I’m at 40,000 feet.
I’m looking around for someone to connect with.
I end sentences with a preposition to lure possibilities.
I’m at 40,000 feet.
I’m looking around for someone to connect with.
I end sentences with a preposition to lure possibilities.
The spoon test does not work anymore.
Dropping out of planes via CDC.
Dropping all over.
Side affects for compromised immune systems should contact occur.
I always think did they send their DNA to 23&Me.
Get down from there.
We need help on the working level.
Too HIGH does no good.
Too Low does no good.
40K to 43K is just about right.
Want to take a ride?
Half Ch an is archiving this pic, instantly, from the first TV broadcast into space.
Memba when Obama snuck away from SS to have a smoke in a Chicago hotel elevator?
That’s when he “found out”.
God planned this.
You are in the here and now for a very specific reason.
You chose to be here.
He wanted you to be here.
How’s come I can’t get on Drudge Report or Info Wars web sites?
Been four years now.
All Joe’s SS cars caught fire.