In the QR Elon Q&A he said this will split families. Jesus said that the end would split families. Remember, the targets we are engaging are not of a religious faith and are propagandists of the highest order (think OSS). Centuries of humanity has tried and failed to properly identify the enemy. Where others have failed anons will succeed, using facts and evidence.
Most of these elite demons are hooked on drugs, not pot and alcohol, meth, coke and heroin, just like the NAZI Party and it's handlers. Anons aren't dealing with rational sane people. Anons are dealing with homicidal maniacs.
The history of WWI and WWII was re-written. That's why we have massive turbulence about Jewish people who have nothing to do with anything.
The word is getting out. The op is 'look here at the Jews, not there at the secret societies stealing you blind'.