Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:16 a.m. No.17875967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5974 >>5993 >>6151 >>6197 >>6266

Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Said Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was a Russian Operation Silent After Twitter Files Released


Former top intelligence officials who signed an open letter suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop story was part of a Russian operation just weeks before the 2020 election were silent after internal Twitter emails acknowledged there was no evidence the story involved material that was illicitly obtained.


According to the New York Post — the outlet that broke the story in October 2020 — as reported on Saturday:


Leon Panetta, a former CIA director and defense secretary, John Brennan a former CIA director, Mike Hayden, a former CIA director, and Jim Clapper, a former director of national intelligence — who all once said The Post’s reporting had ‘all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,’ — declined or did not respond to request for comment about whether the latest disclosures had changed their opinion.


On Friday, journalist Matt Taibbi released internal Twitter emails discussing the company’s decision to suppress the story — which included locking the Post‘s Twitter account, deleting tweets that linked the story, or tweets that even referenced the story.


The emails showed that Twitter officials decided to take these actions on the possibility the story contained hacked materials, even though there was no evidence or a government finding of any hacked materials. The emails also showed that some Twitter employees questioned using that justification.


Then-Twitter communications official Trenton Kennedy asked other officials about that justification: “I’m struggling to understand the policy basis for marking this as unsafe.”


Another official, then-Vice President of Global Communications Brandon Borman, asked, “Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the policy?”


Five days after questions were raised at Twitter about relying on a hacking justification to suppress the story, more than 50 former intelligence officials published an open letter on October 19, 2020, that argued that, based on their experience and expertise, the story came from the Russian government.


“If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this,” they wrote.


The letter worked to cast aspersion on a blockbluster story that potentially implicated then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden just weeks before the election.


The story — reported by Miranda Devine and Emma-Jo Morris, who is now Breitbart News’s politics editor – revealed private emails that detailed shady business dealings with foreign actors and compromising sexual material found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, after he reportedly left it at a repair shop in Delaware and never came back to reclaim it. Some of the business-related emails potentially referenced the elder Biden.


Nick Shapiro, a former top aide under Brennan, did not equivocate, telling Politico about the letter: “The real power here however is the number of former, working-level IC officers who want the American people to know that once again the Russians are interfering.”


The letter was also signed by former acting CIA Directors John McLaughlin and Michael Morell, along with more than three dozen other former intelligence officials.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.17875970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151 >>6197 >>6266

French Prez Macron Demands Musk’s Twitter ‘Comply with European Regulations’ on Speech


French president Emmanuel Macron demanded that Elon Musk abides by European Union restrictions on speech on Twitter in a meeting on Friday.


Following a state visit at the White House with President Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron met with Tesla and Twitter chief Elon Musk in New Orleans, Louisiana. During the meeting, Macron said that he stressed again the need for Twitter to moderate so-called hate speech and alleged disinformation to comply with EU rules.


According to Macron, the pair also discussed the expansion of Tesla in France, including future “green industrial projects” such as the manufacturing of electric cars and batteries in the country.


Relaying some of the details of the hour-long meeting on Twitter, Mr Macron wrote that he told Musk that the social media giant must implement “transparent terms of use, significant reinforcement of content moderation” and, paradoxically, “protection of freedom of expression,” adding that “Twitter must make the effort to comply with European regulations.”


Notably, the right to freedom of expression as defined by the European Convention on Human Rights can be restricted “in the interests of national security, territorial disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:20 a.m. No.17875975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151 >>6197 >>6266

Border Patrol Agents Make Historic Liquid Fentanyl Seizure in South Texas


Border Patrol agents in Robstown, Texas along with local law enforcement authorities discovered 25 pounds of liquid fentanyl hidden in a specialized compartment inside a vehicle’s gas tank. Officials say this quantity of liquid fentanyl is enough to kill a population of 5.665 million people — more than double the population of the city of Houston.


Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez tweeted praise over the efforts of Border Patrol agents and Nueces County Sheriff’s Office deputies in discovering the hidden narcotics. According to Chavez, the street value of the liquid fentanyl is $1.8 million.


Chief Chavez declared the seizure, “the largest amount of liquid fentanyl in the history of the USA” in her tweet. Drug traffickers often convert the liquid fentanyl into powder which is then formed into tablets for easy sale and distribution across the United States. During Fiscal Year 2022, which ended in on September 30, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than 14,000 pounds of fentanyl in all its forms. Fentanyl seizures have risen nearly 200% from 2020 when 4,800 pounds were seized, according to CBP reports.


