Anonymous ID: d1ed7e Dec. 5, 2022, 2:21 p.m. No.17881849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1878 >>1979 >>2094 >>2124 >>2146 >>2238 >>2305 >>2376 >>2427

Biden opposes dropping COVID vaccine mandate for military, Defense spokesperson says


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has called for the vaccine requirement to be lifted as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.


President Joe Biden is opposed to dropping the COVID vaccine mandate for military members, according to Defense Department spokesperson John Kirby.


"He continues to believe that all Americans, including those in the armed forces, should be vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19," Kirby told reporters on Monday. "This remains very much a health and readiness issue for the force."


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also wants the vaccine requirement to stay in place.


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has called for the vaccine requirement to be lifted as part of the annual defense spending bill, formally referred to as the National Defense Authorization Act. The California Republican has said the NDAA "will not move" with the vaccine requirement in place.


"This is the first sign of having divided government, you've got some compromise here," he said.


Republican senators have also pushed for the vaccine requirement to be removed from the final NDAA.

Anonymous ID: d1ed7e Dec. 5, 2022, 3:19 p.m. No.17882168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305 >>2376 >>2427

Woke Hollywood Director James Cameron Calls Testosterone a “Toxin” That Must Be Expelled From System


Avatar director James Cameron has fully embraced the woke concept of toxic masculinity, claiming recently that testosterone is a “toxin.”


The comments came during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.


He cites his transparency, telling the studio early on if he feels something may shift in the schedule, and says he respects Disney’s marketing prowess. It may also be that his era of F-bomb-laden shouting matches with executives is behind him. “A lot of things I did earlier, I wouldn’t do — career-wise and just risks that you take as a wild, testosterone-poisoned young man,” he says, declining to specify further. “I always think of [testosterone] as a toxin that you have to slowly work out of your system.”


Not only is testosterone toxic according to Cameron, a poison no less, but it needs to be worked out of your system.


His comments are ironic considering many of his successful movies were testosterone fueled including The Terminator, Aliens and the Abyss.


But Cameron’s woke nature has been on display for years, especially with the focus of his anti-military (presumable for being too testosterone fueled) and environmental activist Avatar movies.


In 2009, Breitbart’s John Nolte wrote,


Absent from the big screen for over a decade now, Oscar-winning director James Cameron returns armed with a reported half-billion dollars, a story he’s been desperate to tell for 15 years, and the very latest in cutting-edge visual technology. The result is “Avatar,” a sanctimonious thud of a movie so infested with one-dimensional characters and PC clichés that not a single plot turn – small or large – surprises. I call it the “liberal tell,” where the early and obvious politics of the film gives away the entire story before the second act begins, and “Avatar” might be the sorriest example of this yet. For all the time and money and technology that went into its making, the thing that matters most – character and story – are strictly Afterschool Special.


What a crushing disappointment from one of our most original and imaginative filmmakers.

Anonymous ID: d1ed7e Dec. 5, 2022, 3:21 p.m. No.17882172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2181 >>2305 >>2376 >>2427

Karine Jean-Pierre Lashes Out at Elon Musk, Calls Twitter’s Censorship of the New York Post Story on Hunter Biden’s Laptop “a Distraction”


Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday was confronted about the “Twitter files” released by Elon Musk last Friday.


Elon Musk Friday evening released Twitter’s internal discussions that led to its decision to block any links exposing Hunter’s laptop from hell.


The New York Post released damning and explosive contents from Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020 several days before the general election.


Twitter banned The New York Post at the time for their reporting on crackhead Hunter and his illegal dealings.


The laptop from hell story had been removed for violation of the company’s “hacked materials” policy even though Hunter’s laptop was never hacked.


Hunter Biden left his laptop at a computer repair shot in Delaware and never retrieved his property.


Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich on Monday asked Karine Jean Pierre, “Decisions were made to censor reporting leading up to the election. My question was, is it the White House’s view that these decisions were made appropriately in light of what has come out?”


Karine Jean-Pierre lashed out at Elon Musk and called Twitter’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story a “distraction” and “old news.”

