Please help me find the cure for Epilepsy
Please any anons who have any experience in this realm, please help. Focal aware seizures in the form of deja vu, adrenaline rush, and stomach flip. I know that's not the worst kind of epilepsy out there but it's really scary and I only recently learned that these frequent deja episodes are seizures. They aren't as frequent now as they were (maybe one every few days), but I'm scared anons, and I need help. I have a neurologist appointment coming up, but still, I'm scared. I'm trying to be a man about it but I don't know what to do. The current medicine field seems to just be all pharma drugs, which if they work, I suppose that's fine, but I know there are side effects. I want to try CBD but am scared, and want to talk to Dr. first anyway. Eating high magnesium foods, and supplimenting moderate amounts of vitamin D seem to have helped greatly, as has keeping a good sleep schedule.
Please anons, or Q, anyone, let me know if you have input, this anon would appreciate it so deeply.
Thank you, I will pray for you all.