Anonymous ID: b29b63 Dec. 2, 2022, 12:24 a.m. No.17862639   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now they're coming for Iowa


Iowa may soon lose its first-in-the-nation status to Michigan, Politico reports


December 1, 2022


(Potato prefers Michigan- shocker)


It's all about those filthy white bastards, gd farmers

White unwoke devils

Anonymous ID: b29b63 Dec. 2, 2022, 1:18 a.m. No.17862718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2724 >>2752 >>2797 >>2802

Awkward momentBiden gives Macron a 42-second long handshake during welcome ceremonyat the White House - before the French President has to GUIDE Joe back to the crowd


December 1, 2022


President Joe Biden gave French President Emmanuel Macron a 42-second long handshake on Thursday during a welcome ceremony outside the White House

Biden took Macron's hand in his, and the two embraced while a French translation of the final section of Biden's speech was broadcast over the crowd

As the pair stood talking and laughing, Macron appeared on numerous occasions to try to break the embrace, but Biden held firm

Biden faced the crowd and froze in place with a smile on his face, while Macron was stuck facing the president

The awkward moment kicked off the French president's state visit to Washington DC, and was quickly followed by a few other odd gaffs from Biden

President Joe Biden shook French President Emmanuel Macron's hand for an awkward 42 seconds during a welcome ceremony at the White House on Thursday.

The two presidents grasped hands after Biden finished delivering a brief speech in which he discussed the importance of the alliance between the United States and France.

Biden took Macron's hand in his, and the two embraced and talked while a French translation of the final section of Biden's speech was broadcast over the crowd.

As the pair stood there talking, laughing, and slapping each other's arms, Macron appeared on numerous occasions to try to break the embrace, but Biden held firm and didn't let go.

At one point Biden faced the crowd and froze in place with a smile on his face while Macron - hand still firmly in Biden's - was stuck facing the president. The pair finally broke apart after the French translation was completed.

It is unclear whether Biden held that pose for photographers, or whether he was simply waiting for the translation to end to release Macron.

The awkward moment kicked off the French president's state visit to Washington DC, and was quickly followed by a few other odd gaffs from Biden.




holy sheet…

it smiles for the camera

it clings on to random visitor

it takes it's seat

Very good Clarice…fava beans?

Anonymous ID: b29b63 Dec. 2, 2022, 1:33 a.m. No.17862741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2745 >>2753 >>2760 >>2764

Kanye West stands with Balenciaga amid BDSM scandal — and gets suspended from Twitter


December 1, 2022


Kanye West announced his support for Balenciaga after the fashion house was slammed for its BDSM ad campaign featuring children — and found himself suspended from the platform after a series of wild tweets.

“I stand by Balenciaga and denounce all witch hunts and I cancel cancel culture Jesus is King Ending trafficking doesn’t start or end with a fashion campaign for Christ Sake,” he said in the midst of a Twitterstorm late Thursday night.

He then said in a second tweet, which featured a picture of himself, “Never turn our backs Demna and the Balenciaga family for life Cancel cancel culture Jesus please heal.”

Earlier in the day, the rapper had shared on Twitter a text exchange with Balenciaga’s creative director, Demna Gvasalia, whom he’s worked with closely on multiple projects for years.

In the alleged texts, Denma begged West to ask his fans to “stop Denma hate,” to which he responded with “Love cures everything, Love Denma.”

West, 45, followed up the conversation tweet with another that read, “God loves Balenciaga Love is the answer Jesus is the answer Praying for all of the innocent artist and beautiful humans who make clothing that had nothing to do with the adds [sic] Peoples grandmothers work their [sic] for Christ sake.”

The rapper also said that canceling Balenciaga was not the way to end the sex trafficking of children.

Instead, he asked to “remove any and all forms of pornography from Twitter and every platform Pornography is the product of pediphilia [sic] When grown men look at porn they are watching someone’s daughter relive trauma for money.”

The “Gold Digger” rapper — who has previously admitted to having a porn and sex addiction — continued, “The use of Porn destroyed my family but Jesus will heal everything.”

West also took the chance to share a logo that appeared to be a mix of the Star of David and a Swastika. The tweet was deleted shortly after because it “violated Twitter rules.”

Following his rant, his Twitter was limited for 12 hours, he announced on former President Donald Trump’s Truth Social app.

However, Twitter owner Elon Musk tweeted just after midnight that West was “suspected” from the platform.


Sauce/more rantings of a madman:

Anonymous ID: b29b63 Dec. 2, 2022, 2 a.m. No.17862787   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Did Israel ADMIT to having nukes? They do, it's not a secret but anon was unaware they ever copped to it. I mean, JFK tried to neuter those aholes.

Next thing ya know they have to give up the shipping routes and the ships