” West said, after praising the “good things” that the genocidal Nazi dictator did, other than the murder of six million Jews and five million other prisoners in death camps after launching World War Two.


“We gotta stop dissing the Nazis all the time,” West later added.


Nazi racial beliefs targeted Jews but also regarded black people as inferior. The Nazi regime banned interracial relationships, and also sterilized some interracial people and imprisoned others in concentration camps.


West appeared on the Alex Jones Show wearing a black mask pulled over his head, obscuring his entire face.


West appeared alongside antisemite Nick Fuentes, who erroneously cited the Talmud, a compendium of Jewish law, to claim (falsely) that Jews detest gentiles and (falsely) that Jewish law allows pedophilia in certain cases.


Fuentes said that neither Donald Trump nor Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) would put “Jesus first.”


Jones did not push back on West or Fuentes’s claims, except to say that he did not blame Jews for all of the world’s ills. He then compared Israel’s COVID-19 vaccine policies to the work of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele.


Mengele was involved in deciding which Jews would be murdered and which would be enslaved for forced labor. He also conducted notorious and bizarre forcible experiments on inmates, most notably on twins.


West continued to attack “Zionists,” claiming that a small group of 300 Zionist Jews control the media and politics. He mocked incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu using a net and other props.


The interview was carried on Jones’s own platform, after he was kicked off YouTube and most other social media platforms several years ago. Jones defended the interview with West as an exercise of free speech.


On Monday, West stormed off the set of the Tim Pool Daily Show the moment host Tim Pool said that he disagreed with West’s antisemitic views.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:26 a.m. No.17859202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9205 >>9210

French Surrender Firearms in Record Numbers During Government Crackdown


French gun owners are surrendering their weapons in record numbers at police collection points across the country as a round up of unlicensed firearms winds down.


France is keen to limit the number of illegally owned firearms – as many as six million, authorities estimate – and the Macron government is offering an amnesty in an effort to limit their distribution.


Rifles, handguns, ammunition, even knives and grenades, have been handed in at 300 collection points across the country since the start of the Ministry of Interior’s campaign on Nov. 25.


Those who bring in the weapons face no penalties and their offerings will be destroyed.


By Wednesday, Reuters reports 65,000 firearms of all types had been turned in, along with 1.6 million bullets and other projectiles.


“This campaign is here to help French people surrender these objects that are rather cumbersome for most,” police commandant Florence Gavello said at the collection point in Nice.


Other authorities shared that optimism of a national disarmament, in keeping with other efforts in countries as far away as Australia to take weapons away from law abiding citizens.


“We believe there are about 5 or 6 million weapons that are being kept in an irregular manner by our fellow citizens,” said Jean-Simon Merandat, Head of the Interior Ministry’s Central Service for Arms and Explosives.


“Eighty to ninety percent of these weapons are in their possession due to an inheritance.”

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.17859222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Govt Deployed 15 Staff on Secret Op to Seize Assange


Assange had been granted asylum by a friendly country to avoid persecution by the U.S. government for his journalistic activities

But Home Office had eight staff, and the Cabinet Office had seven, working on secret police operation to arrest Assange

Ministry of Justice, which controls England’s courts and prisons, refuses to say if its staff were involved in operation

Foreign Office refuses to say if its premises were used


The British government assigned at least 15 people to the secret operation to seize Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, new information shows.


The WikiLeaks founder was given political asylum by Ecuador in 2012, but was never allowed safe passage out of Britain to avoid persecution by the U.S. government.


The Australian journalist has been in Belmarsh maximum-security prison for the past three and a half years and faces a potential 175-year sentence after the High Court of England and Wales green-lighted his extradition to the U.S. in December 2021.


“Pelican” was the secret Metropolitan Police operation to seize Assange from his asylum, which eventually occurred in April 2019. Asylum is a right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


The operation’s existence was only revealed in the memoirs of former Foreign Minister Sir Alan Duncan which were published last year. The U.K. government routinely blocks, or obfuscates its answers to information requests about the Assange case.


But the Cabinet Office recently told Parliament it had seven officials working on Operation Pelican. The department’s role is to “support the Prime Minister and ensure the effective running of government,” but it also has national security and intelligence functions.


It is not immediately clear why the Cabinet Office would have so many personnel working on a police operation of this kind. Asked about their role, the Cabinet Office said these seven officials “liaised” with the Metropolitan Police on the operation.


The Home Office, meanwhile, told Parliament it had eight officials working on Pelican. The Home Office oversees MI5 and the head of the department has to sign off extraditions to most foreign countries. The then home secretary, Priti Patel, ordered Assange’s extradition to the U.S. in June.


‘Disproportionate Cost’


Other government ministries refused to say if they had staff working on Pelican, including the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).


The MoJ is in charge of courts in England and Wales, where Assange’s extradition case is currently deciding whether to hear an appeal. It is also in control of its prisons, including Belmarsh maximum security jail where Assange is incarcerated.


