Anonymous ID: 551cd1 Dec. 2, 2022, 1:20 p.m. No.17865035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Set is depicted with an unknown animal ( looks like an original Pokémon to me), but looks like many others.


Set killed his brother, Osiris. Isis brought her husband/ brother Osiris back to life long enough to bust a nut, and give Isis a baby named Horus.


Horus, is dated back to BFE, (pun intended), from 0 dynasty, to the third dynasty. (About 5,000 years ago). Apparently the Scorpion was a “fetish” and didn’t mean much. But politically it means “poison” or death.


Militarily is meant “storm”.



Thoth is a very Interdasting enigma. I’ve actually been digging on these tablets for 5-6 months now, and honestly it’s easier to put into video, with stick figure drawings. (I’m not artist).


In the first tablet, Thoth explains a flood the Atlantean's went thru. I’m on tablet 6. There’s so much info in here!


But anywho: Atlanteans knew about the land of Khem. (Ancient Egyptian for chemistry). And ironically, he’s not a God, but a deity, (There’s a difference!), and is referenced a lot!!


Enoch is attributed to Thoth, and Hermes the Messenger. Some old stuff to me, but still finding new.


Everything is connected right? as Metatron, who are both regarded as,hermetic figure Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes the Thrice Great).