Anonymous ID: 21e9c0 Dec. 1, 2022, 11:42 a.m. No.17859539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Theory of a Filtering Algorithm


Imagine… you will one day see options like these aside your favorite social networking platform timeline:


  • See All Posts By Everyone In The World In Realtime / Chronological order

  • See All Posts By Everyone I’ve Marked As Trusted By Me More Than 8/10

  • See All Posts By All of My 10/10 Trusted All of Their 10/10 Trusted

  • See The ‘Opposite’ Of What I Have Seen Lately

  • See All Posts By the Top 100 Most Trusted Sources In The World

  • See Random Community Pocket That Disagrees With The Most Trusted In The World 40%


You will be able to invent your own searches like the above with a simple to learn click-and-drag programming toolbox, and to share your creations with others. An open, public library will give you drop-down access to a world of information as others have chosen to sort it.


The development of an open protocol standard and a market for customized user side controls and filters is an inevitability for social networking. This is because, in short, that would be most good — and people are inherently good.


Somehow, big tech fooled us into blindly accepting a top-down, centralized oligopoly of secretive spy vacuums that offer optionless mystery timelines. Their closed-source content filtering algorithms harm us psychologically, hamper innovation immeasurably, and allow us a mere distortion of what might have otherwise developed.


It is hubris at best, and evil at worst, when gatekeepers impose algorithmic artificial distortions onto the dissemination of content. But the growth-addicted corporations that stand between us while we communicate are no match for the free tools that will render them obsolete.


All will see, soon enough, just how unnecessary it was to depend on a central platform to communicate, and will demand simple, open, and free (sane) social protocols until no one dares attempt otherwise. Big tech are middlemen who are in an uphill battle against truth and other forces of natural law. We know good wins – it’s only a matter of time.


With a future of limitless information to enjoy, and steadily improving ability to sort it, the 99% of the population that wants peace and happiness will not continue to volunteer for the obvious and unnecessary thumb on the scale of human progress that centralized big tech platforms represent — especially when the best argument seems to be, “We will choose what you can and can’t see, and in what order, without telling you how or why, and you will not sue, and you will eat bugs.”


The open standard solution is the obvious one — it will be the last rational choice left standing in perpetuity.


Only on the occasional recurring cycle of a few generations will the infinite inferior automated clones in competition experience outlier rates of change to quickly, but temporarily, overwhelm the first wave of regulatory immuno-response from a vibrant and self-sustainable market ecosystem that will develop around the free, ultimately impenetrable public option. Seldom will those cycles fall during an era in which the upstarts and their allies will have captured sufficient media outlets for sufficient information dominance to allow for a brief and artificial projection of false confirmation for public consumption.


In fact, never again.