When asked if any of its staff were assigned to Pelican, the MoJ claimed: “The information requested could only be obtained at disproportionate cost.”


It is unclear why the Home Office, a bigger department with more staff, could answer such a question, but the MoJ could not. There is no obvious reason why the MoJ would have staff assigned to Pelican, so revelations that it did would cause embarrassment for the government.


Meanwhile, the Foreign Office told Parliament it had no staff “directly assigned” to Pelican, but refused to say if people working on the operation were located on its premises.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:41 a.m. No.17859253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9266 >>9432 >>9481

11 missing children found by U.S. Marshals in CO


Eleven missing children were either located or recovered near Denver, Colorado this month in the first operation ever conducted in that state by a special U.S. Marshals unit dedicated to finding missing children.


The U.S. Marshals Service worked with local police from Nov. 7-18 to track down missing kids in what they called “Operation Lost and Found,” according to a press release.


The operation saw one adult arrested for alleged interference with a custodial order.


These 11 cases of missing children, aged 12 to 17, were considered some of the area’s most sensitive and difficult, and involved sex trafficking, abuse and exploitation, the release stated.


It isn’t clear how many children were only located, but not recovered. But the release said the next steps for recovered children will be handled by local police and the Colorado Department of Human Services.


All of the recovered children had been reported missing to local police, logged in the National Crime Information Center database, and reported to the nonprofit National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the release stated.


The Marshals were authorized in 2015 to assist with missing child cases. Since then, the service’s Missing Child Unit has recovered more than 2,300 children, with a child recovered in 56 percent of cases.


“Operation Lost and Found” was the first missing child operation the US Marshals have conducted in Colorado, according to the release.


“As the Marshals continue to develop our Missing Child Unit, we will continue to support state and local law enforcement partners in locating and reunifying missing and exploited children with their families,” said Kirk Taylor, U.S. Marshal for the District of Colorado.


Other recent successes of the Missing Child Unit include 16 children recovered and five people arrested near New Orleans earlier this year, as well as 19 children recovered near New Orleans last year.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:46 a.m. No.17859270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

Georgia man receives 25-year sentence for voter fraud in 2021 Senate runoff election


Resident forged a signature after receiving ballot by mistake.



A Georgia man is facing a 25-year prison stretch after being convicted for voting illegally in the 2021 Georgia Senate runoff election.


William Chase fraudulently submitted a ballot in that election he received by mistake at his PO box, the District Attorney of the Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit said in a press release.


Chase "had already submitted his own ballot for the January 2021 runoff election," the D.A. said, when he submitted the ballot sent by accident to his postal box.


A jury deliberated for an hour before determining that he had "signed and delivered the forged absentee ballot, signed the Oath of Elector as the resident, marked the ballot for the resident without the authority to do so, and voted twice in the same election."


Chase has several other convictions related to fraud, the D.A.'s office said, including "Financial Identity Fraud" and "Impersonating an Officer." He faces a total of 25 years in prison for the latest conviction, with 15 of those to be served without the possibility of parole.


District Attorney Chris Arnt in the press release praised the fact that the prosecutor's office "had sufficient evidence to successfully prosecute [Chase]."


"This prosecution, along with the stiff prison sentence will hopefully send a clear message that we do not tolerate voter fraud in the Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit," he said.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:48 a.m. No.17859274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why globalists desperately need control of Arizona before they unleash the next staged pandemic


Arizona is critical for globalists to control because it is:


1) A high gun ownership state with high potential for armed resistance against the occupation and destruction of America by enemy forces.


2) A gateway state where illegal immigration must be allowed to continue so that the flow of migrant combat forces and replacement citizens can continue unabated.


3) A border state to California, which is where China’s planned invasion of the United States will likely form a beachhead, after which military power will be projected into neighboring states as China’s military forces move eastward to secure America’s farmlands.


Thus, rigging the Arizona election was critical to the globalist goals for occupying and overrunning America. It grants them control over key territory necessary to complete the planned invasion of CONUS.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:49 a.m. No.17859278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

Switzerland: After Being Ignored by The Courts, Lawyer Goes Public with Criminal Case Against Swissmedic and Demands Immediate Suspension of Vaccines


On 14 November, a Zurich attorney announced a lawsuit against three officials in Swissmedic and five in Insel Group, which runs a large hospital centre in Bern.


The complaint alleges Swissmedic violated the nation’s criminal code by approving poorly tested, ineffective vaccines and then ignoring thousands of Swiss cases of related disability and death. Insel Group is part, it states, of the “circle of offenders.”


Among many alleged injuries listed in the complaint, including disability and deaths, was this: “Collapse in birth rates: over 6,000 missing babies in 2022.”


On 14 July 2022, a lawyer filed a 300-page criminal complaint with the relevant cantonal prosecutor on behalf of six people allegedly injured by mRNA vaccinations. It is aimed at three representatives of the Swiss regulatory and supervisory authority for pharmaceuticals and medical devices (“Swissmedic”) and five vaccinating doctors from the Bern Inselspital. The lawyer, Philipp Kruse, has now gone public with a media conference.