The city of Robstown is located just west of Corpus Christi and about 150 miles north of the Texas-Mexico border.


According to a recent Drug Enforcement Public Safety Alert, Fentanyl remains the deadliest drug threat facing the United States. It is a highly addictive synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine, officials stated. An amount small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil is considered a potentially deadly dose. According to the DEA alert, The Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco Cartel in Mexico, using chemicals largely sourced from China, are primarily responsible for most of the fentanyl being trafficked inside the United States.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:26 a.m. No.17875994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6007 >>6021 >>6151 >>6197 >>6266

Trump Jr. hammers Zelensky


Donald Trump Jr. has called out Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for his recent crackdown on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. A vocal critic of the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, Trump Jr. jokingly suggested that the government “send him another $100 billion with no accountability.”


“Zelensky is banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” Trump Jr. tweeted on Friday. “His government has also been raiding Ukrainian Orthodox churches and arresting priests. (Prob why he’s a [Democrat] superstar).”


“He’s all about freedom guys,” Trump Jr. jeered. “Let’s send him another $100,000,000,000.00 with no accountability.”


Zelensky announced on Thursday that Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council had instructed the Ukrainian government to ban Moscow-affiliated religious organizations. This ban will mainly target the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the country’s largest religious organization, which is linked to the Moscow Patriarchate.


Ukraine’s domestic security agency, the SBU, raided at least eight religious sites on Friday. Zelensky said that a number of religious officials would be personally sanctioned, while the government would consider seizing the property of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kiev, after the SBU arrested a number of priests there and charged them with “glorifying Russia.”


US President Joe Biden has described Zelensky as fighting “for the essential democratic principles that unite all free people,” including “the freedom to worship as one chooses.”


The Biden administration has allocated $68 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine since February, with the White House asking Congress last month for an additional $38 billion. Should Congress oblige, the US will have appropriated more than $100 billion of taxpayer money for Kiev in less than a year.


With the exception of some of former President Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters on Capitol Hill, Republicans have overwhelmingly backed successive multibillion-dollar aid packages. Like his father, Trump Jr. has insisted that this money would be better spent at home than on propping up Zelensky’s regime.


“A small fraction… of your tax dollars sent to Ukraine could have completed Trump’s Border Wall solving a humanitarian crisis, a sex trafficking crisis, a drug trafficking crisis, [and] a human trafficking crisis but DC pols had no interest in fixing that!” he complained in July.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.17876017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6030 >>6041 >>6081 >>6151 >>6197 >>6266

Treasury Sec. Yellen bizarrely says Musk’s Twitter content needs to be under ‘control’


U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Twitter’s content moderation should be held to certain standards as its new owner Elon Musk launches a new feud with Apple over issues of “free speech.”


Musk went on a tweetstorm against Apple on Monday, alleging that the tech giant had slashed its ad spending and threatened to delist Twitter from its App Store after Musk’s buyout. In one tweet, the billionaire asked, “Do they hate free speech in America?”


Two days later at an event hosted by the New York Times, Yellen branched out from her role as the country’s chief financial officer to offer her own take, according to Reuters.


“I think it’s a good thing, if Apple is looking at the content,” she said. “Most broadcast stations are subjected to standards in terms of what they broadcast to the public. And Twitter’s not really that different than other broadcast stations.”


It isn’t clear what led to her remark. But Reuters reported that when she was asked if it was good that companies like Apple and Google can make content demands, she said, “It’s a kind of control that I think is needed.”


While the U.S. Treasury may not seem relevant to social media content moderation, Yellen’s role does overlap with ongoing Twitter intrigue in a crucial way.


Recent reporting has indicated the Biden administration wants to review Musk’s foreign business deals for national security threats. As leader of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Yellen is poised to spearhead those investigations.


Asked about that possibility Wednesday, Yellen said she’s “not going to say specifically what we are or aren’t looking at. … But if there are such risks, it would be appropriate for CFIUS to have a look.” That’s a reversal of comments she made earlier this month that there’s “no basis” for a review of Musk’s Twitter acquisition.


