Anonymous ID: df6143 Dec. 2, 2022, 10:46 p.m. No.17868871   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8880 >>9028 >>9272

>>17868713 lb

Weed seconded, first resort, intrusive things after all else fails, either/or hope it works anon. Look into Charlotte's Web, a strain specifically created and used for debilitating seizures, highly effective, seems it was a high THC strain but forgot the details. Seems like it was Medicine Man /the Staley bros but it's been a minute (5 years?)


>>17868719 lb

solid suggestion, it's been proven to work.

Anonymous ID: df6143 Dec. 2, 2022, 10:54 p.m. No.17868898   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Meanwhile the US/UK handed over the Indian Ocean


EXCLUSIVE: The UK/US diplomatic deal that gives China strategic foothold in Indian Ocean - yet NO ONE is talking about it. Agreement to hand archipelago over to Beijing-friendly Mauritius will land China in backyard of top US military base Diego Garcia

The U.K. is negotiating with Mauritius about handing over the Chagos Islands

The archipelago includes Diego Garcia, location of a key U.S. naval facility

It has been involved in everything from Iranian hostage rescue efforts to air operations against targets in Iraq and Afghanistan

The U.K. says it will ensure U.S. operations at the base can continue

But U.K. and U.S. lawmakers say any change in sovereignty risks letting in China

They ask: What is to stop a Chinese base being build on another island close by?

China has deepened ties with Mauritius after signing a free trade agreement

Republican Rep. Michael Waltz said he wanted to see a congressional review


December 2, 2022


The Chagos Islands may be little more than specks in the middle of the Indian Ocean, but they are at the center of a looming diplomatic row over a key American military base and the rise of Chinese power.

Lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic have raised fears that the British government's decision to begin negotiations to hand over the islands to Mauritius could allow China the chance to build its own military facility on the archipelago — right under the nose of American forces at Diego Garcia.

The issue is one of the most important strategic locations in the Indian Ocean, from where U.S. B1 and B52 bombers can reach maritime chokepoints, vital sea lanes and even potential Chinese bases everywhere from Djibouti to Pakistan.

The British government says any deal will protect the U.S. operation at Diego Garcia.

But British MP Daniel Kawczynski is warning his American counterparts that handing sovereignty to Mauritius - with its deepening economic ties to Beijing - offers no guarantee that China won't soon have its own base on the island chain.

'If you look at the amount of investment the Chinese have in Mauritius, I would argue that for all intents and purposes they control Mauritius,' he told

'They have a policy of hoovering up all of these islands in the South China Sea… the idea the Chinese are not going to take advantage of us giving up these islands is wrong.'

He said he was writing to American colleagues to sound the alarm, and has called a debate at parliament's Westminster Hall next week.

Rep. Mike Waltz, ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness, demanded an immediate review.

'Since the Biden Administration gave away Bagram - a strategic airbase only a few hundred miles from the Chinese border and our only base situated between Iran, Russia, and China - the base in Diego Garcia is absolutely critical,' he said.

'These reports are very concerning and something the readiness subcommittee should look into.'



Anonymous ID: df6143 Dec. 2, 2022, 11:04 p.m. No.17868939   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8949


>Isn't that the high CBD one?


YES! and it's the Stanley brothers, not Staley, hummed a few bars, off key per usual..


About Charlotte's Web

Charlotte’s Web is a medical strain high in CBD, a cannabis compound (or cannabinoid) that has a range of medical applications. Colorado growers the Stanley Brothers created this strain specifically for Charlotte Figi a young epilepsy patient and medical cannabis user by crossing an unspecified strain with industrial hemp. The effectiveness of Charlotte’s Web in treating Figi’s seizures was publicized in a CNN special and garnered enough attention to attract droves of families to Colorado in search of similar relief.


