Anonymous ID: 42f45f Dec. 2, 2022, 11:42 p.m. No.17869072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9140 >>9198


Macron and Musk negotiate future green industrial projects and Twitter


Emmanuel Macron


Officiel du gouvernement - France

Conformément à notre ambition de décarboner et réindustrialiser la France et l'Europe, j’ai échangé aujourd’hui avec @elonmusk sur les futurs projets industriels verts, notamment sur la fabrication de véhicules électriques et de batteries.

Translated from French by

In accordance with our ambition to decarbonize and reindustrialize France and Europe, I discussed today with @elonmusk on future green industrial projects, in particular on the manufacture of electric vehicles and batteries.


Emmanuel Macron


Officiel du gouvernement - France

J'en parle ici, sur Twitter, car c'est de cela qu'il s'agit. Cet après-midi, j'ai rencontré @elonmusk et nous avons eu une discussion claire et sincère :

Translated from French by

I talk about it here, on Twitter, because that's what it's all about. This afternoon, I met @elonmusk and we had a clear and sincere discussion:


Emmanuel Macron


Officiel du gouvernement - France

Conditions d'utilisation transparentes, renforcement significatif de la modération des contenus et protection de la liberté d'expression : Twitter doit faire l'effort de se conformer à la réglementation européenne.

Translated from French by

Transparent terms of use, significant reinforcement of content moderation and protection of freedom of expression: Twitter must make the effort to comply with European regulations.

4:09 PM · Dec 2, 2022


Emmanuel Macron


Officiel du gouvernement - France

Elon Musk a confirmé la participation de Twitter à l'Appel de Christchurch. Il n'y a de place nulle part pour les contenus terroristes et extrémistes violents.

Translated from French by

Elon Musk has confirmed Twitter's participation in the Christchurch Call. There is no place for terrorist and violent extremist content anywhere.

4:09 PM · Dec 2, 2022


Emmanuel Macron


Officiel du gouvernement - France

Nous allons travailler avec Twitter pour améliorer la protection des enfants en ligne. Elon Musk me l'a confirmé aujourd'hui. Protégeons mieux nos enfants en ligne !

Translated from French by

We will work with Twitter to improve the protection of children online. Elon Musk confirmed it to me today. Let's better protect our children online!


Quote Tweet

Elon Musk


Nov 10

Replying to @EmmanuelMacron


4:09 PM · Dec 2, 2022




Anonymous ID: 42f45f Dec. 2, 2022, 11:56 p.m. No.17869140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9142 >>9198

>>17868960, >>17869072



Officiel du gouvernement - France

Elon Musk a confirmé la participation de Twitter à l'Appel de Christchurch. Il n'y a de place nulle part pour les contenus terroristes et extrémistes violents.

Translated from French by

Elon Musk has confirmed Twitter's participation in the Christchurch Call. There is no place for terrorist and violent extremist content anywhere.

4:09 PM · Dec 2, 2022


Christchurch Call: Eliminating terrorist and violent extremist content online


The Christchurch Call is a community of over 120 governments, online service providers, and civil society organisations acting together to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.


Leaders’ Summit – 20 September 2022


Our Work

The Christchurch Call Community has identified four priority areas for action.


Building the Call Community

We seek to deepen engagement among the Call Community, increase the diversity of representation, and strengthen our infrastructure.


Algorithms and Positive Interventions

We are focused on improving our understanding of user journeys and the role of algorithms in driving online radicalisation and developing positive interventions to keep users safe.


Algorithms and Positive Interventions

We are focused on improving our understanding of user journeys and the role of algorithms in driving online radicalisation and developing positive interventions to keep users safe.



We are focused on building greater transparency from Government and Online Service Provider supporters, including by encouraging supporters to report on content flagging and removal.

Anonymous ID: 42f45f Dec. 3, 2022, 12:13 a.m. No.17869198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17868960, >>17869072, >>17869140


Christchurch Call founders, government supporters and online service providers




New Zealand


54 Government supporters


Christchurch Call online service providers

Amazon, Meta, Google, YouTube, Zoom, Dailymotion, Microsoft, Qwant, JV, LINE, Twitter, Roblox, Mega, Clubhouse


Other organisations

Council of Europe, UNESCO