Anonymous ID: 365b91 Dec. 3, 2022, 3:16 a.m. No.17869493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9528

I think God showed me something amazing this morning. For anyone interested I will use Bible verses that can be looked up.


I have been rereading from time to time, Numbers 21:5-9. The strange (to my human mind) story of the "serpent on the pole". Basically God's people were being bitten by "fiery serpents" (vaccines in modern times, I believe) and dying. This was a consequence for speaking against God's leadership and expressing doubt that God was taking His people anyplace good. (my interpretation)


Yesterday I was listening to some Christians talk about unity among God's people. One of the speakers talked about the many deaths that have occurred recently (consequence of "serpent bites"). The person was saying that if we want to see this end we need to stop the divisiveness among God's people. I have been learning to deal with this myself. If I have a question about something another Christian has said or their ministry I am trying to take it to God privately in prayer rather than gossip, criticize, backbite.


I have been puzzled by the coercion to receive "serpent bites" and their deadly consequences. The "serpent on the pole" incident from the Old Testament points directly to Jesus (see John 3:14) who was lifted up and "became sin for us". When we look to Jesus we are healed.


Bottom line: I think the "serpent bites" are a consequence of our criticism, backbiting, and gossiping against God's leadership for us. However, when we repent and look to Jesus we are healed. Isaiah 53 is a good reference.


The "serpent bites" are the final straw in my disillusionment with the "Ba Al" (barium, aluminum?) medical system. However, they have pushed me back to total dependence on God through Jesus which is very, very good.


God bless anons in the service of God and His Son.

Anonymous ID: 365b91 Dec. 3, 2022, 3:18 a.m. No.17869496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9507





Children of Christians forcibly taken from parents and vaccinated for measles. However, measles can be treated with vitamins and immunity is lifelong and highly beneficial.

Anonymous ID: 365b91 Dec. 3, 2022, 3:35 a.m. No.17869524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I want to go rather deep for a minute. I just posted this: (picture related)


For those who read the Bible, check out what it says in Revelation about the Church in Philadelphia (picture related) Notice in my screen capture the reference to Isaiah 22:22. Now look at the first picture 2/22.


Dr. Paul Offit (Off-it?) is one I think is likely a member of the "synagogue of satan". I must be careful here, because I don't know him but have paid attention to his actions and statements for years. However, it is important to note that some people portray themselves as "jews" but ARE NOT. This is how very, very evil people can hide amongst a group we often recognize as chosen by God to bring salvation to the people of earth.


Even deeper. What is autoimmunity? The body is incorrectly trained to attack it's own tissues, which could be related to parasites hiding out in the cells and tissues. This is happening macroscopically in society, too. FOR THE SAME REASONS.


The article I linked at the beginning of this post appeared about 7 years ago. I think that, too is significant as this cycle is also Biblical. I think the term is shmita.