Charlotte’s Web has spurred a wave of innovation in CBD breeding, giving us strains like Cannatonic. With limited psychoactivity, Charlotte’s Web contains little to no THC. Its CBD content, however, runs from 15 to 20% — that’s 300 times higher than the CBD of the average recreational strain.

Unlike its cousin cannabinoid THC, CBD doesn’t act directly on the body’s endocannabinoid receptors. Instead, it is thought to work indirectly by increasing the availability of the body’s own endocannabinoid compounds to stimulate those receptors. Essentially, CBD may act as a booster to help out many of the body’s naturally functioning processes. Although Charlotte’s Web is available as a concentrated oil for easy medical ingestion, buds of the strain are also available for adults who prefer more traditional consumption. Flowers of this hemp-descended strain have a sativa appearance, with long, tapered buds and olive green leaves. Those accustomed to more psychoactive strains will notice that Charlotte’s Web has relatively few pistils and, due to the near-absence of THC-laden trichomes, very little stickiness. Its scent is more familiar: dank and piney with some light floral notes. When burnt, this strain gives off a smooth smoke. On the exhale, it may taste slightly skunky with an underlying grassy, vegetal taste that speaks to its hemp content.

As noted, Charlotte’s Web is bred specifically for a high CBD to THC ratio. Because of this ratio, Charlotte's Web can be useful for casual edible bakers who want to avoid an intense high. That said, depending on the particular phenotype of Charlotte’s Web consumed, users may get some buzzy effects ranging from a heightened sense of well-being to some sensory enhancement. Generally speaking, however, medical-grade Charlotte’s Web comes with negligible psychoactivity



Anonymous ID: df6143 Dec. 2, 2022, 11:51 p.m. No.17869121   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Charlotte's Web was a literal miracle strain for a child, it was a tough watch to see that poor kid suffer with extreme seizures minutes apart all the time.


It's a tincture as I recall, it isn't smoked and won't give SpouseAnon a buzz (sad but true)

The MEDICINE was created for a minor child and administered via one of these things, picrel


>Have you read about a dentist in CA who connected some seizures to certain jaw conditions?

Have not and can't find it but lots on epilepsy and TMJ, too many in fact when searching.


Hope you get good care for spouseanon, if implant is the way fine but anon would sure look into easier/gentler treatment if it's out there, no one size fits all and spouse has to do what is right for spouse, whatever that might be. Anon is no Doctor but a studious Doctor avoider. Nothing about Medical treatment doesn't suck.

Anonymous ID: df6143 Dec. 3, 2022, 12:55 a.m. No.17869315   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Thinking about microdosing mushrooms, golden teacher specifically.


Wish you well anon and hope shrooms help, heard some good things. The crap they do to our best and brightest, disgusting. I pray for healing for you anon.

Still a fan of the old devil weed, it's been good for what ails me.

Anonymous ID: df6143 Dec. 3, 2022, 1:20 a.m. No.17869354   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9361

Texas girl, 7, is found dead two days after she was abducted 'by FedEx driver dropping package off at her home, who murdered her within an hour of kidnapping her'


December 3, 2022


The body of 7-year-old Athena Strand has been found, Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin said at a press conference on Friday night, with a suspect in custody

Tanner Lynn Horner, 31, confessed to police to abducting and killing Athena on Wednesday afternoon

Horner was working as a contract FedEx truck driver and had been delivering a package to Athena's family home at the time the abduction allegedly occurred

Sheriff revealed girl's body was found 10 miles from where she was kidnapped

The body of a seven-year-old girl has been found in Texas two days after she was allegedly abducted by a FedEx driver who was dropping off a package at her home.


Athena Strand was found dead on Friday night, police in Wise County, northwest of Dallas, confirmed.

Investigators revealed she likely died 'within an hour' of being kidnapped from where she lived in Paradise.

The suspect, 31-year-old Tanner Horner, of Lake Worth, confessed to Athena's kidnap and killing, it is alleged.

Police revealed how digital evidence together with interviews suggest the little girl did not live more than an hour after being snatched.

