>>1788410 (lb)
let's all take a moment to recognize the shill that's doing a victory lap about "winning" an argument. the obama law licenses really get in these shills craw. lol. sorry for the slide, but fuck. these people are stupid.
>>1788410 (lb)
let's all take a moment to recognize the shill that's doing a victory lap about "winning" an argument. the obama law licenses really get in these shills craw. lol. sorry for the slide, but fuck. these people are stupid.
i heard from an attorney that you were getting a pony. and that was me being nice btw.
George Webb gets his important mail at a motel.
She is pretty.
FLOTUS will receive them in impeccable style and POTUS will have them plant a tree by a sewer cover. kek. hell, maybe they will get with the program, hope so.
kek. if that is her favorite flavor, then yes, yes it is
i had to delete his music off my spotify playlist. cringey fucker
it's tough to dig on her license surrender because most of it is scrubbed. as i recall, she was working for a hospital and got into some hot water. gave up the license to avoid inquiry and scandal.
aha! that was it, thanks anon