Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 11:44 a.m. No.17859546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9582

>>17859331 lb

[They] hoard most all of the Gold and other precious minerals, one trap into another. We make our own currency, like Franklin did with the Colonial Scrip. The Revolution ignited when England banned the Colonial Scrip.


>>17859408 lb

I just want to be around smart and capable ppl, preferably good looking with big tits; ty.

Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:03 p.m. No.17859615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642


step 1) Let beautiful people breed en masse

step 2) Tons of beautiful people to breed with

step 3) Big time winning

step 4) Fuck I'm kinda ugly; beautiful ppl only breed with each other

step 5) acquire resources, personality, and ability to engage in 4 hours straight coitus

Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:23 p.m. No.17859679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm legally allowed my own Harem, sue me about it.


>People would be enraged at the current state of things if they knew just how free they could actually be.


Absolute on some things, willing to discuss / debate / ride the waves on others. It's complicated actually, problem is no one is talking. Pointing things out but offer no solutions.

Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:34 p.m. No.17859717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9726 >>9735


Play more chess, read more fiction (getting into a villains head), and do some roleplaying in video games or really put yourself in a role through acting. You can meditate and channel your shadow-self, personally, I've integrated with it. The biggest self-realization I've ever had throughout my spiritual journey is that: I am the Monster; which applies to all of you as well. A Buddhist master taught me: "You cannot change who you are, you can only learn who you are."


What would you do if you were Darth Vader?

-kill good Jews (~250,000)

-Hijack Judaism and call yourself the good Jew as a permashield

-Exaggerate death toll; play victim card, alter religious scripture to your benefit

-Act like a prophet


Too ez.

Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:53 p.m. No.17859779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9918 >>9931 >>9942


Not even capable of a proper retort.



Do we slaughter, butcher, and eat the flesh of animals? You even enjoy the taste, and don't even think about it afterwards. That is how [they] think of us. We're all Monsters, just some less tame and reasonable than others.


The first rat I ever killed I felt super bad about it, even apologized to the rat and everything. But the building had an infestation and rats spread disease, lice and other stuff. It gets much easier after the first one.


Logic: The Art of Thinking Correctly

Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 1:20 p.m. No.17859896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9962 >>9969


Naturally made? I consume sea salts as an electrolyte beverage. Container says Sicilia Fine Sea Salts. Should I assume it has Iodine in it? Doesn't say anything on the container.



Ok yeah I figured. Only way to acquire nutrients during long Winters up North back in the day was through eating other animals.



Salt bad, MSG/HFCS gud (super cheap to make).

Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 1:50 p.m. No.17860028   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ah, I should be good then. I've been doing Keto, made it to a month now. First 2 weeks were rough but diet soda was the glitch in the matrix to power through it. Just don't forget to consume 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt per day if you do Keto. You shed a lot of water weight (sugar bloats) and lose electrolytes. This is what causes the headaches and muscle cramps.


Plants and bugs are starvation foods. Herbs can be made into elixirs tho.

Anonymous ID: 8eda31 Dec. 1, 2022, 2:07 p.m. No.17860100   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Highly recommend; first hr alone you'll become a phd in history and economics. Here are my notes I should share for the first hr. Been kicking around for a week or 2 now.


-Federal Reserve is a private corp, holds no reserves, not even federal. Name is pure deception, only for pure / war profit.

-Fed more powerful than congress and Gov: determines avg persons car / house payments and whether you have a job or not. [They] use proverbs against you: the borrower is servant to the lender.

-By WW1 moneychangers gained control over the Press, WW2 radio and tv. 1913 congress gave fed monopoly over printing money, assassinate anyone that interferes.

-Fractional reserve banking arose from Goldsmiths. Bank of England first privately owned bank in 1694, name deceptive, not part of gov; fractional reserve @ interest, makes money out of nothing

-Central Banks are useful but not in private hands

-Government prints money it needs, people pay for it through inflation


-Frankfurt Germany: 50 years after Bank of England created, a goldsmith named Amshal Moses Baur opens a coin shop and countrin hose in 1743.

-Over the door he placed a sign depicting a Roman Eagle on a Red Shield. The shop became known as "Red Shield Firm", or in German: "Rothschild". Amshal's first son changes family last name to Rothschild eventually.

-Began loaning to governments and mayors; higher loans, and backed by taxation

-Amshal trained his 5 sons in money creation, and sent them throughout EU to setup strongholds. Shared business with the "Schiff" family.

-By Mid 1800s, dominated EU Banking; richest family in the world. Financed Cecil Rhodes, monopolized diamonds in Africa, in US financed the railroads, Vanderbilts, the Press, Carnegie / Steel industry

-JP Morgan worked for Rothschilds