I just won on betting $25k
Now go fuck yourself.
You said so many secrets, cia it is searching for you.
Go help zelensky, b/c he will win the only oscar from a tard.
Yoooo, Alexandra, you here?
No updates to current situation???????
Don't know about you, but 69 virgins are waiting for me, not 70 b/c I did not convey to muslims.
With your voting system , I will candidate alone, for idiot of the galaxy, and I will come third.
why balls are round?
why girls need clothes?
they will end up naked at some point.
you lucky for a kid meme, I have a ftx bilions to waste, but…. I'll keep my fingers afk.
If the Earth it is flat, why oranges are blue?
adam schiff
night it is black, just to show you that God it is not racist.