Anonymous ID: 940877 Dec. 2, 2022, 2:19 a.m. No.17862833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2848 >>3130


>I am once again asking for digs into the origins of the Black Sun Group


I do not know about the group, though I do know about the symbolism. It is tied in with the account in the book of Revelations and the historic cycle of the Sun.


"The Sun became black as sacloth". Rev 6:12


This is the 6th seal during the "Apocolypse". It is followed by a great earthquake and the moon turning red as blood.


In astronomical terms this is a recuring event. The Sun goes through cycles of 11 year sunspot cycles, 200 year super flare (think Carrington Event -, 400 year Grand Minimum, 2000 year Hallstatt, 3000 year Mega Flare, 6000 Heinrich, and the 12,000 year micro nova. These events are recorded in the geology of the earth and mythology.


We are in the 12,000 year micro nova cycle. The galactic sheet, a magnetic wave that passes through the galaxy, arrived at the Carrington event setting off the flare that burned telegraph wires. We are aproaching the mid point of the polar reversal in the sheet, the point where we pass from one polar oposite to the other in the magnetic wave. As this happens the star in this field produces a micro nova. The stars have been going micro nova for a while now getting closer to us as the sheet moves past.


An effect of this is the weakening of the earths magnetic field and the repositioning of the north and south poles. This has been occuring and is speeding up drastically. The poles have been calculated to meet off the coast of Africa creating the new south pole with the oposite north pole somewhere in the Pacific.


When we pass the mid point the Sun's magnetic field will deminish to the point where it will no longer be able to expell the dust that acumulates on its surface. Over a period of a few days the Sun will turn red then black. As we enter the oposite magnetic side of the sheet the Sun will regain its vigour and will blast off the debrit as a micro nova.


The effects here will be the unlocking of the plates and a half polar shift causing continental tidal waves (think Noah's Flood), earthquakes and the eruption of all volcanoes. The event is expected to produce a X flare (possible before the actual nova) that will wipe out all electronics. The Nova itself will produce extream UV rays and crustal impacts on Earth.


Why do you think every Gov and billionair is building bunkers and rockets?


It will be biblical