More than just failing to disavow he presents systems opposed to the US Constitution to be of equal merit. Obama is not a patriot. That's in his own words. Saying systems of government that don't embrace individual freedoms and equal rights have equal merit is a slap in the face. It is also uncharacteristic of these professional virtue signalers to accidentally admit how they really think in a public forum. You really have to read between the lines and understand human psychology.
He clearly favors a less democratic approach to government or else he wouldn't have elevated the opposing view. Some may say, "well he's just being nice to other ideas." The thing is if you can't say something nice you usually don't say anything at all. To put it into context, it would be as if an atheist spoke to a group and declared that faith in Jesus and the scientific method both had equal merit in determining the origin of species. You might wonder if that atheist is truly an atheist if he or she believed that.
It seems very likely Obama believed what he said was true and was not just paying lip service. Note how he refers to the founding fathers of the US. Its the tell.