Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 4:35 a.m. No.17874784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disabled Canadian Army veteran Paralympian blasts government for offering to EUTHANIZE her when she complained about how long it was taking to install stairlift at her home


Christine Gauthier testified in Canadian Parliament on Thursday

Gauthier, a paraplegic veteran, sought help getting a wheelchair lift at home

A Veterans Affairs staffer instead offered medically assisted suicide, she said

Government probe found at least four other veterans were also offered suicide

Trudeau called called the trend 'absolutely unacceptable' and vowed to end it

Euthanasia has been legal for terminally ill patients in Canada since 2016

But last year law expanded to include people with long-term disabilities

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 4:51 a.m. No.17874802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4808 >>4858 >>4997 >>5266

Alien-believing group ends support for Zionism

Raelian Movement, which believes extraterrestrials created humans, urges Jews to leave Israel after leader receives ‘prophecy’

18 August 2015


The International Raelian Movement, which believes life on Earth was created by extraterrestrial beings, officially ended its support for Zionism on Tuesday, after its leader claimed to have received a divine prophecy condemning Israel.

A statement from the Raelians said that their leader, Rael (Claude Vorilhon), was told in an August 6 prophesy from Yahweh, the head of the extraterrestrial beings called the Elohim, that “protection” for Israel had been withdrawn due to Israeli policies on the Palestinians. Both Yahweh and Elohim are Hebrew words for God.

According to Rael, Yahweh said in a message for Israel: “You have betrayed all the exemplary values of Judaism by stealing land and houses that don’t belong to you, and especially by not respecting my most important commandment: ‘Thou shall not kill.’ And you have accumulated nuclear weapons that could kill millions of people in one go and spark off a world war capable of destroying all of our creation.”

Therefore, Rael was told, “the protection previously granted by to Israel is totally withdrawn as of today, and we ask that all real Jews leave the land of Palestine as quickly as possible.”

The message also reportedly said that Jews who do not leave Israel would face dire consequences.

“Jew, leave Israel as soon as possible without turning back if you don’t wish to be turned into a pillar of salt, as happened at Sodom and Gomorrah.”

The International Raelian Movement, which was founded in 1974, is known for a campaign to rebrand the swastika, which it sees as a symbol of peace abused by the Nazis. Raelians are known to display the swastika publicly, including by flying banners with the symbol above crowded areas.

For the past three years, they have been holding annual “World Swastika Rehabilitation Day” events in cities around the world, including Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Vancouver, Melbourne and Tel Aviv, among others.


Raelians fly the swastika above New York in an attampt to rehabilitate the symbol, which they see as having been corrupted by the Nazis (photo credit: via Corey Kilgannon’s Twitter)

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 4:56 a.m. No.17874818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4819


In a city as pizza-crazed as New York, pizza wars erupt with some regularity, from dollar slice joints battling for customers in Manhattan to a Mafia-tinted dispute over a stolen sauce recipe between a pizza shop in Brooklyn and another on Staten Island.

But perhaps nothing compares to a kosher pizza war, pitting 21st-century foodie-ism against the decidedly 19th-century world of an insular Hasidic neighborhood.

Two pizza restaurant owners, both Orthodox Jews, have become entangled in an only-in-Brooklyn lawsuit, not in an august courthouse, but in an obscure hall of justice known as the Rabbinical Court of Borough Park, which hears cases in a simple room above a synagogue on a residential block.

At the center of the battle are not prices or sauce recipes, but cryptic interpretations of holy law set down in ancient Aramaic thousands of years ago. Both sides have invoked rules dictated by the Torah and the Talmud, as well as a cookbook’s worth of interpretations of kosher rules and certification standards.

Armed with their arguments, the two pizza sellers appeared last month in rabbinical court, known as a beth din. There, things proceeded like a Hasidic People’s Court, with the judges — three rabbis — dressed in traditional all-black garb, facing the litigants.

