Anonymous ID: 663112 Dec. 1, 2022, 2:59 p.m. No.17860344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0365 >>0370


>Boy-in-the-Box from Delaware?



Biden crushed a kid's head in when he was little??? WTF? Cornpop is a cover for this?




Vice President Joe Biden spoke Wednesday night about how, as a child, he stood up to a local bully by smashing the boy’s head and threatening to kill him.


The remarks, which were published by the Daily Beast, came at an event organized by Vital Voices, a women’s rights group, where Biden was recognized as a man who combats violence against women.


Biden set the scene during the speech by detailing how his family would stop by a doughnut shop after Mass every Sunday.


“We’d get donuts, and my dad would wait in the car. As I was coming out, my sister tugged on me and said, ‘That’s the boy who kicked me off my bicycle,’” Biden recalled. “So I went home, we only lived about a quarter mile away, and I got on my bicycle and rode back and he was in the doughnut shop.”


Biden then said he walked up behind the boy, who was with his parents, and “smashed his head next to the counter.”


When the crowd applauded, Biden said, “I’m not recommending it.”


After the scuffle, Biden says the boy’s father grabbed him. The future vice president then said to both son and father, “If you ever touch my sister again, I’ll come back here and I’ll kill your son.”


“Now, that was a euphemism,” Biden said, getting to the point of the story. “I thought I was really, really in trouble. My father never once raised his hand to any one of his children — never once — and I thought I was in trouble. He pulled me aside and said, ‘Joey, you shouldn’t do that, but I’m proud of you, son.’”"