>I see where you're going. You could definitely be right so I'm not going to disagree. Q knows that enemies are watching here. So, disinformation is necessary. In my opinion, I think that's what's going on with Rosenstein. President Trump won the most crucial election in US history. The plan was years in the making. So, I don't believe for a second that POTUS would appoint someone who is corrupt to be second at the DOJ. Not buying it. I believe that Sessions, Mueller, and Rosenstein are all working together.
I have always been under the belief RR took a deal, flipped, and is working FOR Potus, but the necessary optics have to make it look like he is dirty and working AGAINST Potus. I have believed this since before I even discovered Q in Nov. The smoking gun on this one, like you pointed out, Trump appointed RR. That is extremely understated and overlooked. I have always believed Mueller is the same, working a deal, helping Potus drain the swamp, but for optics need everyone including cabal to think Mueller is /theirguy/. Take it a step farther, I throw Comey in there too. I believe, and always have, that he is on a deal, and playing his role/part.