Anons, please…stop doing that 'pearl clutching' SJW rants and read this!
>Needs one more to be 13 if HRC is already named and thus removed from list.
lmao "That ass hat Kristol is first on the list."
FBI agent (Strzok) removed from Russia probe for anti-Trump texts says he’s willing to testify before Congress
White House Fires Back After MSNBC’s Scarborough Compares Immigration Policy to Nazis “It’s not the law,” Scarborough said. “This is Donald Trump’s interpretation of the law.”
The Nazi comparison didn’t escape the gaze of the White House, which castigated Scarborough for his choice of words.
“It is appalling that Joe Scarborough would compare sworn federal law enforcement officers — who put their lives on the line every day to keep American people safe — to Nazis,” a statement from White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley read. “This is the type of inflammatory and unacceptable rhetoric that puts a target on the backs of our great law enforcement.”
>how is it the Horrowitz doesn't call foul right away?
If you were IG Horowitz and RR altered your original report what would you do? Light yourself on fire and go screaming through the streets or would you take the appropriate actions and address it legally? My graphic Q linked to this morning shows the House of Representatives letter to IG Horowitz asking for his original report because they are worried about it being altered!!!! It's happening!
WTFing fuck is going on with this perverts fucking face? Holy fuckity fuck!!!
Man Arrested for Child Porn, Admits He’s Been Doing It Since 15 Years Old
Pervert De Blasio probably figures it's easier to groom Mexican and black children! (pic related)
De Blasio: Kick Asian-Americans Out Of Selective Schools To Give Unearned Preferences To Blacks, Hispanics
The New York City mayor’s affirmative action plan discriminates against Asian-Americans in order to unfairly privilege blacks and Hispanics.
>I wonder how 'DEPRESSED' Strzok is these days…
I'm sure there are many that are suicidal at this point! lmao It's a glorious fucking feeling, Anon! Knowing just how close they came to detroying our country! It gives me great joy every single day!!
>Fake and Gay !!!
PUBLICLY grooming kids! smdh
Mayor de Blasio reads the children's book "Secret Pizza Party" to a group in Queens between Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer (l.) and Queens Library President Dennis Walcott Saturday at the Woodside branch.
"When you make something secret, you make it special."
Looney NP's answer to immigration…
Nancy Pelosi parenting tip:
'Don't stick peas up your nose'
Pelosi "Taking a baby away from its mother changes their DNA."
So every adopted kid in the world has altered DNA? smdh What an idiot!
nice Anon!
>Nancy working for us? She is so ridiculous it must be fake
I think NP is playing the 'senile' card for the future when she is indicted for her decades of corruption!