Further reading:


That is what the criminal complaint against Swissmedic is about, SRF, 14 November 2022

Covid: Victims file a criminal complaint against Swissmedic and doctors, Medinside, 14 November 2022


By going public, the plaintiffs want to prevent more people from being harmed by the novel and harmful mRNA vaccines, Kruse said.


The criminal complaint comprises around 300 pages and can be viewed HERE together with the scientific evidence – evidence report, around 300 pages, plus 1,200 pieces of evidence.


A criminal case has been opened for one of the plaintiffs against vaccinating doctors. But regarding the main proceedings, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, four months after charges were filed, has not even informed the team who is responsible or whether proceedings have started. As the authorities have remained largely passive since the criminal complaint was filed, on 14 November, lawyers representing the plaintiffs held a press conference to present the facts and the results of their comprehensive year-long investigation.


Making presentations at the press conference were Dr. Michael Palmer, Professor Andreas SĂśnnichsen, Professor Martin Haditsch, Professor Konstantin Beck and Dr. Urs Guthauser, along with former senior public prosecutor Jurg Vollenweider and former deputy public prosecutor Markus Zollinger.


The presentations show that Swissmedic has seriously and permanently violated their duty of care in relation to medicinal products, with serious consequences for young, healthy people and the entire population.


The press conference is in German. You can watch it HERE. By selecting the “transcript” option on YouTube a window showing the English translation can be read. For some reason, the English transcript is ahead of the speakers. However, within the transcript are numbers beginning and ending with “#” denoting where the transcript begins in the video. So, for non-German speakers, it will be easier to read the transcript. You can download a copy of the slides used in the presentations HERE, labelled as “PowerPoint,” for the English version select “IN.”


According to the Therapeutic Products Act, Swissmedic is obliged to take all measures to ensure that people’s health is not endangered. This includes recording risks regularly, systematically and with foresight. Additionally, the Act requires Swissmedic to ensure that no products are released whose quality, safety and effectiveness have not been proven. If the responsible persons at Swissmedic breach these elementary duties of care, they are liable to prosecution.


The legal team noted that:


Contrary to the public announcements by Swissmedic, the mandatory legal requirements regarding the quality, effectiveness and safety of the mRNA “vaccines” were never met. The manufacturers’ approval studies do not show that the vaccines are effective in reducing transmission, nor that they can prevent serious illnesses or deaths.

Solid studies that have proven the safety of the new vaccine in pregnant women are still missing. Studies that supposedly prove the safety of this vulnerable group are methodologically insufficient. Even within Swissmedic, the Human Medicines Expert Committee explicitly warned of possible risks during pregnancy. The vaccination recommendation for pregnant women is still based on hypotheses and insufficient data.

Swissmedic has failed to subject the products that were hastily approved in violation of the minimum legal standards to a consistent and risk-adequate, active product surveillance (so-called pharmacovigilance).

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:53 a.m. No.17859292   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Epstein estate agrees to pay over $105 million to U.S. Virgin Islands


Epstein’s estate must repay more than $80 million in cash for one of his companies receiving tax benefits, which U.S. Virgin Islands officials say Epstein and his friends ‘fraudulently obtained to fuel his criminal enterprise.’


The estate of convicted pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein has agreed to pay more than $105 million to the U.S. Virgin Islands in settlement claims. Epstein allegedly ran a sex trafficking operation on an island and caused environmental damage from his property in the territory.


Epstein, who allegedly committed suicide while in federal custody in 2019, has been accused of sexually abusing dozens of girls, many of whom were minors. Before he died, he pleaded not guilty and was awaiting trial.


“Our work has been inspired, humbled and fortified by the strength and courage of all of those who survived Epstein’s abuse,” said Denise N. George, the attorney general representing the U.S. Virgin Islands.


Speaking to the New York Times, George said that authorities owed the victims who were “so profoundly hurt to make changes that would help avoid future victims.”


George’s office filed a civil racketeering suit against Epstein’s estate shortly after his death in January 2020, and the case was settled after a year of negotiations.


The Associated Press reports that Epstein’s estate must repay more than $80 million in cash for one of his companies receiving tax benefits, which U.S. Virgin Islands officials say Epstein and his friends “fraudulently obtained to fuel his criminal enterprise.”


The estate also agreed to pay half the proceeds from his 70-acre Little St. James Island sale, which was listed for $55 million, and the sale of the 160-acre Great St. James island sale for another $55 million.


The authorities say that Epstein removed colonial-era structures from Great St. James, which will cost the estate some $450,000 in environmental repairs.

Anonymous ID: 741fb2 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:58 a.m. No.17859316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9432 >>9481

Two Defendants Plead Guilty To Conspiring To Bribe High-Level Officials Of The Republic Of The Marshall Islands