Anonymous ID: 3ed4b1 Dec. 6, 2022, 7:18 a.m. No.17885309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5335 >>5401 >>5517

Been doing some thinking lately regarding the events happening in the world.


In regards to the Euphrates river drying up and the prophecies in revelation.. If these people were trying to force Gods hand by making the prophecies in the Bible come true, would it not make sense that the evil ones planned for the Euphrates river to dry up around this time? I’m quite sure we have the tech and the no-how to dry a river up over a period of time.


Now think about this, if Hillary would have won and Trump had never come along, according to the 16 year plan to destroy America that we are all familiar with, this would be her 6th year.


My question is: are we about to collectively realize what their plan really was in the long term? Picture this: Trump never comes along and Hillary wins, the next 4 years are extremely awful with war and whatever else was planned, then in her 6th year and the Euphrates dries up, Covid is released and it wipes out 1/3 of the population and forces the vaccine (mark of the beast) which was supposed to be a transdermal phosphorescent stamp with luciferase btw.. look in to it.


Buuuuut Trump and patriots came along at the perfect time to disrupt their plans. Now to try and retain power or foil their plans, The Covid plan is put into warp speed and released on the public early to prevent Trump from winning a second term. This also sped up the production and development of the vaccine which foiled their mark of the beast plan according to the Bible.


Looking at it this way, does it not make a ton of sense why this had to be timed perfectly? If people realize this and see what their plan was, would it not spring a 2nd age of Christ? Would it force people to believe in God again? Q says certain information can only be released after world events take place or the message would be lost.


Is the message the fact these evil people planned to kill 1/3 of the population with Covid after the Euphrates dried up (done on purpose)? This shows that these people were trying to force gods hand according to the teachings in the Bible.


The stage is set, all we gotta do is expose the satanic pedophilia now and it’s over. It is all becoming so clear. Praise Jesus!


This is a second chance.


“This can never happen again”