Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 5:04 a.m. No.17879465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>17879199 Media Tailsping as Trust hits record low


Funny,they don’t use interference but a much more kindly word, intervention, like the media had to save the country from an addiction. Subpar writing toads writing this.


“With mass layoffs at a number of companies andnew revelations of intervention in recent elections, the media have had a rough two months”

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 5:41 a.m. No.17879532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9541 >>9901 >>9963

>>17879203 Hobbs et al case is not over. Barnett filed a last minute Emergency Motion to Set Aside Dismissal Due to FRAUD on the Court


This is the AZ state law he is relying on to stop Hobbs, weird she think it acceptable and not at all strange that she will witness and sign as the SOS to make herself governor. AZ needs to change that law or in the event the SOS is running for office a third party such as the AG will sign it. Elias, Hobbs etc know the wording of every law and the weak points that can ve exploited, and Karen Fann is s fucking liar, where she refused to have votes to correct election laws. She even promised Kelly Townsend and another senator to have a senate vote on a vital issue before Jan 3, but shes on vacation in DC with a girlfriend, traitor.


AZ Law


16-650. Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election


The secretary of state shall declare elected the person receiving the highest number of votes cast for each office for which the nominees filed nominating petitions and papers with the secretary of state pursuant to section 16-311, subsection B and shall,unless enjoined from so doing by an order of court, deliver to each such person, upon compliance with the provisions imposed by law upon candidates for office as conditions precedent to the issuance of the certificates, a certificate of election, signed by the secretary of state and authenticated with the great seal of the state

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 5:48 a.m. No.17879541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9648 >>9715 >>9831 >>9901 >>9946 >>9963 >>0016 >>0127


Simple Explanation of what Barnett is pleading, and tweet thread what Hobbs attorney tried to do:


"Counsel Gaona argued directly opposite a legal truth he himself used to protect the same defendants in the present matter, which helped end Plaintiff’s case, despite Plaintiff’s proper reliance uponA.R.S. 16-650 to establish that the legislature foresaw potential controversies where it would be prudent to allow the courts to enjoin the Secretary from awarding Certificates of Election. The statute is unambiguous on that point".

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 6:15 a.m. No.17879616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9628 >>9662

The RNC should have been studying the lawfare tactics of Elias et al, for the last six years, so they were prepared. But No they just pretended we’d have free and fair elections. Everyone that was involved in this terrible laziness should be fired today.


“Attorney for the state is trying to run out the clock for Lake campaign to election records asap.He states her need does not supersede public interest groups and prisoners. See how they do it!she only 5 days from the canvass to file suit and without the records she cannot get proof.”

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 6:23 a.m. No.17879647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9652 >>9667 >>9672 >>9715 >>9831 >>9946 >>0016 >>0127

It’s very disturbing how many leftists so casually lie constantly. Bidan admin is normalizing LYING as acceptable. There should be double penalties under the law when found. So does the Board that were at twitter get personally sued by the government now? But knowing this government, they’ll try to let it go.

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 6:32 a.m. No.17879667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9715 >>9831 >>9946 >>0016 >>0127



Sean Cooksey@SeanJCooksey·Dec 2

"Nor did decision-makers at Twitter, or to the best of the company’s knowledge, anyone authorized to act on Twitter’s behalf even communicate with the Biden campaign regarding Twitter’s decision to enforce its content moderation policies with respect to the N.Y. Post articles."


Link to FEC letter from Sean Cooksey


When the


dismissed the complaint, I did not sign onto the Commission's theory that Twitter acted only for commercial reasons. I wasn't convinced, but I still didn't think it was a campaign-finance violation, as I explained at the time:


Sean Cooksey@SeanJCooksey

·Dec 2

You can read their entire response, including two affidavits from Twitter employees involved, here:


30 page response to FEC with twitter affadavitts saying twitter to fulfill requests for biden team, of course from Covington lawfirm

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:09 a.m. No.17879798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9808

Woke politics, 'overly politicized' leadership undermining public trust in military, survey shows

1 of

Perceptions of an "overly politicized" leadership class, presidential incompetence, and so-called "woke" policies are all contributing to a sharp decline in Americans' trust in the U.S. military, according to a new survey.

The 2022 Reagan National Defense Survey, an annual project of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, found that public trust in the military has declined by more than 20 points in recent years.


Only 48% of Americans say they have "a great deal of trust and confidence" in the military, the survey found. That's up slightly from 45% last year — when for the first time just a minority of the country had high confidence in the armed forces — but still within the margin of error.


Just four years ago, 70% of respondents said they had great trust in the military.


This sharp downward trend is consistent with findings from other surveys. The Pew Research Center, for example, earlier this year showed the share of Americans who say they have "a great deal of confidence in the military to act in the public's best interests" fell 14 points, from 39% in 2020 to 25%.


