Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 4:31 a.m. No.17879401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9408 >>9433

Greetings, Beloved Ones.


We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you…


As you are going through your Ascension journey, things might not always go your way.


Oftentimes, humans get frustrated or give up on their goals, because things are not working out.


We are here to tell you that God/Source has a plan for you and has it all figured out.


You might think that things should work out a specific way, but sometimes, what you think should happen is actually in the way of your true fulfillment.


When things or people are being removed from your life or things don’t happen, it is because they are in the way of what you are meant to have.


You are meant to live a wonderful life, and at times, humans think too small when God/Source has a bigger vision for them.


God/Source is putting the right things, people and connections for you in place so that you can truly become the best version of yourself to fulfill the Divine Plan in the most magnificent way.


That requires the removal of the wrong things, people and connections…


So, when things don’t work out the way you want them to, know in your heart that you are being watched over and that wonderful things are heading your way.


Relax into the knowing that all is in Divine Order.


Flow with any changes in your life, as they are for your Highest Good.


Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.


Welcome Home.


We are walking beside you, every step of the way.


Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.


I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 5:10 a.m. No.17879478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9480 >>0024

But the secret is starting to unfold. Gradually everyone will realize that LIGHT IS WITHIN EVERYONE.


Seek nothing outside of yourself! Just look for a few parameters in order to locate yourself, as you bring all the necessary baggage for the promotion. You’ve gained all the experience you need in order to reach the New Earth frequency. Search within that soul baggage and all tools will be there. LIGHT IS THERE WAITING FOR YOU TO FIND IT.


The Light is within you as it has always been there. You Never Missed Her ! Just forget you always brought her with you. You came with it and you will return home. You only experienced the shadow while forgetting that it was always Light. You came to experience what it’s like to create in a 3D world. You Discovered That Light Creates Much More In The Shadow Than Within The Light Itsself. YOU ARE THE LIGHT! YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LIGHT AND WILL NEVER LEAVE TO BE.


Don’t get wrapped up by those who comfort themselves in the non-Light. Find reasons to feel the Light that you are. Don’t allow yourself to be engulfed in the dark news. Do not disclose and do not share messages that hide the Light. Those who do not give Light only have this tool to maintain their survival on this Planet. Don’t extend their stay here. Do not feed such entities with low energy. You are Light, you just need to convince yourself of it! You don’t depend on anything you’re outside for your elevation. Trust the Plan. AND TRUST THE LIGHT THAT IS WITHIN YOU!

Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 5:13 a.m. No.17879480   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The souls incarnate on this Third Dimensional Planet have forgotten who they are, where they came from and what they came to do here. This is the rule in this School, because learning is just that: to create something while the soul is subjected to the veil of forgetfulness.


All souls came from the Light. Even those who have previously been in other worlds also of Trials and Atonement, long before were in 5D Dimensions and above. Remembering that only a Fractal of an elevated soul can descend to Third Dimension worlds, as the risk of remaining in this low frequency band is too great.


From the Light we came and to the Light we shall return one day. Each one in his due time, for there are no limited deadlines. What happens is that 3D Schools also make their Transition and when this happens, souls need to migrate to other Schools still at the same level. Then the exile of souls occurs, like those of Chapel that they brought here long ago.


Now the Earth is also transitioning to 5D, and it will no longer be a World of Atonement and Testimony. As we move into a Regenerative World, souls that have attained the higher frequency, ascend with the New Earth. On the other hand, those who are not yet ready should leave her and face exile.


Souls that are getting ready for ascension feel the changes in an ever more intense way. Feel that something great is coming and also feel an incredible need to transform. Something very strong drives such souls to seek more knowledge and motives for inner transformation. It’s a thirst for knowledge that seems insatiable.

Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 5:26 a.m. No.17879508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9511

The souls incarnate on this Third Dimensional Planet have forgotten who they are, where they came from and what they came to do here.


The souls incarnate on this Third Dimensional Planet have forgotten who they are, where they came from and what they came to do here.


The souls incarnate on this Third Dimensional Planet have forgotten who they are, where they came from and what they came to do here.

Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 6:10 a.m. No.17879602   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now you see why they allow the flood across the border. They “catch” a percentage for these purposes.


They give them every benefit as the carrot to get them motivated that you pay for.

Then they capture and traffic a percentage of them never to be seen again.

