Anonymous ID: ab264c Dec. 2, 2022, 2:35 p.m. No.17865548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just put all of Q spook stuff aside for a moment. Rewind.


At the end of the war Germany was in 4 sectors. On Wiki it explains the differing policies by Russia, France, England, and USA on what to do with the german population and the mix of Nazi Party membership. The whole membership role was retrieved intact outside Munich. "We have it all."


The USA brought in fresh recruits to occupy -victorious experienced GIs wanted to simply go home of course-but those who saw friends killed and maimed also took home the heat to kill as many Nazis as possible and trusted the occupying forces to do so. But they did not.


The DC humanitarians intervened saying -in effect- that only high ranking SS and war crims should be prosecuted. Slave factory owners and bankers went scot free after some detention and interrogation period. HQ educated ppl in DoD DC estimated a decade to prosecute 4million Nazis. Apparently IBM had no skills all of a sudden after helping the Gestapo kill millions.


The French effort was typically care factor zero - from HQ. Unbelievable from Gen. DeGaulle, a communist. They are supposed to hate fascists. But I saw Vichy France as pre-fabricated. Suspicious way they let Nazi troops takeover.


In the '30s French, English, Spanish, Italian, American Nazi friends (rich elites) had levers of diplomatic and economic power. Churchill warned and warned and was ignored. Shunned. Cringed. Why? Hell, even the 1936 new King of UK was a Nazi lover and chatted with SS reps and met Hitler. No one he was on the nose with Brit plebs. Elites thought fascism would save the west from godless -freemasonless- communism.


The Brits got busy re-building factories because unemployed Germans are bad news -this was formulated from examining what occurred after ww1; the brit elites did not want communist revolutions in western europe -but even this is curious considering Churchill agreed to gifting Poland/Prussia to communists - and defence of Poland was what began ww2! No wonder Gen. Patton hit the bottle. OSS (cia) recruited all the Nazi mid-east and African spies because they needed a network against Russia -stat! Really? Cover story.


Rockefeller ran interference inDC the whole time for Nazis in Sth America too.


From such a messy end, of course the war had to keep going.


Q: in the post war period the DC Think Tankers like Rockefeller had free reign to survey bombing effectiveness but they were not engineers - no. They were shrinks, political scientists, economists and sociologists. File under 'future war'. Infiltration of socialists and NWO planners continued thru all institutions, famously the Italian revolutionaries infiltrated the church seminaries with 1500 of their sons to wreak havoc decades later.

Anonymous ID: ab264c Dec. 2, 2022, 3:08 p.m. No.17865828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where is the next war and who is it against? We never properly finished ww1, ww2, korea, vietnam, Iraq, Afghan, or the Cold Wars.


And we will never properly finish the current space war. Last month the falcon heavy delivered 2 more uber classified big birds.


Weather changes and weather mods are result. I think the whole global climate change is a spook cover story.


The pentagon has lost trillions to something they cannot disclose. I wonder…


Did Covid play a part in the plan?


I think the original eugenic outfits of Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, and the ZPG CND fringe intellectuals may have been very genuine but they have been infilled for decades by spooks for fishing for extremists and for achieving tactical maneuvers, not to destroy them. Some people are riders, some are horses.


I see the climate extinction propaganda and wonder why there is ineffective or muffled protest - ditto CRT and SJW crap in the college network around the world. Millions of SJW have been jabbed over and over due to behavioural trg - mass formation psychosis. So they are useful and then discarded. Do the elites want faulty educated faulty belief SJW types to grow old and secure elite positions. Nah. This will be minimised by the jabs. Most will go to God over 12-18 yr period ahead.


The move to alt energy is gaining pace (Leftism). The move to onshore manufacturing

will gain pace - especially medicines! (MAGA). Two opposites but one strategy behind it, to strengthen the West against wars.


Imports are in immediate danger due to subs and satellite tracking. No defense for the most part.


Energy infrastructure for domestic market has been decentralised to solar and many many ppl have solar skills to help neighbours in crisis. That means refridgeration for food hygiene and medicines etc keeps going in times when the grid is destroyed by saboteurs for example.


The net is designed to cope, so comms are as reliable as possible.


Electric cars with AI and soft software do not fit the space war scenario - EMP magnets - older non computered vehicles are still with us. One worry is the more electronically elaborate semi-tractors and tractor-harvestors which are a point of weakness in the food chain.


MAGA voters were around 32pc unvaxxed.

SJW NPC voters 7pc.


The future is MAGA with decentralised energy and supply chains onshore. To achieve this massive turn the western ship of state had to heel over hard and casualties are still being counted.


But Chyna must not triumph.