And Gallup earlier this year released a poll highlighting how confidence in military officers had declined to its lowest level since it began measuring in 2001. Between 2017 and 2022, Americans who believe military officers possess "high ethics”" fell by 10 points, down to 61%.


The new Reagan survey went an extra step and asked what's driving this decline in confidence.


The key factors are "things going on outside the core competencies of the military," Ronald Reagan Institute Director Roger Zakheim told the Wall Street Journal. "Call it politicization, call it wokeness" — that's where "you can connect the dots."


According to the survey, 62% of Americans say military leadership becoming "overly politicized" has decreased their confidence, making it the number one factor. This includes 60% of Democrats, 60% of independents, and 65% of Republicans.


Nearly 60% of respondents cited the performance and competence of the president as the commander in chief. The survey came out 15 months after President Biden ordered a full military withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban took over the government. Most Americans disapproved of Biden's handling of the withdrawal, and the decision led to a drop in confidence in the military, according to polling at the time.


The Reagan survey also found a majority of Americans have less confidence in the military due to the military's civilian leadership (55%) and uniformed military leaders (52%).


Half of Americans say "so-called 'woke' practices undermining military effectiveness" contributed to their lower trust level.


Such practices have become commonplacefor the Pentagon. In June, for example, the Navy released a video training service members to use proper gender pronouns to create "safe spaces." The Army similarly trainsits soldiers on gender identity.


Earlier this year, the Defense Department wrote that diversity, equity, and inclusion are "necessities" in the military and need to be "a consideration or a part of all decisions in the military."


"White rage" has been a particular focus of Pentagon leaders, who have increasingly embraced the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) within military ranks. CRT argues racism is entrenched in all systems of American society and all disparities between the races indicate racial discrimination…

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:11 a.m. No.17879808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9825 >>9851



2 of 2


Last year, Gen. Mark Millley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, defended the study and teaching of CRT within the armed forces.


The U.S. Military Academy at West Point offersa seminar class on "white rage," and the Chief of Naval Operations recommends "How to Be an Antiracist" — a foundational text of CRT — on the official reading list of the U.S. Navy. The list also includes "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness and Sexual Minorities and Politics."


Meanwhile, the U.S. Pacific Air Forces, which is tasked in part with deterring and preparing for conflict with China, has ordered its senior leaders and commanders to stop using gender pronouns such as "he" and "she." The military command also banned references to age and race, saying the language shift would help with "lethality" and "competition against near-peer adversaries," a term referring to China and Russia.


Such practices appear to fit with concerns of critics who fear the Pentagon's senior leadership is too focused on priorities other than deterring and preparing for war.


According to the Reagan survey, 52% of Americans say concern about the country's ability to win a potential future war was a major factor in losing confidence in the military.


Such a figure is especially relevant since the survey also found that 75% of the country now views China as an enemy, up from 65% in 2021 and 55% in 2018. A plurality (43%) names China

as the country that poses the greatest threat to the U.S.


A striking 70% of the country is concerned about the threat of China invading Taiwan in the next five years, and bipartisan majorities support efforts to deter such an invasion with an increased military presence near, and more arms sales to, Taiwan.


If China were to invade Taiwan, 43% would support committing U.S. ground troops to the defense of Taiwan, and 36% would oppose doing so. However, if informed that Taiwan is a democracy and the world's largest producer of advanced semiconductors," then 65% say they are open to the idea of committing U.S. forces to the island's defense.


China considers Taiwan a renegade Chinese province that must be reunited with the mainland — by force, if necessary. U.S. lawmakers and military officials have increasingly expressed alarm about China invading Taiwan within the next five years.


The Reagan survey also found that a majority of Americans — both Republicans and Democrats — support continued aid to Ukraine in countering Russia, which 82% of Americans view as an enemy.


"Our survey shows that Americans are firmly resolved, as President Reagan was, that the United States has an obligation to fiercely protect our nation and freedom in the world," said Zakheim in a statement. "Forty years ago, President Reagan demanded we stand up against authoritarianism in all its forms. His legacy lives on through an American citizenry committed to global leadership and a military focused on defending freedom without the distraction of daily political whims."

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:19 a.m. No.17879851   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I want to see the question they asked about Ukraine, no way 82% respondents want to provide more aid for this shithole country


“The Reagan survey also found that a majority of Americans — both Republicans and Democrats — support continued aid to Ukraine in countering Russia, which 82% of Americans view as an enemy.”

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:22 a.m. No.17879869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9946 >>0016 >>0127

Department of Justice Watchdog seeks independent investigation into FTX debacle


(Where’s the watchdog for FBI raising alarms, FTX investigation is in their charter)


A Department of Justice watchdog group is looking to open an independent investigation of the collapse of crypto exchange FTX.