They are kept in severe poverty on purpose.

Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 7:08 a.m. No.17879793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9802 >>9810 >>9815 >>9855 >>9885

I am Ashtar. I come at this time, as events are beginning to show themselves more and more across the planet.


More and more of our ships are appearing to many more across the planet. It is happening now in the moments you are in right now. And it is going to continue, going to continue for yet some time, where more and more will become aware of us, to the point where it will no longer be able to be held back any longer. They will no longer be able to hold the covers over it. No longer the veil that covers over the existence of beings beyond this Earth, your brothers and sisters returning once again.


Now we have had many council meetings over the year. Many, deciding one way or the other which direction we should move it. Should we make an overall appearance all at once?


But it was decided that that would bring too much fear based on the programming that all of you have received for many years here on the planet from those of the dark forces that continue to attempt to hold control over all of you. That was a decision that was not able to be made.


And then other parts of the plan were discussed from time to time whether it would be over a period of time. And then how long a period of time would it take before we could have full disclosure.


And then it was decided that there would be partial disclosure for some time, leading to full disclosure. And that is where we are at right now.


It is partial disclosure, leading to more and more full disclosure that is occurring. That was decided at a recent council meeting where many of us came together, gathered together to discuss the possibilities and the potentialities within the plan.


It was decided that mankind as a collective was not quite yet ready to receive the full implications of our existence.


But slowly now, little by little, that is in a process of change. For more and more are becoming aware of our existence by simply looking up at the night sky and seeing our ships. Seeing through the veil that has been put there, but is no longer there because those are awakening their third eye, even though they are not aware of having a third eye or beginning to awaken that as well.


For those of the various products, the various ways that your cabal has attempted to hold back the understanding and the realization of your third eye process, that is all being released now more and more, to more and more people.


And now more and more do have the eyes to see and the ears to hear as well. To look beyond the programming and to realize that it is indeed programming: programming the mind to accept that you are not free, that you are to be controlled.


And many of you are saying, “no!” All of you, certainly on this call, all of you that resonate to these words after this, but many, many more now are also, even, again, at an unconscious level, are realizing that there is so much more to life. And the more and more that you can find yourself living in the moment now, it will help all of you to move through this process, this ascension process that you are in, and to accept the plan as it is spreading out in front of you now.


Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 7:11 a.m. No.17879815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9885




Yes, we understand the discouragement. We understand the anger at times. We understand when you say, “enough is enough,” and we say that as well. For we would certainly like to move this along much quicker than it is.


But we also know that it is not possible to do that. For we cannot interfere with the lives of all of those in the collective. We cannot stand in the way of their soul growth. So we have to allow the process. Thereby, again, in all of the council meetings that we have had, to help determine just how much we are able to assist mankind.


But we can tell you, I can tell you now, that all is in readiness. It has been for some time. And we are just waiting to receive the ‘go’ signal.


Just as those of you of the Alliance, on the ground, are waiting to receive the ‘go’ signal. And yes, there is a ‘go’ signal. It just needs to find the time frame and the frequency to be allowed to move forward with it.


You will understand more as various changes continue to happen, various events continue to occur, various announcements that are yet still to come. But they are coming.


And the changes are happening even now as I speak to you. Watch for them. Over the next several weeks and months there is going to be tremendous change to your lives as you know them now. And the lives that you know now are not going to be the same those weeks and months after this. Everything, and much, is changing and continuing to change.


Just allow for the process to continue to move through. Or again, it is a process, and you, and we cannot interfere with that process. We can only help to move it along wherever it is possible to do.


I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.


And that you continue to look to the skies so that you can see, all of you that are on this call, all of you can see that we are indeed here and ready to move in and assist when that signal is given.

Anonymous ID: cee05b Dec. 5, 2022, 7:35 a.m. No.17879924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The left can’t Meme because they can’t create.


Demons enjoy taking existing symbols and turning it upside down. Or they enjoy spreading inverted information, the exact opposite of what is actually true.


This is because they are disconnected from Source and do not gain LoveLight from Source. Hence they literally do not have creativity. If you gave a demon a sheet of paper and a pen and asked them to draw something, they literally could not do so. They cannot create anything, they can only twist and corrupt and destroy existing things. Hence they invert symbols and they invert information.


If you gave a demon a sheet of paper and a pen and asked them to draw something, they literally could not do so.