Anonymous ID: c82f53 June 17, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.1787118   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Exactly, anon. I won't pretend to know Q's actual intent with the Hussein vid clip, but I totally know one thing for sure:


Q didn't screw up by catching some out of context speech snippet on YT and rush to post it to the board. You are 100% stupid or shill if you think so. Q wouldn't build up 8 months worth of cred only to blow it on 101-level 'tardedness.

Anonymous ID: c82f53 June 17, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.1787517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bilderberg (or other similar elite events) is notorious for secrecy of their events/speeches. In 2014 they would certainly have the tech to spot/prevent small electronic recording devices from filming what we're seeing.


Is it possible that the whole 2014 "speech" was a staged trap to get people to say "look at what Obama" said only to be followed up by a release showing it was taken out of context? Yet another "look at how desperate these conspiracy theorists are - ignore them once and for all!" honeytraps they've become so well known for?


It does appear that the "flood" Q mentioned before may be upon us. I could see a scenario where Q makes what appears to be a LARP-revealing HUGE mistake in order to rope in all the people we KNOW have been dreaming of a day like today to pounce.


Then, BOOM, Q pulls the reverse-Honeypot on THEM and drops the REAL vid of what Hussein REALLY said at that event or a similar one like it.


Admittedly, this thoery may just be wishful thinking, but nothing shocks me anymore after being on this roller coaster.