Anonymous ID: aaa812 Dec. 1, 2022, 9:17 a.m. No.17858990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9003 >>9099 >>9100 >>9140 >>9173 >>9432 >>9481

>>17857989, >>17858032, >>17858036, >>17858043, >>17858041, >>17858045, >>17858057, >>17858062, >>17858077, >>17858089, >>17858094, >>17858149

One man Army - made it all the way to the SC. 'Merica!!!' Petitioner Raland J Brunson is an individual representing himself and is a Plaintiff in the trial court. To remove a sitting President


The Fourth Trumpet Of Revelation 8


Fascinating the Four Brunson Brothers that play trumpets, see what revelations say about the Fourth Trumpet. Weird that the downfall of the Roman leadership and the interpretation includes Senate (or political leaders). This Brunson case is getting more interesting by the day__


This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study focuses on the fourth Trumpet of Revelation 8.


• Many Pastors teach that when the end times 4th trumpet of Revelation 8 sounds, the literal sun, moon and stars, will be darkened.

In this Bible study you will learn that the true historical fulfillment of the fourth trumpet represents our Lord sending the Heruli to war against the Roman Empire, which caused their leadership structure to collapse.

• Our Lord is exacting vengeance against the Roman Empire because Satan had empowered them to kill millions of Christians, in his attempt to wipe out Christianity.

Revelation 8:12, “And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

• The Sun, Moon and Stars symbolizes the leaders of kingdoms, and this trumpet represents thedownfall of Roman leadership when Romulus Augustalus, the last Roman Emperor of West was captured.

• He was the top leader of 1/3rd of the Roman Empire, so his removal represented 1/3rd of the sun being smitten.

• If the Sun is the supreme ruler, the Moon and Stars are subordinate rulers (Gen. 37:9-10).

• One third of the moon (Consulship) was extinguished by Justinian in 541 A.D. (Decline and Fall, Gibbon, Vol 4, chap. 40, pg 286).

The stars (Senate) kept glimmering until banished from their country by Totila, who was a Goth, and basically meet their fate from lack of power in 553 A.D. (Decline and Fall, Gibbon, Vol 4, chap. 43, pgs 445, 446).

• So in 476 A.D., just like 70 A.D. when Jerusalem fell, “the SUN was darkened, the MOON gave no light, and the STARS fell from heaven” (Matt. 24:29)

• The Heruli, a branch of the Goths, under the leadership of Odoacer, invaded and conquered the city of Rome in 476 A.D.

• 1/3rd of the Roman Empire (the moon and the stars) had completely passed away.

• It only took 76 years for the Goths, Huns, Vandals and Heruli, to conquer the Western Roman Empire, which is why only 7 verses were devoted to the first four trumpets of judgment.

• You will see that the 5th and 6th trumpets spanned greater periods of time, thus there are more details given about them in Revelation 9.

• Can you now see the Biblical, historical fulfillment of the 4th trumpet of Revelation 8?

• Now you know that any person who teaches that it is fulfilled in the future, is teaching you false prophecy.


BTW, "Trumpet is used 83 times in the bible" Book of Revelations has 7 Trumpets.

Anonymous ID: aaa812 Dec. 1, 2022, 9:52 a.m. No.17859078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17859055 Just a few examples


Epub 2019 Apr 23.

Use of genetic risks in pediatric organ transplantation listing decisions: A national survey

