Anonymous ID: 3e0c33 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:26 p.m. No.17876431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hanseatic league


From the Middle Ages to Modern Times

For more than 400 years, the Hanseatic League shaped the economy, trade and politics in northern Europe. Today, the Hanseatic cities are reconnecting with their great past through the Union of Cities THE HANSA.


Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages


The Hanseatic League in London


In London, its headquarters was the so-called “Steelyard”, which for much of its existence was essentially an enclave of Germany. Here, the relationship between local and German merchants was sometimes strained (*). The following writ was issued in Westminster on this day in 1388:


“Whereas the merchants of the cities of London and Norwich and the boroughs of [King’s] Lynn, Great Yarmouth, St Botolph [Boston] and [Kingston on] Hull had complained that the men of Lubeck, Rostock, Wismar, Stralsund and Hamburg in Germany had arrested their servants and goods in … Stralsund, … whereof the said merchants were innocent, the King commanded the mayor and sheriffs of London to arrest all the men, goods and merchandise of the towns of … Germany being in the ports of London or elsewhere … , and to detain them until they … answer to such charges as may be made against them on behalf of the King … ”.

Anonymous ID: 3e0c33 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:32 p.m. No.17876450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6455



Elon is a clown


He was part of the space tech transfer from NASA to the Israeli space agency.


He's in bed with China, child slaves digging for Lithium and on and on

Anonymous ID: 3e0c33 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:52 p.m. No.17876525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zohar Zisapel


In 1982, Zohar Zisapel, together with his brother, Yehuda, founded RAD Data Communications, and is regarded as one of the fathers of Israeli hi-tech. In the course of the years, under the RAD Group umbrella, approximately 40 companies were established, of which eight underwent IPOs, 10 were sold and 10 closed. Four companies – Silicom, RADCOM, Radware, and Ceragon – are still traded on Nasdaq in the U.S. From 2009 Zohar started/invested in start-ups in the field of cyber security. A total of seven cyber security start-ups were established of which three were acquired. The cyber security operations of Microsoft and Continental are based on two of those start-ups and are centered in Israel. From 2014 Zohar started/invested in automotive technologies. Four start-ups were formed, one of which has already been acquired.


Before he founded RAD, Zohar served as the director of the Ministry of Defense’s electronic research department. In 1979, he was awarded the Israel Defense Prize. In 1994, he was presented with the Israel Export Award and was named Businessman of the Year. In 1996, he won the Hugo Ramniceanu Award for Economics, and in 2001 he was presented with an honorary doctorate by the Technion. In 2013 he was named an Honorary Colleague by the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. In 2018 Zohar received the Industry award for the 70th birthday of the State of Israel.


Zohar holds a BSc and an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the Technionm and an MBA from Tel Aviv University.




Ceragon Networks Ltd. (NASDAQ: CRNT) is the global innovator and leading solutions provider of 5G wireless transport. We help operators and other service providers worldwide increase operational efficiency and enhance end customers’ quality of experience with innovative wireless backhaul and fronthaul solutions.


Ceragon’s unique multicore technology and disaggregated approach to wireless transport provides highly reliable, fast to deploy, high-capacity wireless transport for 5G and 4G networks with minimal use of spectrum, power, real estate, and labor resources. It enables increased productivity, as well as simple and quick network modernization, positioning Ceragon as a leading solutions provider for the 5G era. We deliver a complete portfolio of turnkey end-to-end AI-based managed and professional services that ensure efficient network rollout and optimization to achieve the highest value for our customers. Our solutions are deployed by more than 400 service providers, as well as more than 800 private networks, in more than 140 countries.


Yehuda Zisapel

Anonymous ID: 3e0c33 Dec. 4, 2022, 1:55 p.m. No.17876781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Held Weekly Calls with Big Tech Before 2020 Election and Provided List of URLs Pushing “Disinformation” for Big Tech to Censor


The FBI worked with social media to kill the Hunter laptop story before the 2020 election.


These goons running the FBI are not on the side of the people. Their job is to run cover for crooked politicians and put good people who shine the light on their crimes behind bars.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported in May that the Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys General filed a lawsuit (Missouri v. Biden) against the Biden Administration, including Joe Biden himself, Anthony Fauci, the Department of Homeland Security and nearly a dozen federal agencies and Secretaries.


The suit alleges a massive coordinated effort by the Deep State, the permanent administrative state, to work with Big Tech to censor and manipulate Americans – from average citizens to news outlets – on issues including the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, 2020 Election Integrity, COVID-19 origin and extent skepticism, COVID-19 vaccine skepticism, among other issues.


Last week the Attorneys General interviewed FBI Agent Elvis Chan. This interview was very revealing. It showed that our FBI is totally corrupt and one-sided.


Attorney General and soon-to-be US Senator from Missouri, Eric Schmitt shared on the deposition.


Elvis Chan revealed that “we found that the FBI plays a big role in working with social media companies to censor speech – from weekly meetings with social media companies ahead of the 2020 election to asks for account takedowns”.


Chan also revealed that “the FBI’s FITF, and senior CISA officials had meetings with social media companies in the lead-up to the 2020 election”. The full extent of these meetings has not been revealed.


Schmitt shared that: “Chan stated that the FBI regularly sent social media companies lists of URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they were disinformation from “malign foreign influence operations.” The FBI then inquired whether the platforms have taken down the content.”


We do not know who these accounts were or what the real reason was for taking them down. We also don’t know how many supported President Trump and how many supported Joe Biden but we have a pretty good guess on this.


Chan also revealed that the meetings with the FBI were weekly.


Many times social media would take down the accounts flagged by the FBI.


Shortly before the 2022 primaries, the FBI sent out Agent Chan to tell Americans that the FBI was protecting elections the 2022 election cycle. (We see how well the elections were protected for Democrats, especially in Arizona, didn’t we?)


The FBI is corrupt to the core. They worked with corrupt individuals at social media companies. They have no regard for Americans’ free speech rights. They don’t care. They only support far-left liberal and now communist actors in politics.


They shared that they were protecting America from its enemies and instead they were protecting America’s enemies from Americans.

Anonymous ID: 3e0c33 Dec. 4, 2022, 1:59 p.m. No.17876798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antifa Aims To Disrupt Florida Rally Opposing The Sexualization Of Children


A rally organized to out activism that encourages children to question their gender identity and sexual orientation has inspired fury.


Now, threats of a rage-filled counter-protest have rally organizers requesting law enforcement officers to attend their planned gathering on Dec. 3 at a beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


Conflict bubbled up after three very different groups organized the Protect the Children rally to display solidarity against policies aimed at sexualizing children, alienating them from their parents, and helping them pursue gender-transition treatment. They plan to gather at Fort Lauderdale Beach on the corner of Las Olas Boulevard at 11 a.m.


Local chapters of Moms for Liberty, Fathers for Freedom, and Gays Against Groomers wanted to come together to peacefully speak against “radicalized sexual curriculum, gender ideology, child grooming, parental alienation, and ‘gender-affirming care,'” said Eulalia Jimenez, president of the Moms for Liberty Miami chapter.


But when Antifa members heard of the gathering, they urged their peers in Twitter posts to “confront this hatred” and “protest against hate.” They referred to Protect the Children rally organizers as “fascists” proliferating “stochastic terrorism,” and spread fliers that read, “We can’t allow this kind of bigotry to go unchecked.”


The term “stochastic terrorism” refers to public demonization through so-called “hate speech,” which some say can be used to incite violence against a person or group.