Foreign investors in Musk’s $44 billion Twitter acquisition include Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who gave $1.89 million, and Qatar Holding, an investment firm founded by the gulf state’s sovereign wealth fund, which gave $375 million.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:36 a.m. No.17876029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151 >>6197 >>6266

Amid concerns over Maoz, Netanyahu insists he ‘won’t accept’ harm to LGBT rights


Speaking to NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ Likud leader expresses ‘doubt’ that Law of Return’s grandparent clause will be revoked, says Trump meeting with Kanye West ‘is just wrong’


Presumed incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that he would not allow harm to come to LGBT rights in Israel, amid growing concern over his coalition deal with the homophobic Noam party, which granted the faction’s chairman authority over the Education Ministry unit responsible for informal education at Israeli schools.


“I just won’t accept any of that. It’s not something I’m saying now — I have a record now and a record in general of having two hands on the wheel… I ultimately decide policy,” Netanyahu said when asked about Noam MK Avi Maoz during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”


The interview was one of three Netanyahu has given in recent days to the US press, several of whose outlets have highlighted fears over the hardline lawmakers slated to take up key positions in Israel’s next government. The Likud leader has yet to give similar interviews to the Israeli press, which has similarly sounded the alarm over Likud’s coalition agreement with Noam and other elements of the incoming coalition’s declared agenda.


The agreement will give Maoz — who has said he will work to end female service in the IDF and the annual Jerusalem pride parade, among other things — authority over non-official bodies invited to teach or lecture at schools.


Maoz will also be named a deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Office tasked with running a new national “Jewish identity” government agency, which will come with a budget of at least NIS 100 million ($29 million) and over a dozen staffers.


More than 50 municipalities and over 300 school principals across the country have joined protests against cooperating with Maoz in the next government.


Netanyahu was also asked Sunday about his decision to include far-right Otzma Yehudit chairman Itamar Ben Gvir in the next government, given his past convictions on terror-related charges. Netanyahu pointed out that Israel’s Supreme Court had rejected petitions to ban Ben Gvir from running, and noted that those who have been critical of some of his likely coalition partners were silent when the Islamist Ra’am party was included in the outgoing government. Netanyahu, too, sought to court Ra’am last year when he was several lawmakers short of forming a coalition.


The prime minister-designate was asked whether his next government would amend the so-called grandfather clause of the Law of Return that allows individuals with at least one Jewish grandparent to immigrate to Israel, so long as they don’t practice another religion.


All of Likud’s coalition partners, and even members of Netanyahu’s own party, have expressed support for narrowing the scope of the law, seeking to significantly reduce the number of immigrants to Israel who are not Jewish according to Orthodox interpretations of Jewish law.


This would principally have a major influence on immigration from the former Soviet Union, but prominent American Jewish leaders have also spoken out against such reforms.


“I doubt we’ll have any changes” to the Law of Return, Netanyahu told NBC, while acknowledging that a “big debate” on the matter would likely ensue under the next government.


The Likud leader, who said he hopes to finalize the formation of his next coalition in the coming days, was asked about former US president Donald Trump’s dinner last month with antisemites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:39 a.m. No.17876042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6107 >>6151 >>6197 >>6231 >>6266

Nancy Pelosi told Emmanuel Macron that she crushes a hotdog every day on Capitol Hill


Reports from Biden's state dinner say Macron and his wife appeared puzzled at the comment


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi revealed her habit of eating a hot dog in the House Democratic cloakroom every day to French President Emmanuel Macron last week.


Pelosi made the comment during a Friday state dinner at the White House in a conversation with Macron and his wife, as well as President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. Pelosi's daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, was also reportedly in attendance and turned the conversation toward American cuisine, according to The New York Times.


The younger Pelosi reportedly pressed Biden to reveal his favorite American staples.


"He said: ‘Hot dogs, ice cream and spaghetti,’" Alexandra said. She then reported that her mother had jumped in to say she eats a hot dog on Capitol Hill every day. Macron and his wife reportedly appeared puzzled at the comment.


Biden went on to stay up late with the guests of honor, however, with the president reportedly sipping on cans of pop and chatting with Macron until nearly 1:00 a.m.


The state dinner came in honor of Macron's multi-day visit to the U.S., during which he and Biden reaffirmed the close friendship between the U.S. and France.


The pair held a joint press conference on Thursday detailing shared not only goals but also a few points of difference. Macron and other European leaders expressed frustration with Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, which they say could negatively impact Europe's economy.


While Biden made no apologies for the legislation, he did acknowledge some changes could be made. White House officials have insisted that the Inflation Reduction Act is not undermining the president's promise to Europe that "America is back" as a reliable ally.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:41 a.m. No.17876052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151 >>6197 >>6223 >>6266

Nicholas Sandmann asks Musk to release 'hidden' Twitter files on death threats permitted against him


Sandmann faced death threats from multiple verified Twitter accounts in 2019


Former Covington High School student Nicholas Sandmann asked new Twitter owner Elon Musk to release any files related to the platform allowing death threats against him while he was a teenager.