The DOJ’s U.S. Trustee for Regions Three and Nine is the watchdog that wants a bankruptcy court to appoint an independent examiner to investigate what may have led to the collapse.


FTX announced that it would move forward with bankruptcy filings early last month. The firm had been worth $32 billion and reports have indicated that at least $1 billion in client funds have disappeared, affecting roughly 1 million investors. Also reportedly missing are many millions of dollars' worth of company assets.


"An examiner could—and should—investigate the substantial and serious allegations of fraud, dishonesty, incompetence, misconduct, and mismanagement by the Debtors, the circumstances surrounding the Debtors' collapse, the apparent conversion of exchange customers' property, and whether colorable claims and causes of action exist to remedy losses," the filing read.


The Justice Department is investigating the situation already, according to the Epoch Times.


Once the GOP takes control of the House in January, they plan to hold hearings about what happened with FTX since a lot of money was given to the nation's political establishment — Democrats and Republicans — regulators and academics.


"The oversight committee is to root out fraud and abuse — this is one of them," South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show. "Yes, it should have had a red flag on all the dollars going in."

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:26 a.m. No.17879887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9946 >>0016 >>0127

Suit alleges Wisconsin city’s mobile ballot van favored Dems and is illegal


The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) filed an appeal against the City Clerk of Racine, alleging that the utilization of mobile voting cites violated Wisconsin state laws.


Wisconsin state law (Wis. Stat. § 6.855) states that the office of the municipal clerk is the default location "to which voted absentee ballots shall be returned by electors for any election." But there may be circumstances when the clerk's office is unavailable for early, in person absentee voting. In those cases, the clerk may designate an alternate absentee ballot site or sites; but under state law, "[t]he designated site shall be located as near as practicable to the office of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners and no site may be designated that affords an advantage to any political party."


WILL alleges that the Racine City Clerk provided 21 alternate absentee ballot locations scattered throughout the city, resulting inadvantage being given to the Democrat Party since most of these locations were in more Democrat areas.


"Racine's abuse of alternate absentee ballot sites circumvents multiple statutory safeguards on the collection of absentee ballots. The WEC Commissioners failed to take action and delegated the matter to the WEC Administrator who declined to enjoin Racine's illegal behavior," WILL Deputy Counsel, Anthony LoCoco said in a statement.


"Further,although WILL's complaint was filed in August, the WEC Administrator did not issue her decision on the matter until in-person absentee voting for the 2022 general election was essentially completedwhich meant that WILL could not appeal the decision until after the November general election was over," the statement continued. "We are confident that a court will put an end to Racine's egregious practices."


WILL has asked the court to look into Racine's alleged illegal ballot collection practices.

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:30 a.m. No.17879902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9946 >>0016 >>0127

Soros-backed labor organization gets $12 million in taxpayer funding to back Latin American workers


Controversial billionaire has given several million to group.


A labor group underwritten by controversial billionaire George Soros is receiving $12 million from the federal government to back workers in several Latin American countries.


The U.S. government this week announced "the award of a $12 million cooperative agreement to theAmerican Center for International Labor Solidarity," the Department of Labor said in a press release. The funding is intended "to strengthen democratic, independent workers' organizations in Brazil, Colombia and Peru."


The funds will "bolster unions and advocate for the full and free exercise of collective bargaining rights and freedom of association in South America," the press release said.


The American Center for International Labor Solidarity, commonly referred to as the Solidarity Center, is a D.C.-based group that has been heavily funded by Soros-backed money in the past.


The conservative group Judicial Watch noted this week that the Center has received over $2 million from Soros' Open Society Foundations grant machine since 2018.

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:45 a.m. No.17879974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0053


Pray for Walker and please God break any machines used for switching votes all day; and reveal any cheating so it will be stopped right now. Perfect outcome is what we need in GA and that means defeating Warnock with a wide margin

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 7:49 a.m. No.17879988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When he gets back he’s going to have remove all the corrupt district judges country wide, a lot of them have revealed themselves dramatically in the last 5 years

Anonymous ID: f0907f Dec. 5, 2022, 8:26 a.m. No.17880170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0179




Look what Walesky tweeted out, tell me whats wrong with it? Well she accomplished one thing by doing this stupid psyop, she got 500,000 black people to sign up as republican. Are you fucking kidding me! Rewriting history is their thing, but just ask 1, only 1 black person if the know about the Tuskeegee study, see if they know this history. Holy shit these people are stupid but mostly evil. Was she warning black people?


Honor 623 black men that never volunteered to be jabbed with syphilis!!! Their sacrifice to ethical research, holy fuck you killed them, or made them sterile, insane or incapacitated. These people are insanely cruel and evil.


All of this admin needs to go to gitmo and never come back. I’m going to show this to black people I know and see and ask them their reaction. Might be the best red pill for mankind. They all know this story thats why blacks don’t take vaccines. This passes on from generation to generation.