Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:26 p.m. No.17876429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6590


Young anon got under the stairs and into the sea bag, opened and ate some MRE peaches, Cold War variety.

Anon has never eaten another peach and avoids all things orange to this very day. Anon assumes there was evidence of muh crime but never got the belt so nobody cared?


Anon MUCH prefered flight lunches..

Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:40 p.m. No.17876478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6633

GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy claims he's convinced Biden to DROP the military's COVID vaccine mandate and says Pentagon's annual budget 'will not' pass unless the two-shot rule is gone


December 3, 2022


President Joe Biden has agreed to end the US military's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy suggested on Sunday.


McCarthy, who is expected to be House Speaker in the new Congress, told Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures that he spoke with the president about a provision to end the rule included in this year's annual defense budget.


Republicans have been pushing for months to end the military's two-jab rule, arguing that its depletion of America's fighting forces presents a threat to national security.

Now that they've secured a narrow House majority for next year, McCarthy said he made clear to Biden that there will need to be areas of 'compromise' for any hope of legislative success.

'I had a meeting with the president, I laid out very clearly what the difference will be with a new Republican majority,' McCarthy said.

'Through what is the [National Defense Authorization Act], the national defense bill, we will secure lifting the vaccine mandates on our military.'

The California Republican said he was 'very clear' with Biden on House Republican priorities - like holding the NDAA hostage until the vaccine rule repeal is included.

'The bill will not move' if the language isn't in it, McCarthy promised.

'I've been very clear with the president. The president…worked with me on this.'

He continued, 'This is the first sign of having divided government. You've got some compromise here. And we've got something that the Republicans have been working very hard on, and a number of Democrats too, trying to find success, but one party rule would never allow that to go forward. And now we're going to have success.'

Last week a group of Republican senators sent a letter to their leaders including Mitch McConnell telling them they would not consider the NDAA without first taking a vote on a measure to end the military vaccine mandate.

More than 3,000 troops have been rendered inactive as of this past April with the rule going into effect, according to the letter co-led by Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

Lawmakers claim the Pentagon's COVID-19 vaccine mandate 'has ruined the livelihoods of men and women who have honorably served our country.'

The two-jab COVID rule was first announced in late August on the order of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Republicans in response began sounding the alarm on how the rule would exacerbate the existing military staffing shortage - which is only projected to get worse in the next few years.


'The United States simply cannot afford to discharge our brave men and women in uniform and lose the investments we have made into each and every one of them due to an inept bureaucratic policy,' the letter states.

A top House Democrat confirmed to Politico at the Reagan National Defense Forum on Saturday that a rollback of the COVID rule is in consideration.

'We haven’t resolved it, but it is very fair to say that it’s in discussion,' Rep. Adam Smith reportedly said.

The Washington Democrat pointed out that he was very much in favor of the mandate and other COVID-19 pandemic precautions that were put in place at the time at the urging of the medical community.

'But at this point in time, does it make sense to have that policy from August 2021? That is a discussion that I am open to and that we’re having,' Smith reportedly said



Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:47 p.m. No.17876502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chris Christie's niece accused of biting, injuring cops during violent plane meltdown


December 3, 2022


Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’ niece was kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight and arrested after she accused a Latino family of “smuggling cocaine” — and allegedly injured six sheriff’s deputies, one of whom was bitten.




Shannon Epstein, 25, boarded the Spirit Airlines flight to New Jersey on Nov. 24 at about 6 a.m., and asked a family who were near her and whom she perceived to be Latino if they were "smuggling cocaine," said Capt. Jason Rivarde, a Sheriff's Office spokesperson. Airline workers requested Epstein be removed from the plane as she became increasingly irate, and the plane, which had started to taxi to the runway, returned to the gate, Rivarde said Friday.

Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:49 p.m. No.17876516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6579 >>6675

Nick Sandmann asks Musk to release ‘hidden’ Twitter files on death threats against him


December 4, 2022


Former Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann wants Elon Musk to release any “hidden Twitter” files about death threats against him and his classmates.

Sandmann — who sued a number of media outlets over coverage of a viral confrontation at a 2019 March for Life rally in Washington, DC, –wrote to the owner of Twitter Sunday, remarking on the release of a report about how the social media giant censored The Post’s 2020 expose on Hunter Biden.

“As I’m watching this all play out, I’m wondering if @elonmusk has any hidden twitter files relating to what went on here,” he posted on his Twitter account. “Let’s be clear: under the watch of @vijaya they allowed these illegal threats when I was 16 years old.”

Sandmann included screenshots of Twitter accounts making violent threats about him and other students at the Kentucky school at the time.



Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:53 p.m. No.17876530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6589 >>6591

Vajayjay gets her 15 minutes


Who is Vijaya Gadde, the Twitter exec involved in censoring Post’s Hunter Biden laptop bombshell?


December 4, 2022


One of the high-level Twitter executives who reportedly played “a key role” in the company’s decision to censor The Post’s bombshell story on Hunter Biden’s laptop has a long history of being accused of suppressing conservative voices.

Twitter’s former top lawyer Vijaya Gadde was singled out in an explosive Twitter thread on Friday by independent journalist Matt Taibbi, who purportedly obtained communications between top officials at the social media company in the wake of The Post’s October 2020 story on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

“The decision was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a key role,” Taibbi wrote after reviewing internal company communications for a report he dubbed “The Twitter Files.”