Madeline Graf 1 , Danton Char 2 , Andrea Hanson-Kahn 1 3 , David Magnus 4



PMID: 31012250 PMCID: PMC6836721 DOI: 10.1111/petr.13402


Free PMC article



There is a limited supply of organs for all those who need them for survival. Thus, careful decisions must be made about who is listed for transplant. Studies show that manifesting genetic disease can impact listing eligibility. What has not yet been studied is the impact genetic risks for future disease have on a patient's chance to be listed. Surveys were emailed to 163 pediatric liver, heart, and kidney transplant programs across the United States to elicit views and experiences of key clinicians regarding each program's use of genetic risks (ie, predispositions, positive predictive testing) in listing decisions. Response rate was 42%. Sixty-four percent of programs have required genetic testing for specific indications prior to listing decisions. Sixteen percent have required it without specific indications, suggesting that genetic testing may be used to screen candidates. Six percent have chosen not to list patients with secondary findings or family histories of genetic conditions. In hypothetical scenarios, programs consider cancer predispositions and adult-onset neurological conditions to be relative contraindications to listing (61%, 17%, and 8% depending on scenario), and some consider them absolute contraindications (5% and 3% depending on scenario). Only 3% of programs have formal policies for these scenarios, but all consult genetic specialists at least "sometimes" for results interpretation. Our study reveals that pediatric transplant programs are using future onset genetic risks in listing decisions. As genetic testing is increasingly adopted into pediatric medicine, further study is needed to prevent possible inappropriate use of genetic information from impacting listing eligibility.


Keywords: bioethics; contraindications; genetic predisposition testing; organ transplantation; pediatric transplantation; predictive genetic testing.


© 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Risks of transfusion

Jerry E Squires 1



PMID: 22024787 DOI: 10.1097/SMJ.0b013e31823213b6




Each year, more than 4 million patients receive a blood transfusion in the United States to control symptoms associated with anemia, coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, or some combination thereof. In each of these cases, the physician and the patient must weigh the potential benefits of the transfusion along with the associated risks. To assess accurately the risk:benefit ratio and to discuss this with the patient, the physician must be familiar with the range of adverse transfusion outcomes and the current estimates of their frequency. Most important, during the past decade the risk profile of transfusion has changed significantly. Transfusion-transmitted disease, although still a rare outcome of transfusion, is no longer an overriding concern in transfusion safety considerations; however, risks such as hemolysis, transfusion-related lung injury, and anaphylaxis continue to represent significant concerns and are relatively more common than the transmission of infectious diseases after transfusion. Against this background, the development of a national hemovigilance system, designed to evaluate more accurately transfusion adverse outcomes in the United States, will require greater precision and reliability in the assessment of adverse transfusion outcomes by clinicians if the proposed benefits of this system are to be realized.

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Anonymous ID: aaa812 Dec. 1, 2022, 10 a.m. No.17859101   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WTF didn't the media call this out years ago, since he's been in prison or confinement for 10 or- minus years. They finally understand only after Musk opens up free speech on the board, because now they cannot lie in the articles, at least those posted on twitter. Interesting that it comes right after Musk offers free speech

Anonymous ID: aaa812 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.17859172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9192 >>9217



I hope everyone remembers that Trump signed the papers of the bankruptcy of the US of America in May 4th, 2020. I had the docs but I can't find them and do not have a pacer account. Read the info below


US Bankruptcy


This is very strange, but it is so. Anyone who wants to check it can enter Pacer, create an account and pay a few cents to download all the documentation. I leave the data for each one to do their search.

Northern District of Florida | United States Bankruptcy Court


chapter 11 bankruptcy united states corporation case no 20-40375-KKS United States bankruptcy court northern districts of Florida Tallahassee division

Tax ID # 13-6149455 4-5-2020

Decedents ss # 126-56-2303 – uses the name “Roger Allen Moore”

DUNS number 040539587, 003254885

Executive office of the United States govt – WH address

Trump signed President / CEO

Represented by Phelps Dunbar


In short, the US Corporation filed for bankruptcy on May 4, 2020 as evidenced by the main document and the signature of its CEO. Very, very strange everything. But we are seeing it and it is official.


The complete dissolution of the UNTIED STATES CORPORATION at 12:01 on the day of the inauguration.

Anonymous ID: aaa812 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.17859192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9199 >>9296 >>9432 >>9481


HOLY SHIT, I didn't know Trump was talking about bankrupting the US since 2014


Trump Calls for ‘Big, Beautiful Bankruptcy’ to Eliminate the National Debt


Posted on January 22, 2020 by admin

During a rambling interview with Sean Hannity last week, President Trump previewed his economic plan for the coming year. While blaming Barack Obama for the worsening national debt, the president vowed he would tackle a problem that he claimed should have been solved years ago. Trump then spent spent twenty minutes talking about chocolate cake, Hillary Clinton’s emails and deadly wind turbines, before circling back to the question.


