Anonymous ID: 426f2b Dec. 3, 2022, 6:22 p.m. No.17873198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3233


>retarded faggots: hey i think i should get the vax

>anons: you should definitely not get an experimental vax that just came out and is being heavily pushed by the entire establishment as well as known eugenicists who want to depopulate the fucking planet and here's the list of reasons why……..

>retarded faggots: yea but my job, my shekels, my irl peers are just soooo like totally important for my validation as a person so i think i should get the vax because i might lose all that and be an outcast

>anons: you mean outcast like most of us have been our entire lives? kek

>pdjt: you have the choice to not get it or get it (presidential-tier normalfag speak to prevent further lambasting from stupid ass enemy media)

>retarded faggots: im gonna get the vaxx

>anons: you're fucking stupid if you do

>retarded faggots:oh no side effects, some people died, my mother's brother's niece's uncle who has a friend that knows a dude who got it and died

>anons: fucking retard

Anonymous ID: 426f2b Dec. 3, 2022, 6:36 p.m. No.17873294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3362


>green bs

go back

go all the way back to plebbit voat facefuck or wherever else you're from

don't ever tell me not to memespeak again

next, it's not our problem they didn't listen

this place was in fact the news and every major player in the game was here especially during that time

they saw the facts laid out, they saw the nefarious players behind it, people did tell wider audiences outside of here and they refused to listen

normalfaggots who didn't listen are slaves who suck the titty of authoritative figureheads, media personalities, and hollywood entertainers like the gullible fools they are

they chose to ignore the message anons put out and instead listened to those authoritative figures

people reap what they sow

anons did their job

Anonymous ID: 426f2b Dec. 3, 2022, 6:50 p.m. No.17873383   🗄️.is 🔗kun



eat shit you fucking faggot

i'll be damned we worked our asses off to inform you mother fuckers only to be ridiculed by every single outlet and called every tinfoil name there is while you were too stupid or lazy, maybe both, to spread the message only to apply blame where it doesn't belong after the fact

fuck yourself