Anonymous ID: 8127c3 Dec. 1, 2022, 2:14 p.m. No.17860140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 Dec, 2022 17:14

Parasite grew in woman’s cheek after mosquito bite(Did Gates release mosquitos in Russia?)


Russian surgeons made an unexpected discovery during an operation to remove a suspected tumor from the patient’s face


Doctors have removed a 12cm worm from a woman’s cheek after she was bitten by a mosquito, Moscow Region’s healthcare ministry reported on Thursday. The surgeon who operated on the patient said it was the first time he’d seen such a case in his 10-year career.


The 51-year-old woman presented at a hospital in the town of Lyubertsy, near the Russian capital, complaining of swelling and itching in the cheek area. Following an examination, doctors suspected that the patient had a benign tumor and decided to remove it.


“After making an incision under local anesthesia, we found the head of a worm in the thickness of the crack. There was a capsule with a worm,” said Sergey Grevtsev, head of the department of maxillofacial surgery.


The doctor explained that an inflammatory process developed inside the woman’s cheek because of the worm’s activity, causing itching as a result.

“We removed the capsule from the cheek and pulled out a 12cm-long worm,” Grevtsev said, adding that it was thefirst such case he’d seen in a decade of surgical practice.


Apparently, the parasite had ended up in the woman’s cheek after she was bitten by a mosquito infected with helminthiasis. Pets can also carry this infection, the health ministry said in a press release.

Anonymous ID: 8127c3 Dec. 1, 2022, 2:21 p.m. No.17860180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0237

1 Dec, 2022 20:34

German finance ministry rejects call to solve ammo crisis – media


The finance ministry said lack of funding was not the cause of the sluggish availability of ammunition


(Finally EU countries getting tired of being scammed by Ukraine for armaments, they all know its a boondoggle pie in the sky decision to support Ukraine. No one wants them in the EU, its like taking in another mafia ridden country, BUT worse. At least that country is not full of satanists! It's coming anons, plus they know the US is screwing them in the back and making tons of money.)


Germany’s Federal Ministry of Finance has reportedly rejected an urgent call by Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht for more money to deal with a massive ammunition shortfall in the country’s military.


In a letter seen by the German Press Agency (DPA), Finance State Secretary Steffen Saebisch said there appeared to be a “different perception” as to the cause of the ammunition crisis among munitions manufacturers.


The finance ministry’s response comes after the SPD’s Lambrecht had reportedly written to her coalition partner, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner of the FDP, demanding more funds.


While Lambrecht blamed a lack of funding for the ammunition shortfall and requested more money “immediately in a significant amount,” Saebisch said industry representatives believed the sluggish availability of equipment and ammunition was ‘not due to a lack of budgetary funds’ but to the defense ministry’s “complicated, sometimes non-transparent and inconsistent” ordering processes.


The finance ministry did commit, however, to supporting the defense ministry in “improving their planning processes.”


For one, Saebisch recommended Lambrecht engage in talks with the arms industry and have a “sufficiently concrete exchange of information” with manufacturers, as well as “realistic and continuous monitoring” of funding requirements.


Last month, the Bundestag’s commissioner for the armed forces, Eva Hoegl, warned that the country’s military was facing severe ammunition shortages and said it would cost €20 billion to replenish stocks.


In October, Business Insider also reported that the German military only had ammunition for one or two days of fighting, citing defense industry and parliamentary sources. While the problem has existed for years, the outlet said it was exacerbated when Germany began providing weapons to Ukraine, the outlet claimed.


The German coalition’s rift over weapons comes amid reports that arms transfers to Ukraine have left most NATO nations’ stockpiles strained. The New York Times said this week that smaller countries had “exhausted their potential” to supply Kiev with more arms and at least 20 of the block’s 30 members were “pretty tapped out.”

Anonymous ID: 8127c3 Dec. 1, 2022, 2:29 p.m. No.17860215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0237

1 Dec, 2022 19:43

Ukraine charges priests for ‘praising Russia’

(Ukraine taking cues from CCP banning religion, Nazi’s would be proud. Oh yeah they are.)

The criminal proceedings follow a SBU raid on the Kiev Pecherska Lavra Orthodox monastery


Agents of Ukraine's security service SBU detained several clergymen at the Kiev Pecherska


Several Orthodox Christian clergy from theKiev Pechersk Lavra have been charged with a crime of “glorifying Russia,” the Ukrainian security service SBU said on Thursday. The announcement comes just days after a raid on the 11th-century monastery that the Moscow Patriarchate called an attempt to intimidate the faithful.


The SBU said it had received a tip that the priest and several “accomplices” had spoken words of praise about the “Russian world” during a church service. The service then established the “fact of illegal activity” through the subsequent “expert investigation,” it said in a statement.


Kiev city prosecutors will charge the clergymen with “justification, recognition as legitimate, or denial of” Russian “aggression” against Ukraine or “glorification of its participants,” the SBU added.


“Those who wait for the ‘awakening of Mother Rus’ during the full-scale war that Russia is waging against Ukraine need to understand that this harms the interests and the security of Ukraine and its citizens,” SBU head Vasily Malyuk said. “We will not allow such expressions.”