Obama's wind turbines kill “13-39 million birds and bats every year!” Save our bald eagles, symbol of our nation!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 23, 2014


“We’re gonna go bankrupt, Sean,” the president said. “The United States will use our big, beautiful bankruptcy laws to get rid of Obama’s national debt.” Nodding affirmatively, he added, “And we’ll do it very, very quickly, that I can tell you.”


The Goldilocks principle

Trump insisted that despite being out of office for three years, the growing budget deficits and national debt were Obama’s fault.


“President Obama was the worst president in American history,” he snapped. “He had a horrible name, stupid ears, and he never changed his underwear. People are saying he never changed his underwear.”


Citing his vast bankruptcy experience, Trump vowed that the U.S. would go bankrupt so that the national debt would finally be eliminated.


Addressing the national debt, the president asserted that it was too big, not much and just right, all in the same jumbled word salad. “The national debt is way too big, Sean. It’s a big fat lot of money,” he said. “But we have a country, right? Did you know that we have a country? It’s a big country, worth many, many trillions of dollars. So if you think of it like a mortgage, it’s not very much. And if you average too much with not enough, you end up with just right — right?”


The national debt

Trump admitted that raising taxes isn’t an option to reduce the national debt. “I’d look pretty stupid, causing the debt to skyrocket by lowering taxes and then raising them to solve the problem,” he offered without a trace of irony. “And I’m not going to do that, because I’m a very stable genius.”


“A Very Stable Genius!” Thank you.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 14, 2019


Instead, the administration has been looking into alternative revenue sources. “For starters, we could allow advertising on goddamn everything, of which we’d get a 50% cut,” the president said, nodding. “We’d let companies sponsor hurricanes, place commercials in cell phone conversations, and allow refrigerators to play advertising jingles when opened.”


Trump wore a smug look on his face as he pantomimed opening a refrigerator, singing, “One eight seven seven Kars 4 Kids.”


Other ideas under consideration include requiring Americans to tithe 10% of their income to the church of the United States, pay an ‘elimination fee’ when flushing the toilet, and ordering the Treasury to print trillions of dollars to use to payoff the national debt.


“They’re all great, great ideas,” he bragged. “But then I thought to myself, those things take way too long. Why don’t we just go bankrupt instead?


Liquidation plan

Trump indicated that when the U.S. files for bankruptcy, it would do so in a big way. “We’re not going to mess around,” he warned. “We’ll file next week, stop paying everything, and drag it out in the judicial system as long as possible. For years. We’ll take it to the Supreme Court if we have to.” He waved his hand, adding, “See you in court, numbnuts!”


Ultimately, the court would require a liquidation of assets, which the president indicated would be very easy to accomplish. “It’ll be just like a big, fat garage sale,” he said. “We’ll sell useless crap we don’t need anymore. You know, like the Fort Knox Bullion Depository, the strategic petroleum reserve, Alaska.” He paused for a moment, before correcting himself. “Make that California. They don’t rake their forests.”


The president divulged that he had ordered Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin to begin filling out the bankruptcy paperwork.


“We’re going to solve this national debt problem, just like I promised when I ran for president,” he assured an astonished Sean Hannity. “I know a thing or two about bankruptcy — believe me.”

Anonymous ID: aaa812 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:24 a.m. No.17859196   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is really getting so interesting, let's see if we can find the words that translate to memes in the bible, kek. It will be there. Everything is new again.


So anons are Heruli, I can buy into that for sure

Anonymous ID: aaa812 Dec. 1, 2022, 10:50 a.m. No.17859281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


seriously listen to yourself! How on earth could he truly drain the swamp if he didn't know who they were, ALL of THEM? And when do you think he had time to do it between Russiagate, Impeachment 1 or 2, or while he was passing important legislation, EOs and just trying to survive as president. If you lose your loyalty to him over talking points of Milo etc. then there's some studying you have to do