Gadde has long been derided by conservatives as the company’s “chief censor.”

New Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk has criticized her in the past, accusing her of blocking The Post’s Hunter Biden coverage even before Friday’s revelations.

She was reportedly the main force behind the decision to permanently ban then-President Donald Trump from the platform after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

The 48-year-old Gadde, who earned $17 million in salary at the company last year, broke down in tears in April when addressing colleagues about the future of Twitter once Musk moved to takeover the company.

Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley pointed out on Twitter at the time that the tearful Gadde was “the same one who led the charge to censor the Hunter Biden laptop reporting. Says it all.”



Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 12:56 p.m. No.17876547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6560

"Transactional sex is not rape"


Jennifer Siebel Newsom accused of lying on the stand about Harvey Weinstein rape


December 4, 2022


"In his closing argument at Los Angeles Superior Court, Jackson said despite all of her education and “refinement,” Siebel Newsom had lied about her sexual tryst with Weinstein at a Beverly Hills hotel in 2005 “to cope” with a decision she’s not proud of."



Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 1:01 p.m. No.17876563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Butthurt news (their kids don't get royal titles)


Prince Joachim of Denmark and his family are relocating to the US as he lands a new job in Washington, local media reports - as embattled Danish Royal Family's split 'deepens' after his children were stripped of royal titles

Danish royal will reportedly move to the US for work in 2023 with his family

It comes after Joachim's children were stripped of their royal titles this year

Joachim reportedly landed a new job in the defence industry in Washington


December 4, 2022


Prince Joachim of Denmark and his family are relocating to the US after he landed a new job in the defence industry in Washington, according to local media reports.

The Danish royal, 53, has decided to move to Washington DC with his wife Princess Marie and their two young children, Prince Henrik, 13, and Princess Athena, 10, Danish newspaper BT reported.

The royal couple are currently based in Paris, where the prince has worked as defence attaché since 2020. However that job is expected to come to an end in June, meaning they are likely to up sticks in the second half of the year.

The new job could mean that Joachim will be moving even further away from Denmarkfollowing a tumultuous autumn in the Danish Royal family after his mother Queen Margrethe II stripped his four children of their prince and princess titles.



Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 1:22 p.m. No.17876620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6663 >>6670 >>6716


>But the Enki/ Enlil theories are ok?


Trips chkt


The beginning of the Bible is written Sumerian style then Egyptian and finally Hebe.


The Bible was altered by the Council of Nicea to say "In the Beginning" because there was nothing to indicate what the start was. The Sumerian creation myths got incorporated into Genesis so…

It's interesting that the Sumerians called the worker drones "the black haired people" which suggests they weren't dark haired (Red heads, the LARGE red headed mummies found thruout the World, on the silk road too?)


>What about the Draconian?





All the things that go bump in the night for the superstitious


Much more curious about the ancient lightbulbs and flying machines

Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 1:26 p.m. No.17876635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6684 >>6692

Marriage story Polygamous leader had 20 wives, most under age 15: FBI affidavit


Arizona polygamist cult leader Samuel Bateman had 20 wives, most under age 15


December 4, 2022


An Arizona polygamist cult leader has been accused of marrying more than 20 women, most under the age of 15 — reportedlyincluding his own daughter.


An FBI affidavit filed Friday in Washington, and obtained by the Salt Lake Tribune. contains horrifying accusations against Samuel Rappylee Bateman, 46, ofincest, group sex acts involving adults and children– some as young as 9 — and child sex trafficking.

Bateman leads an offshoot group of the Mormon Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, but has been held in an Arizona jail since the FBI raided his two Colorado City homes in September.

Agents looked for evidence of underage marriages or sexual relationships between adults and children, according to the Tribune.

According to the Tribune, Bateman’s family told investigators in early 2019 that he had felt prompted to take his own teenage daughter as his wife.

While Bateman has not been charged with sexual abuse, the affidavit claims the FBI has probable cause to believe he and others transported minors between Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Nebraska to engage in illicit sexual conduct between May 2020 and November 2021.




see LeBaron diggs..

Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 1:32 p.m. No.17876661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6704 >>6765

Sportsball Jerry Jones about to get cancelled


Jerry Jones seen at Miami hotspot amid Little Rock photo controversy


December 4, 2022


Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, embroiled in controversy after a photo emerged of him at a pro-segregation rally 65 years ago, was spotted looking carefree in Miami during the city’s Art Week.

Jones, 80, has been in the headlines since last week when The Washington Post unearthed a snap of him at 14, standing in the back of a group of white students at North Little Rock High in Arkansas in 1957 as the mob tries to block black students from entering.

WaPo ran it as part of a larger article on Jones’ failure to hire a black head coach years later.

He told the broadsheet he was there as a spectator, not a participant, saying, “I don’t know that I or anybody anticipated or had a background of knowing . . . what was involved. It was more a curious thing.”



Anonymous ID: cbcf93 Dec. 4, 2022, 1:51 p.m. No.17876756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I think she is going to become penniless


Could be fun to watch her $17 million a year pay go to her victims as REPARATIONS..


Good times fren, good times..