Baker, recommend this one for notable
We haven't had a good informative one on the jewish issue in a while, and we could use a reminder.
Baker, recommend this one for notable
We haven't had a good informative one on the jewish issue in a while, and we could use a reminder.
De Blasio can suck our collective cocks. That bastard ruined what's left of the decent folks in NYC.
Fucking pervert and his 'wife' that looks more like african slave shipments or something.
Kids look deranged too.
have you seen his 'family'?
That piece of shit really has a way of trying to fool people.
Confused to say the least.
The wife looks like she was kidnapped straight out of the jungles of africa for his pleasure or something.
>"When you make something secret, you make it special."
what the fuck…
the 60 minute interview?
"It must have been so hard for you, helping out the very people who were 'exterminating' jews…"
"oh no, it was great"
"I never felt so alive before. It was power"
paraphrasing a bit here.
his 'father' was something like a ultra lefty jew retard that went around speaking made up language called esperanto.
very caricature of hateful confused and power hungry european jew.
Baker, late notable
imad moustapha: the Syrian Ambassador to China and the former Ambassador to United States of America.
hussein doesn't say the traditional ending: may god bless the united states of america.
lead in: the whole bullshit about how 'traditional power structure was all about muh oppressionz'
projection, lies. first vid accurately shows the real intent.