"As I’m watching this all play out, I’m wondering if @elonmusk has any hidden twitter files relating to what went on here," Sandmann said on Twitter Sunday. "Let’s be clear: under the watch of @vijaya they allowed these illegal threats when I was 16 years old."


Sandmann shared screenshots taken of multiple verified Twitter accounts calling on people to burn down Sandmann's high school and throw "MAGA kids" into a wood chipper.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:41 a.m. No.17876055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151 >>6197 >>6266

Parents refuse use of 'vaccine-tainted' donor blood for infant's critical operation


Parents to a baby in need of open-heart surgery in New Zealand have so far refused 'vaccine-tainted' donor blood, citing concerns over the Covid-19 vaccine's side effects.


New Zealand's health services are threatening to apply for temporary custody over a four-month-old boy whose parents have so far refused the use of what they call "vaccine-tainted" blood in a required open-heart surgery, according to a report from The Guardian. The boy suffers from severe pulmonary valve stenosis which inhibits the effective pumping of blood.


NZ health services applied to the court for custody under the Care of Children Act on November 28. Two days later, the High Court in Auckland held a preliminary hearing for the two parties and set the date for a full hearing to debate the case for next Tuesday, December 6.


The preliminary hearing drew a crowd of around 100 vaccine critics in support of the parents, including former TV host Liz Gunn, who is a well-known Covid-19 vaccine skeptic.


Why are the parents refusing blood donations?


In an interview given to Gunn's youtube channel "@LizGunnNZL" before the hearing, the parents explained their refusal to let their child receive regular donor blood: "It matters to everyone in our society that they have…freedom of choice. That's been completely taken away by the governments…this baby doesn't seem to qualify to have freedom of choice. They want to…conduct medical experiments with him with unknown results. We're not prepared for that! We're not prepared to offer up our baby to experimentation."


NZ health service's lawyer Paul White stated at the hearing that in similar cases, the child would have been treated weeks ago already.


"He [the baby] needs the pure blood."

The babys father


The family’s attorney Sue Grey, another well-known Covid-19 vaccine skeptic and the co-leader of the New Zealand Outdoors Party, characterized the case as "unusual," stressing her belief that unlike in other cases where parents refused care, in this instance “[The] parents want better treatment for their child than the state is offering,” The New Zealand Herald reported.


“We have 30 or so donors with suitable, compatible blood who are willing and able to make that blood available for this baby,” she added. “All they need to say is okay we are here to co-operate and listen to our clients.”


Addressing the blood bank, the baby's father stated in another clip on Gunn's youtube channel: "He [the baby] needs the pure blood. He needs blood that is the same blood from two years ago, which has no experimental vaccines in it. So please, approve the donation."

Experts respond to the claims


NZ's blood bank service NZ Blood responded: “All donated blood also gets filtered during processing, so any trace amounts that may still be present poses no risk to recipients."


"We do not separate or label blood based on a donor’s Covid-19 vaccination status.” It added there was no evidence that previous vaccination affected the quality of blood for transfusion.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:43 a.m. No.17876064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6197 >>6227 >>6251 >>6266

White House responds to Trump demanding to terminate parts of the Constitution after ‘Twitter files’ release


The 'Twitter Files' detailed how and why Twitter censored Hunter Biden's laptop


"The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution brings the American people together – regardless of party – and elected leaders swear to uphold it," White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement.


"It’s the ultimate monument to all of the Americans who have given their lives to defeat self-serving despots that abused their power and trampled on fundamental rights. Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation, and should be universally condemned. You cannot only love America when you win."

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:48 a.m. No.17876091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6197 >>6266

Palestinian Fighters Fire At Israeli Warplanes As Strikes Hit Gaza Following Rocket Attack


Early on December 4, a series of Israeli strikes hit the Gaza Strip in response to a rocket attack that targeted settlements near the Palestinian enclave.


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that a rocket was fired from Gaza at southern Israel late on December 3. The rocket landed in an open field, causing no injuries or damage. Still, an alert was activated near the Gaza border settlements of Nahal Oz and Kfar Aza.


In a statement, the IDF said that the retaliatory strikes targeted a weapons workshop and tunnel used by the Hamas Movement, the de-facto ruler of Gaza.


