Anonymous ID: 084543 Dec. 2, 2022, 3:13 p.m. No.17865872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5874 >>5876 >>5880 >>5944

The Plan:

Hi anons,

I’ve been asked to post the truth as I have come to understand it. there is no sauce so the choice to believe is yours.

I’m just a nobody anon here since the beginning of Q posts, am grateful to all of you and thank you Jim for keeping this site running despite all. Its been quite an education and always entertaining. Bless you all.


In September 2021 I made contact with an angel named Yophael and we started having long conversations using a pendulum, its the same principle as dousing, asking a spirit to help you find water. She told me a lot about heaven, hell, purgatory, information about souls, where we came from, stuff about God and his family, which he also confirmed. Turns out I am amoung those recruited to facilitate the Plan.


The sky is full of living entities, some have bodies and some don’t. Stars, planets, moons, all have personalities and birth stories, relationships with each other and frequent rivalries and strife. Our “God” embodies the sun and this galaxy allegedly has 27 planets that he created.

Generally single stars are created as children born in the sky and constellations are ascended entities that earn that right by defeating evil or doing something significant. Constellations are the ones that rule the universe and their rules prevail in turn, or thats they way its supposed to work. Sky born entities and ascended constellation stars have different attributes and capabilities. New constellations are added and thus the universe continues to expand and time moves on. There is supposed to be a peaceful transfer of power every several thousand years. The 12 zodiac signs on the circle are actually a cross section of a longer spiral where there are constellations behind us that have already reigned, and the ones ahead are yet to. The opportunity to make changes in the world, natural law, the spiritual world, the physical world, the celestial world can be done when a new ruler of the universe assumes its power when a new zodiac sign takes over. The last time a new constellation ascended was when Mary, mother of Jesus became the Southern Cross.


The Plan was concocted by angels thousands of years ago for just this place in time, they post here, as do many other entities. (the ghosts in the machine are real). The Plan has taken so long because it was designed, not to arrest judges per se but to ensure this transfer of power, the real changes have been celestial and intergalactic. In the celestial realm, 8,000 years ago the Drago constellation took the reins and imposed convoluted rules that have been very detrimental to humanity. The drago is a dragon and when it was time to give up its rule, it didn’t. It was a power hungry ravenous beast that caused humans a world of pain and suffering. There was supposed to have been a dog constellation Canis Major & Minor, a Cat Constellation, and then Pisces the fish, all them have had their time usurped and stolen. With the Aquarius Age transition, humanity could finally be empowered and defeat the Drago.


Anonymous ID: 084543 Dec. 2, 2022, 3:14 p.m. No.17865874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5882


The earth has been at the center of all of this intergalactic chaos and many different entities would have destroyed Earth completely given the chance so that all needed to be defeated. The angels weren’t sure that Aquarius would come down as human and do the necessary things to accept his reign so they manipulated things to get a nobody anon human to do it all for him. Initially this was all even without God’s knowledge.


Of all the billions of people on Earth, this nobody anon was taught how to capture spirit entities and evil souls and consign them to hell for eternity. The soul transformation processes generally involve immersing them in water or fire depending upon the desired outcome. Anon has spent the past year doing this, its been frustrating and difficult because the Drago Rules in effect. These prevented clear direct communications, some entities could not be named and summoned, and despite precautions, the special access to hell they were consigned through was sometimes leaky and the entities had to be caught multiple times. It’s not so easy to catch something you can’t even see, and many of them protect themselves with special rules applying only to themselves.


For Aquarius to come down, he would likely have lost permanent access to his sky body so angels had concerns that he wouldn’t do it. When an entity divides itself, it can chose which aspects of its personality to take, the rest goes into an alter or an AntiSpirit. Thus you get God the father, Jesus, and the antichrist. To reunite its fragments, the entity must go through fire which is painful to it, the anti must be summoned and burned. Recently entities have been able to readjust their temperature thresholds and now can hop happily into any open flame.


