Did a duckduck search of nostradamus and found this (pic related). I think it's an exact match of the end of Hussein's video.
So, if the next vid following Husseins' was Nostradamus, was it Nostradamus predicting the anti-christ?
Is Q telling us that Barry is the anti-christ?
Qanon.pub Patriot,
THANK YOU! I use your valuable site many times each day and also refer Normies to it. Please see below, which I originally wrote for the people supporting this site, but it also applies to you!
This is WAY past due (by me).
Been here since the first week of November and average 7-10 hours/day.
WifeAnon and I wish to send a sincere, heartfelt thank you to the Board Owner, Code Monkey(s?), Board Volunteers and the myriad of Blessed Bakers; all of you who have so unselfishly given of your time and talents, put up with shills and bullshit and have done so for free and anonymously.
We get it and we love you more than you'll ever know.
WifeAnon and I both hope that once we all get to the "other side" that we all will be able to post with real names and form new–and lasting–friendships.
Lastly, we both wish to give a million thanks to Team Q, POTUS, their staff, our military and ALL the families that also sacrifice to support these heroes.
May God deeply bless all of you and your friends and families.
Beer at the parade, muh bitches!