Anonymous ID: 2cf29d Dec. 2, 2022, 10:36 a.m. No.17864301   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Elon is a clone then?


A coming judgement

Raëlians do not believe in reincarnation as dictated by mystical writings because they do not believe that an ethereal soul exists free of physical confinement.[38] Instead the Raëlians think that advanced supercomputers of the Elohim are right now recording the memories and DNA of human beings.[39] When Elohim release this information for the coming resurrection, people would be brought back from the dead and the judgments upon them would be realized based on actions in their past life. People excluded from physical recreation would include those who achieved nothing positive but were not evil.[40] Vorilhon expressed an interest in cloning Hitler for war trials and retroactive punishment.[41] Raël also mentioned cloning as the solution to terrorism by suicide attacks, as the perpetrators would not be able to escape punishment by killing themselves if the Elohim recreated them after their attacks.[42]


There is continuing debate on whether Raëlians can be identified as a cult. The government of France classifies the Raelian Movement as a "secte" (French word for cult). However, according to Glenn McGee, the associate director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Virginia, part of the sect is a cult, while the other part is a commercial website that collects large sums of money from people who are interested in human cloning.[49] The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State,[50] and sociologist Susan J. Palmer,[51] have classified the International Raëlian Movement as a religion.


Raëlians say they encourage adult homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual relationships and that society should recognize them legally.[84] However, government authorities such as those in Switzerland fear that Raëlians are a threat to public morals for supporting liberalized sex education for children. The authorities believe that such liberalized sex education teaches youth how to obtain sexual gratification which would encourage sexual abuse of underage children.[85] The Raëlians disagree with those fears and stated that sex education done properly would involve educating parents as well as children.[86]

Susan J. Palmer writes that in 1991, a French journalist went to a Raëlian Seminar and taped couples having sexual intercourse in tents. These tapes gained widespread publicity—with news stories describing these practices as perverted and a form of brainwashing.[76]

Since 1991, Raël's teachings on sexual intercourse have caused controversy among other religious groups. The next year, Catholic schools in Montreal, Canada objected to a proposed condom vending machine as contrary to their mission. In response, Raëlian guides gave the Catholic students ten thousand condoms. The Commissioner of Catholic schools for Montreal said they could do nothing to stop them. Around this time, Raëlians dubbed the event "Operation Condom".[76][87]ëlian_beliefs_and_practices