Anonymous ID: d1ed7e Dec. 5, 2022, 3:25 p.m. No.17882192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305 >>2376 >>2427

Meet the Beijing-Aligned Group That Branded a Republican’s Tough-on-China Rhetoric ‘Racist’


The Chinese-American nonprofit that branded a Republican congresswoman's tough-on-China campaign ads "racist" has extensive ties to Chinese Communist Party influence groups and Beijing-backed companies through its members, staff, and former leaders, a Washington Free Beacon investigation found.


In late October, with the 2022 midterms just two weeks away, the Committee of 100—a nonprofit that works to "advance U.S.-China relations"—issued a statement condemning China-related campaign ads from California Republican Michelle Steel. Those ads, which the committee said included "racist attacks" that encouraged "anti-Asian hate and violence," criticized Democrat challenger Jay Chen's past support for the Confucius Classroom program, a CCP-run initiative that provides American K-12 schools with Beijing-backed teachers and curriculum materials.


The committee's decision to wade into the race—a rare one, given that the nonprofit usually avoids electoral politics in favor of commenting on academic research, legislative developments, and federal appointments—sparked attention from mainstream media outlets and liberal groups. Within days of its release, NPR, the Los Angeles Times, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee used the statement to declare that the Asian-American community had turned on Steel, with the Times and NPR innocuously describing the Committee of 100 as "a New York-based nonprofit led by prominent Chinese Americans" and a group that "represents Chinese Americans." Those descriptions, however, ignore the fact that many of the nonprofit's members, staff, and former leaders have extensive ties to CCP-controlled groups and Chinese state-backed companies—ties that have led some China experts to assert that the committee is a crucial target for the CCP's foreign influence efforts.


Committee member Ronnie Chan, for example, serves on the governing board of the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a CCP-funded Chinese foreign agent whose founder, billionaire Chinese national Tung Chee-hwa, is the vice chairman of a CCP advisory body. Fellow member Yu Meng, meanwhile, for three years worked as a top officer at the Chinese government-controlled State Administration of Foreign Exchange, a job that China's Thousand Talents Program—which the FBI says engages in "non-traditional espionage against the United States"—reportedly recruited him to take. Meng in 2015 told CCP propaganda rag People's Daily that he was inspired to take the job due to his commitment to "the motherland." Former committee chairman Dominic Ng also served on the board of the Asia Society, which worked to spread Confucius Institutes—the CCP-run higher education equivalent of Confucius Classrooms that a former top Chinese official called "an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up"—across the United States.


Committee of 100 members and staff have also partnered with Chinese state-backed companies and propaganda outlets. Senior communications director Charles Zinkowski, for example, previously managed U.S. media relations for Huawei, a CCP tech company that has helped the Chinese government surveil Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang concentration camps. The United States on Wednesday banned the approval of new Huawei tech over the company's "unacceptable risk" to national security. Committee member Guoqing Chen, meanwhile, cofounded majority state-owned Hainan Airlines, while fellow member Chi Wang serves as president of the U.S.-China Policy Foundation, which has accepted tens of thousands of dollars in funding from Huawei, CCP-run newspaper China Daily, and China's largest state-owned banks.


Those affiliations may explain why Chinese president Xi Jinping praised the Committee of 100 as a "friendly group" in 2015. They may also explain why the CCP's "United Front" system—which aims to advance Beijing's interests by influencing foreign individuals—has used the committee to pressure members to "toe the Party line," according to a 2019 Hoover Institution report. Some of the committee's former leaders, meanwhile, are reportedly part of that system. Former committee director George Koo is an "overseas director" of the China Overseas Friendship Association, a CCP-led foreign influence group, according to the Hoover report. Former Committee of 100 chair and current member H. Roger Wang is an honorary chairman of the association's local branch in Nanjing, Newsweek reported in 2020.

Anonymous ID: d1ed7e Dec. 5, 2022, 3:30 p.m. No.17882214   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Big problem with this logic.


I have patents for these virus's, so if they purified the

virus and made it public it would show it is a man

made bioweapon, so they had to pretend it couldn't be purified