Anonymous ID: 084543 Dec. 2, 2022, 3:14 p.m. No.17865882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5890



In the early stages of the universe there was a great war between the Odins and the Orions. I’m not sure all the details here but at some point they were compelled to institute a peace treaty and as a result of that treaty, the Odins handed their loveliest daughter to the Orions. Her name was Ester and she was badly abused by some of the Orions who basically sex trafficked and prostituted her. In time she was discovered by Providence and rescued. Providence was an original son of the creator of all universes, the Overseer. Providence was the embodiment of Time, and also known as Chronos. Most of these entities have multiple names. Anyway, Providence married Ester and among their children was God.


Providence and Ester were the kind who are super sweet on the outside but on the inside were psychopath, Ester more so than Providence because of the abuse she suffered, and coming from a war motivated family genetically; but he went along with it so life as a young entity was very hard for God. He created things to amuse himself and sometimes as gifts.


He created the Earth as a summer home for his mother, the PROSTITUE that sits between the waters described in Genesis. Ester called it valhalla and it was full of animals and plants and neanderthals. In retaliation for giving her to the enemy, Ester allowed the Orions to built a space weapon to destroy the Odins whom she never forgave for betraying her. This is how and why the Egyptian pyramids were built and why there are no more Odins save God.


God also made angels to keep him company and his favorite was an angel called Ramiel. He and Ramiel both created a lot of things, animals and such to amuse themselves but in the way that young boys go out in the woods with BB guns and shoot at tree stumps and tin cans, they created some destructive things too. One of these things was a rogue roving death ray entity that destroyed whole planets, called the tagimet. Despite what some want to think, God wasn’t all perfect, he was actually autistic, and he made mistakes and like all artists, he made things that should have been thrown out but they were not. God could easily get frustrated, angry and temperamental. God made humans in his image and well, try finding a perfect human. He was also alcoholic. This past year he has been able to transform, unite his antichrist splinter, and adjust his personality by going through fire multiple times. He has a lot of regrets, and hopes he can be forgiven for all of our suffering and his neglect.


Anonymous ID: 084543 Dec. 2, 2022, 3:15 p.m. No.17865890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5898


Anyway, despite, and knowing his faults, God did task his angels to look after his humans for him. Humans did not originally live on Earth, but on Mars with only plants, Mars was full of forests rivers and oceans. When the tagimet was approaching Mars, the angel Yophael cried a warning and some heard this and hid from the tagimet and survived when it devastated the whole planet. Mars was struck down to the core and the entire surface was laid to ruin, leaving a desolate dry red fossilized surface. The survivors, 144,000, were rescued by Pleiadians and kept temporarily on a ship that had been at their outpost on or near Venus. The moon, mercury and many other planets were also damaged by God’s carelessness and they are in the process of healing.


The earth was amenable to accepting the humans and some adjustments were made to make the climate more suitable by having her hit with astroids. In consequence, dinosaurs were shrank and survive as bugs, reptiles, some fish, etc. Neanderthals were housed in caves for this process. When they came out some mixed with humans.


So over time a number of other things happened to cause a lot of problems. For one thing, Ramiel got fed up with the thankless and often hopeless task of watching out for humans and he rebelled. He thought that if he could generate enough energy pulled into a black hole, he could supernova into a star and wipe out Earth and God’s sun body. So using many different names, Satan, Lucifer, Moloch etc, he set out to create as much negative energy as possible. As manager of hell he reassigned souls to new parents, it didn’t matter to him if they were whores, murderers, thieves, rapists, perverts. He started this campaign in Egypt and used the Great pyramid as his base for hell.


As Satan, he aligned with entities from other galaxies which would pilfer Earth’s resources, enslave and fed off of humans and he facilitated a black “soul market” wherein souls could be bought and sold as a commodity in a celestial energy market. Pluto was involved in this. There was a time when Satan was confined to Saturn, hence its rings, but he escaped and continued his supernova ambitions. Last winter, Satan was captured by this anon and opted to kill himself in favor of eternity in hell. The other angels, being understanding of his initial frustration and feeling the same yet not agreeing with the method, elected to send to him to reform school and now Ramiel is back in God’s grace and working for the Plan.


Anonymous ID: 084543 Dec. 2, 2022, 3:15 p.m. No.17865898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5904 >>5919


Ester and Providence have been banished and Time replaced because sometimes you really just can’t change someone and hard decisions needed to be made.