At one table, the plaintiff: Daniel Branover, an owner of Basil Pizza & Wine Bar, a popular upscale kosher restaurant in Crown Heights that opened in 2010 and offers specialty pies as a menu staple.

At another table, the defendant: Shemi Harel, who this month opened Calabria, a pizza shop directly across the street from Basil.

With its graffiti-style décor and casual, pay-at-the-counter dining, Calabria is very different from sleek, modern Basil, where weekend diners often wait two hours for a table.

But it was Calabria’s menu that set off alarms for Mr. Branover, whose customers pay as much as $24 for individual pies.

Mr. Branover took one look and saw a threat to his thin-crust, sauce-laden business plan: Calabria was offering a similar product at a lower price, mere steps away.

“I just couldn’t look the other way,” Mr. Branover said. “He didn’t want his customers. He wanted my customers.”

While some may see this as mere capitalism, Mr. Branover considered it a violation of Talmudic law on unfair competition by a new nearby business — in Hebrew, hasagat gevul.

So he sued in rabbinical court, claiming a case of “one business hurting the livelihood of another business.”

Mr. Branover said he had helped transform dining in the neighborhood by opening Basil, where Hasidim, local Caribbean immigrants and newly arrived professionals could mix over good kosher food. Now here was this upstart interloper encroaching on his business.

“They did everything that was against Jewish code, and that’s the reason I went after them,” said Mr. Branover, whose partner at Basil, Clara Perez, said that Calabria’s owners had stealthily debriefed employees about Basil’s most popular pizzas and how to make them. She also accused Calabria’s owners of poaching customers while they waited outside for Basil’s tables to clear.

Mr. Harel dismissed the accusations as nonsense, saying that his restaurant’s look, menu and pizza were clearly quite different from Basil’s.

The case provides a window into a merchants’ dispute rarely heard in rabbinical courts, vestiges of a religious legal system established in ancient times and prevalent today in Orthodox communities as an alternative to the civil court system.

Beth dins are better known for mediating and adjudicating religious bills of divorce, kosher certifications and conversions to Judaism. But on occasion, they also rule on more enigmatic points of Jewish law, such as claims of ruinous competition.

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 4:57 a.m. No.17874819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In 2006, a State Supreme Court ruling upheld a rabbinical court decision blocking one Hasidic-owned bus company from copying another’s route schedule from New York to Washington. And in 1993, a group of kosher restaurants in Teaneck, N.J., asked a rabbinical court to stop a nearby restaurant from expanding and stealing its customers.

The pizza ruling was issued in mere days, in Hebrew, with certain citations of the Torah and the Talmud in ancient Aramaic.

The rabbis sided largely with Mr. Branover, finding that Calabria was so close both geographically and in food style that it jeopardized Basil’s livelihood. Calabria was told to switch to offering “regular pizza,” which the court defined as “New York-style pizza,” though it did not provide any further guidance.

Since the ruling, however, the case has fallen into a murky divide between ancient Talmudic law and the conventions of a classic New York slice.

To Mr. Branover, the ruling means Calabria must stick to basic pizza parlor rules: round pies, sliced into wedges.

Mr. Harel called the ruling unfair and mystifying. He said it would hinder his pursuit of the top kosher certification, critical to attracting customers.

To follow the court’s New York-style pizza edict, Mr. Harel said, he searched online for the best dough recipe that fit the bill. He quickly revised Calabria’s website to call its pizza “New York-style.”

But he continued to sell rectangular slices.

Mr. Branover accused Calabria of making nominal changes in a cynical attempt to flout the ruling. He is prepared, he said, to file a civil suit, using the rabbis’ ruling as leverage.

Mr. Harel said Calabria was a family business that cost “in the high six figures” to open and had required a sizable loan. Mr. Branover said that of his annual gross sales of roughly $3 million, pizza sales accounted for roughly $50,000 a month, but that pizza was his biggest attraction for customers.

