Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 9:46 p.m. No.17878706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9126 >>9318 >>9377

Watched a long video recently of a Brunson brother speaking passionately about their lawsuit, and he added a few words about his other passion, the US monetary system.


He asked "Why is it when the Federal Reserve prints a Trillion Dollars, that it has to be debt that we have to pay interest on? Why isn't it that when the government prints money, it isn't profit?"


The answer is simple enough through the lens of the Law of War manual:


The Occupier (who operates the US monetary system) can charge fees to operate the occupied population. This explains a lot of things about a lot of things, if you think about it.


The occupier is also bound to document the lives of the occupied population, with birth and death certificates, and is empowered to fine or jail them for infractions against the rules they have imposed in managing the occupied population.


They do however, have to "respect" the constitution of the occupied land, and cannot assume sovereignty over the nation.


All of this (and more) -while never having to even advise the population that they are under occupation.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 9:54 p.m. No.17878726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8731


They missed a spot.


Q taught much vaguely about this. There are sections of the military that can be brought directly under the president's command, like "his own" for example, and the NG for certain uses.


Pretty sure that happened. Biden and Pelosi etal, have been the head of a zombie without authority, IMO.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:10 p.m. No.17878765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons pointed out that it could lead to drops that include the term. Seems reasonable to me that he would want to call out the founders of big tech corps such as Google right now.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:12 p.m. No.17878775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8779


You might want to go back a bit, to like when Lincoln got those free theater tickets. I don't think he was willing to do what they wanted done, so they got a new man to do their work: US Grant.


It's all been a mess for the people's liberty ever since.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:16 p.m. No.17878790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8807


And they've been encroaching ever since. They had US Grant sign the 14th Amendment on his way down to "reconstruct" the South in a way preferential to the form of government they had in mind for us, and 50 years later sneaked in the Federal Reserve, and for the last 30 years we've been in a state of increasingly worse "What are ya gonna do about it?" governance.


The country has been under a growing thumb for a very long time.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:26 p.m. No.17878813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8815 >>8829 >>8852


If you can find us a Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and John Adams, I might be willing to agree to begin discussing a Constitutional Convention. Can you imagine holding such a thing with the current population?


The way out, is the way out. It's nig. It's green


-it's a weinie.


It's been screwing the bad guys for the last few years and turns up the heat every day, every day.


I believe in ghosts.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:39 p.m. No.17878843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8859


They've already been asked nicely.


This isn't about them letting go, and IMO, not much more from Anons until the information dam breaks and people need help not losing their minds while they soak it all up. It's being released slowly, as evidenced by recent events of twitter and Balenciaga.


Special ops always engages friendly population where major operations are under way, it's right in their manual, to garner support and to make sure they are welcome.


They've been welcomed warmly …now we see what can be done to help the waters move as they begin spilling through the dam.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:47 p.m. No.17878869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ascension is a tiny island, intelligence hub, in the South Atlantic


…feel good alien, and biblical salvation, is in the next building over.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 10:59 p.m. No.17878887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8894 >>9377

Kanye is like every other player on the board:


If we could tell what is going on with him then it wouldn't be a part of the big picture. We can't -so he is. Just keep watching.


Who is good? DJT and the people he keeps close, IMO. People who used to be in his circle? We know some are bad because there's evidence -some seem bad without evidence, some seem good but distanced from DJT for reasons.


Who is bad? Everyone but my wife and people I have know more than 10 years


…until proven otherwise.


That said: I do like Elon's work lately …still wouldn't answer the call to dinner though.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 11:17 p.m. No.17878926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8931 >>8933


Reading a bit of that gave me flashbacks to working in a graphics department in 1986 when a MAC SE was introduced:


"Oh the computer will never take your job, but what a powerful tool for the job."


The job ceased to exist as a trade within 5 years …suddenly anyone who could run a computer was an artist -and I found something else to do.

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 4, 2022, 11:25 p.m. No.17878939   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Art Department" typically. Was in PNW and was "Graphics Department" by the time I got out …probably effects due to proximity of the Seattle Art Institute. "Buzz words" were becoming a thing…

Anonymous ID: c53788 Dec. 5, 2022, 1:33 a.m. No.17879122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9152 >>9162

The scenario should be fairly evident at this point.


Schemes of domination of all things have existed since the beginning of time, and the perpetrators have evolved along with us, maintaining control from the shadows.


They've controlled royal families and as royal families, and have had their tentacles in the US since its birth. You can review our nation's history to see their deeds, the wars, assassinations, the control of the currency, rule through bureaucracy as the elected officials became controlled by greed and lust. They control the news of the world, the education system, the entertainment industry.


It is incorrect to try to identify "them" by race, creed, or color, and are best thought of as "the beast." It's a sticky rolling ball of greed that has picked up everything in its path since the beginning of time, some by choice, some by force.


The Founders of this Country knew the beast, and fought to win the right to birth a nation free of its grasp, and crafted documents with that sole intent. A lot of encroachment can happen in 250 years, and the beast is patient, planting seeds to blossom decades in advance. The time had come for them to close their grasp on the globe


-and they never thought she'd lose.


Obama was introduced to usher in their reign, bamboozling the young and the gullible, while using the now all-powerful Executive position to position infrastructure to control the digital vote.


There would never be an honest election again, with what amounted to "store managers" leading all countries on earth, answering to a central control -and there would be nothing that anyone could do about it. Countries would be managed digitally like big box retailers, with purpose-designed software, with countries manned by data entry clerks and managers, and a talking head politician placed in every elected position.


Nice plan, but planning works both ways. Over the last several decades, military men witnessed all of these things, and in the USA at least, the soldier is duty-bound to defend against such enemies. I have no doubt that a group was formed to identify the enemy and their activities, and a plan was formed to thwart them at the crucial moment when they crossed the line into warfare. but at some point. All they would need is a president in that moment to sign the orders to implement the actions against the enemies -foreign and domestic.


And then -some how …Hillary lost.


A scheme so old, entrenched, and capable, would require a careful extraction from the planet, and every last root of its being would have to be removed to prevent regrowth ever again of such a dangerous thing.


And so, it would make sense that a president would sign the orders to defend the nation, the constitution, and the president, from such a vile thing. It would take much care to remove the parasite without killing the patient, and so the operation would be done in secret, and by the book.


You would allow the criminal government to steal the following election, while in fact no election was held, because the country is in an emergency operation mode known as Continuity of Government.


You would quietly cut the head from the international snake, while working your way down their foodchain, like a surgeon. You would use their comms to order the underlings as if nothing had happened, and allow them to keep working to implement their already foiled plan. You would document every step, on every level, with a vast array of loyal legal experts across the country, to catch every last guilty party.


But first -you would destroy their child trafficking operation that was used in blackmail and control. You would use information made available here to further sort out their business, who was willing, who was forced.


And then one day, finally, after the years it took to untangle this web …you would arrest all of the underlings for their various crimes, and free the people


…forever more.