The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is considered to be the most prominent Orthodox Christian site in Ukraine. It is currently administered by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which declared independence from the Moscow Patriarchate earlier this year. However, the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) has laid claim on the Lavra as well.


SBU agents raided the monastery on November 22, citing claims that it was used to hide “teams of saboteurs, foreign citizens, weapons, etc.” for the purposes of “subversive activities of Russian special services.”


Prior to the raid, the OCU had posted a video of a service inside the Lavra, claiming that a hymn about the tolling of bells awakening “Mother Rus” amounted to the illegal “praying for Russia.” The UOC bishop in charge of the monastery rejected the charges and pledged loyalty to Ukraine.


A day after the raid, some Ukrainian lawmakers cited it to propose outlawing the Russian Orthodox Church as a national security threat. Moscow Patriarchate spokesman Vladimir Legoyda called the raid an “act of intimidation,” the latest in the persecution of the Orthodox faithful ongoing since 2014, when US-backed nationalists seized power in Kiev.


EU leaders better denounce this and put Ukraine back in the box of control and have them back down, THEY ARE NOT A SOVEREIGN NATION, they never were. If they continue to support Zelensky and his persecution of Christians their religions, and free speech, they will rue the day when they are kicked out of society for good

Anonymous ID: 8127c3 Dec. 1, 2022, 2:39 p.m. No.17860255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0265

1 Dec, 2022 16:08

Nuclear war risks, Pope’s ‘unchristian’ remarks, and ‘lies’ about Ukraine talks: Key points from Lavrov’s press conference


The Russian foreign minister covered a wide range of topics during a question and answer session with journalists


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The US is pursuing geostrategic goals without regard for the risk of nuclear escalation amid the ongoing Ukraine conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday during a press conference. Moscow is nonetheless ready for dialogue with Washington or any other party that wishes to engage, he added.


Lavrov also explained Russia’s choice of strike targets in Ukraine, and touched on controversial recent comments by the Pope.


Here’s a recap of the main points from Lavrov’s video-link press conference.

Peace talks ‘lies’ People are lying when they claim that Russia is offering to negotiate with Ukraine in bad faith and is only interested in buying time for its military to regroup, the foreign minister stated.


“We never asked for any negotiations. But we always stated that if somebody has an interest in a negotiated settlement, we are ready to listen,” he said, pointing to talks in Istanbul in late March as an example.


He accused the US of pushing Kiev towards continued military confrontation and derailing the peace process. Washington is seeking to weaken Russia and profit from arms sales, he claimed.


US subjugation of European security Moscow doesn’t need “the kind of security” architecture that Western countries are trying to build without Russia and Belarus, Lavrov said. “European security now boils down to being fully submissive to the US,” he added.


Just a few years ago, France and Germany sought independence from American military protection, Lavrov recalled. But the US is determined to make NATO indispensable, and wants to pit other European nations against Russia, he claimed. If they choose to change this direction, Moscow would be willing to discuss better alternatives, the foreign minister said.


Strike targets in Ukraine and US, NATO role in the conflict Western nations should not claim that they’re not participants in the Ukraine war, considering everything they’ve done for Kiev, Lavrov said, as he explained the Russian military’s choice of strike targets in the country.


“We are taking out infrastructure objects, which allow you to pump lethal weapons into Ukraine so that they can kill Russians. So don’t say that the US and NATO are not part of this war. You are participating in it directly,” he insisted.


In addition to sending arms, NATO members are training Ukrainian troops both on their soil and on the ground, the minister added. There is “a large number of mercenaries” involved, open intelligence sharing while “an overwhelming number of targets” attacked by Kiev “are picked by Western masters of this [sic]regime,” he stated.


The poop needs to know when you've pissed off Lavrov, the head diplomat, you've gone too far!

Anonymous ID: 8127c3 Dec. 1, 2022, 2:40 p.m. No.17860265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0274


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Risks of nuclear war Russia believes that any armed conflict between nuclear states should be avoided and urges other states to adopt the same stance, Lavrov said.


“Even if somebody plans to start a war with conventional weapons, the risk of it sliding into a nuclear war would be immense,” he explained. He added that this made Western claims that Russia could use weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine particularly concerning.


‘Unchristian’ remarks from the Vatican Lavrov criticized Pope Francis for making a controversial statement about Buryats and Chechens, two of the many ethnic groups in Russia, who serve in the Russian Armed Forces, and take part in the special military operation in Ukraine.


The pontiff’s claim that they were particularly prone to brutality on the battlefield was, Lavrov said, “strange” and “unchristian,” and “certainly didn’t help the cause [of peace in Ukraine] and the reputation of the Holy See.”


Open doors for talks Moscow will not reject any contact with any party that seeks to engage, but does not expect fruitful talks to happen with Western nations at this time, Lavrov said.


“Anyone asking for a phone conversation gets one, the president speaks to them with no time constraints. But we don’t hear any meaningful ideas,” he said.


The West’s policy of not discussing “Ukraine without Ukraine” is “at least naive” and obviously flawed, Lavrov added, since ignoring the Ukraine conflict when discussing global stability is impossible. After all, the US has declared the defeat of Russia, a major player in global security, as its goal in Ukraine, he remarked.


The poop should stay out of politics and war, and just pray for the countries.