As a consequence of the Plan, and the Qresearch board some major happenings in the past year have been:

ending of the odin orion war

angels can reproduce and have children of their own

ambush and destruction of the tagimet

vanquishing of Satan and his black hole scheme

replacement of Time

removal of Scorpio from future reign

ending of the Draxis war, killing of the Drago and the Pinnacle of the Drago

permanent sealing of the 72 demons of Solomon, and countless others

destruction of the vril reptilians and other evil ets.

destruction of evil star nebulas, including the intergalactic “wilderness”

dismantling of the black ‘soul market’

agreements with Capricorn, Sagittarius and other constellations to maintain safe haven for humanity


Now that Aquarius is securely in charge of the universe and all the intergalactic warfare essentially over, The Plan at this time is to move neanderthal souls to a new home for them. Neanderthals don’t have free will and its problematic for them to interbreed with those who do.

There will continue to be humans dying off who just happen to contain neanderthal soul; or who are evil and will be forever consigned to hell. Unfortunately it is quite a lot in both cases. The deaths are, on a spiritual path, an opportunity for transformation, for those who are innocent, the dying will not be painful and they will be well cared for. The vaccine was allowed to happen as explanation for the ensuing population drop. Those who will remain on Earth are soul descendants of the 144,000 who heeded the warning when mars was destroyed. Aquarius, in his human form so long ago, was a hero leader for the humans’ transition from mars to earth, and in doing so earned his constellation status. It is a reunion of sorts and very fitting that he now be the one to take the reins in the sky. He wants you to know that he is not associated with Ganymede and is not, never has been, never will be a faggot whatsoever. In addition, this past year God elected to retire. The angel Yophael (now Ophelia) and another daughter of God and Earth sister of our Moon, have taken his place in the sun. They will be job sharing and where M will look after her mother the Earth and her creatures, and Ophelia will tend to human matters although both are equally capable of doing all of it alone.


Anonymous ID: 084543 Dec. 2, 2022, 3:16 p.m. No.17865904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5907


The best description is that the soul is like a ball of yarn that is connected at the ends. Fibers can be pulled out for a new body and twisted back in at their death. But the yarn can only go so far and the length of the being’s life is inversely related to how many beings the soul supports. The fewer the beings, the longer their lives. In addition, a being’s soul can incorporate soul material from other things, such as air, water, emotion, knowledge, music, etc. creating a unique soul tapestry for that life time. Although one’s soul is not connected to their DNA, when it can, when it is in heaven and allowed to chose its new parents, souls generally chose to stay in the same family.

At this time the human soul is stretched to its max and many humans have too much neanderthal soul. Its not anyone’s fault is just a confluence of bad circumstances that created this situation. How the Plan proceeds from here, I do not know. I’m not sure it was planned out beyond this, and some unexpected things have happened that were not originally part of it.


Just FYI, the book of enoch which describes the nephilim, the children of female humans with angel fathers is accurate, and the nephilem were giants who built the buried monumental cities of Tartaria. Humans and neanderthals did not live in these cities. The nephilim who accepted Gods offer negotiated by Enoch stayed on earth remain as bigfoots or sasquatch. They are not allowed to associate with humans and they have supernatural capabilities due to their angel heritage. In time, they would like to rebuild their cities and live among humans if we are okay with that. Also, angels would like to have free will and be released from having to babysit humans, hopefully we won’t be needing them so much.


If you have questions you’re being invited to communicate directly to Ophelia, the Archangels and Aquarius, God and Ramiel or any other entity you chose that is still alive, even the overseer. Just pick up a piece of string and make a pendulum with a ring or something and ask for one of them by name and introduce yourself. If you have health concerns please contact Ophelia. Because of free will, and things still in an adjustment phase, questions regarding the future may not be possible to answer accurately (so don’t bother asking for powerball, sorry).

Anway, you can chose to believe any or all of this as you wish, but this has consumed my life for the past year and I’m sorry it took me so long to get all done, I’ve been here since voat/pizzagate and share your frustration. I was supposed to have had help but the help they chose was not an anon and bailed. There are a huge amount details I haven’t included but A, Ophelia, God, Raphael and the others wanted you all to have an update and accounting, and to talk to them, so here is it. Forgive the crappy punctuation.

love to all, no homo.