“The workshop is used as a main site for making most of the group’s rockets in the Strip,” the statement reads. “The strike overnight continues the progress to impede the force build-up [of Hamas].”


Palestinian media didn’t report any casualties as a result of the Israeli strikes, which reportedly targeted Khan Yunis and Rafah.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:50 a.m. No.17876100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yoel Roth made an entire career out of intellectualizing his homosexual fetishes - even writing his PhD dissertation on his random GRINDr encounters. He then got put in charge of censoring "hate speech" on twitter. A path to power and a reality most GOP voters aren't aware of.

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 11:30 a.m. No.17876248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6266

Here We Go: WHO Warns Drop in COVID Alertness Could Create New Deadly Variant


WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Friday that ignoring COVID-19 alertness could lead to the emergence of a deadly new variant.


It has been a year since the World Health Organization designated Omicron as a “variant of concern,” as Tedros pointed out over the weekend.


“Last Saturday marked 1 year since WHO announced a new COVID-19 variant of concern: the Omicron variant. Omicron has proved to be significantly more transmissible than Delta, and continues to cause significant mortality due to the intensity of transmission, Tedros said.


“The number of weekly COVID-19 deaths reported to WHO has declined slightly over the past 5 weeks, but over 8,500 people lost their lives last week – which is not acceptable three years into the pandemic, when we have so many tools to prevent infections and save lives.”


“Since the emergence of Omicron, the COVID-19 virus has continued to evolve. Today, there are over 500 sublineages of Omicron circulating,” he added.


“They are all highly transmissible; they replicate in the upper respiratory tract & tend to cause less severe disease than previous variants of concern; & they all have mutations that enable them to escape built-up immunity more easily.”


Just a few months after declaring that the world has never been in a better position to end the pandemic, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has reversed course.


“We are much closer to being able to say that the emergency phase of the pandemic is over, but we’re not there yet,” Tedros said.


Tedros claimed that 90% of the population now has some level of immunity to COVID-19 because of previous infection or vaccination.


“WHO estimates that at least 90% of the world’s population now has some level of immunity to SARS-CoV-2, due to prior infection or vaccination. We are much closer to being able to say that the emergency phase of the pandemic is over – but we’re not there yet,” he said.


“As many countries reduce testing, WHO is receiving less and less information about transmission and sequencing. This makes us increasingly blind to patterns of transmission and evolution. But this virus will not go away just because countries stop looking for it,” Tedros warned.


“Gaps in surveillance, testing, sequencing and vaccination are continuing to create the perfect conditions for a new variant of concern to emerge that could cause significant mortality,” he continued.


Reuters reported:


[Tedros] comments come as China experiences a rebound in infections.


Addressing the global gaps in vaccination, WHO’s technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove said that the agency wants governments around the world, including in China, to focus on reaching those at risk such as people over the age of 60 and those with underlying conditions.


The further easing of COVID-19 testing requirements and quarantine rules in some Chinese cities was met with a mix of relief and worry on Friday, as hundreds of millions await an expected shift in national virus policies after widespread social unrest.


It was encouraging that China was adjusting its current COVID-19 control strategies, WHO’s emergencies director Mike Ryan said.


Ryan said he hopes that a coherent and clear strategy emerges in China “that balances the control of the virus with … the livelihoods, wellbeing and human rights of the people.”

Anonymous ID: c02ef5 Dec. 4, 2022, 11:32 a.m. No.17876258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6266

Long Before Elon Musk’s Disclosure – Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Uncovered Twitter’s “Partner Support Portal” Used by Democrats, Govt. Officials, and Twitter Associates to Censor Conservatives


On Friday Elon Musk released Twitter’s internal discussions that led to its decision to block any links exposing Hunter’s laptop from hell.


Twitter banned The New York Post and censored The Gateway Pundit at the time for their reporting on crackhead Hunter and his illegal dealings.


Before Elon released his information on Twitter colluding with Democrats to silence their conservative opposition, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai uncovered Twitter’s secret “partner support portal” that included government officials, Democrats and top Twitter associates.


Dr. Shiva discovered that Twitter built a special portal offered to certain governmental entities so that government officials can flag and delete content they dislike for any reason, as part of what they call their “Twitter Partner Status.”


Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered that they were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office.


Discovering this, Dr. Ayyadurai filed a federal lawsuit by himself, alleging that his federal civil rights were violated when the government silenced his political speech in order to affect an election.