In an interview, the rabbis who heard the pizza case said they had considered Calabria’s location, as well as Mr. Branover’s substantial investment in his restaurant and the reputation it had won.

While Jewish law does not oppose competition as a rule, “there were exceptional circumstances unique to this case, including the similarities in appearance and concept” in pizza offerings, said Rabbi Reuven Alt, the senior member of the Borough Park panel.

Like many rabbinical courts, the Borough Park panel is set up like a simple civil courtroom, akin to a traffic court in that it has no gallery, bailiffs or court reporter.

Cases have plaintiffs and defendants, and proceed in Hebrew, with witnesses, evidence presentations, questions from the rabbis and cross-examinations.

In the pizza case, the rabbis took the unusual step of visiting the restaurants, using an Uber car to drive them there.

“These are not people who hang around restaurants, but they got into the nuances of the different ovens and atmosphere,” Mr. Branover said. “They really did their homework.”

Mr. Harel said that Jewish law regarding competition applied only to merchants in the same profession. This case is different, he said, because Mr. Branover owns a profitable energy management company, Satec.

“It’s not his business; it’s his hobby,” said Mr. Harel, 28. He called Mr. Branover a wealthy man “who got his ego hurt, and I’m a young man doing the only thing I know how to do.”

Mr. Branover said, “It doesn’t matter how much money I have; the law applies to the business, not the businessman.”

Calabria, Mr. Harel said, has become a hit with customers because of things no one could contest in any court.

“The place is clean, and service is superb, and the ingredients are the freshest,” he said. “Nobody has a patent on that.”

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 5:35 a.m. No.17874912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4920

Patriot Front has just arrived outside the cancelled drag storytime event in Columbus, Ohio


clowns wear masks

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 5:38 a.m. No.17874920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4933

send in the clowns


Just a week after a shooting at a Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub that left five people dead, nazis, Proud Boys and heavily armed men are “protesting” outside an Ohio church that dared host to host a drag story time. (They canceled bc of the obvious threat.)

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 5:48 a.m. No.17874946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954

Kanye says he told Trump he was not loyal enough to the insurrectionists. Just days later, Trump sends a message of support to a group attempting to paint them as political prisoners.

“It sure seems like he took the advice of the antisemites,” says @chrislhayes.

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 6:20 a.m. No.17875079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My latest: there is a killer, or maybe more than one, stalking gay bars in NYC. At least 2 men were drugged, robbed using their phone’s facial recognition tech, and killed.

More survived similar attacks, most recently on Nov 12. I spoke to 6 survivors.


Druggings, Deaths and Robberies Put New York’s Gay Community on Edge

At first, the men’s deaths were treated as overdoses, until tens of thousands of dollars were found drained from their bank accounts.

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 7:19 a.m. No.17875296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5303



Schoolteacher suspected of sexually assaulting multiple students

Court permits publication of name of suspect, Yaakov Tanami, as police say there may be additional victims beyond the five who have already filed complaints

Police said Sunday that Yaakov Tanami, a gym teacher from the West Bank settlement of Karnei Shomron, was suspected of sexually assaulting some of his students, children no older than 14.

So far police have received five complaints about Tanami.

At a remand hearing, the Petah Tikva Magistrate’s Court permitted the publication of Tanami’s name because police suspect there may be more victims of his alleged assaults. The court heard Tanami is suspected of multiple incidents of indecent assault, invasion of privacy, and an obscene act in public.

Tanami was arrested last week. His remand was extended by another day.

Investigators believe he assaulted students at the school where he taught in the settlement of Kedumim.

Anonymous ID: 79276a Dec. 4, 2022, 7:19 a.m. No.17875303   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Israel Police is conducting an investigation into suspected sexual offenses committed by minors by their teacher. According to the suspicion, Ya'akov Tanami of Karni Shomron, who worked in Talmud Torah in Kedumim, committed a series of indecent acts on minors under the age of 14, invasion of privacy and an indecent act in public. Do you know any victims? Report to the police.