Anonymous ID: 0ccf8f Dec. 2, 2022, 4:08 a.m. No.17863058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Daily telepathic communication 12-2-2022


GOD: Thank you, Matthew, and hello, my beloved children! Your traditional religious observances, festivities, glorious music, bright decorations, lighted trees, gifts and sharing with the needy of my flock have raised vibrations to grand new heights.


When you hear or sing “Joy to the world” and “peace on Earth, good will to men,” let those words ring in your heart. Let this season’s heartwarming times with family and friends keep your spirits high as you enter a new year.


When I spoke to you at the beginning of this year, I said it would be a game-changer, and indeed it was—the long era of dark control has been broken! Citizens protesting their governments’ policies, upheavals in national economies, Russia’s critical mission in Ukraine, and everything going on out of public view is coming in divine order to free Earth of all darkness.


Even though this is one of the most significant developments in our whole universe, it doesn’t mean things will be blissful in the wink of an eye. There will be confusion and tumultuousness that you can think of positively, like clearing away debris left by a hurricane so things can be put in good order again.


All along you boldly and fearlessly have weathered rough patches, my dears, and now you have the aid of vibrations your light has helped boost to new heights. As I look in on my Earth family from a spot in the continuum, I see a vanguard of triumphant torch bearers leading a crowd of folks whose eyes are sparkling with excitement and happiness.


Gaia and I would dearly love it if everyone would welcome forthcoming revelations in that spirit, but we know that some who are firmly rooted in scientific principles, religious dogma or institutional standards may not. And it is all right, for example, if they can’t believe parts of holy books were written by self-serving individuals so they could control all others.


It’s all right if they can’t believe that what has been taught about science and history is mostly wrong or that “conspiracy theory” is what truthful information is called when it comes to light. And if they can’t believe governments lied about vaccinations protecting your health and are keeping under wraps their contact with my children in other civilizations, that’s all right, too.


If family and friends are among those folks, listen to them with loving attention, but don’t try to change their minds—that’s not your responsibility or your right. All souls in our universe are entitled to learn at a pace that’s comfortable for them, and they have all of eternity to do it.


Some of you don’t know who I really am and what I do, so I’m going to tell you, but first I’ll tell you who I am not. I am not the supreme being of the cosmos, the Source, Totality, the I AM Oneness of All. That is Creator. I am a soul co-created by the archangels to whom Creator gave the gift of free will and its partner, manifestation—this is using Creator’s energy to put one’s own ideas into form or motion. The archangels made gods—I am one—and goddesses, and gave each of us the choice of taking on a tangible form or staying pure energy. I chose the latter.


Creator picked me to be the supreme being of this universe—that is, to design and co-create everything here, then, as supervisor of operations, keep everything going nicely—and selected other gods or goddesses to fill the same role in the other six universes. In our respective domains, each of us has proportionally the power of Creator.


However, It—as a pronoun for Creator, It denotes highest reverence and respect—added this rule: Never may we interfere with the free will choices of any soul in our universes. Regardless of how atrocious to others or dangerous to self those chosen actions may be and how greatly we want to step in, we cannot.


That’s why in our universe Earth became so well known as a splendid schoolhouse with a perpetual karmic merry-go-round. Gaia is very weary of providing that service and she’s elated that it won’t be at all burdensome when she reaches her ascension destination in what you call 5D. Actually, areas in space aren’t numbered—planes of differing energy just flow in consonance with prevailing vibrations.

Anonymous ID: 0ccf8f Dec. 2, 2022, 4:39 a.m. No.17863109   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NASA Released Pics of Massive Alien Towers From Mars and Censored Them Soon After


Recently, a series of photographs taken on Mars showed alien towers. NASA might still be aware that alien towers are present on Mars’ surface, which could indicate that they seek to suppress their existence.


Jose Luis Camacho found these pillars first in 1999. According to him, each one stands at least 3500-5000 ft tall.

Anonymous ID: 0ccf8f Dec. 2, 2022, 4:46 a.m. No.17863123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There are times coming when the angelic collective and the human collective will work as one, for there is angelic DNA that is in the process of being uncoded.