Anonymous ID: fe687b Dec. 6, 2022, 3:46 p.m. No.17895638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5643

Two part series on NBC only: 1 of 2

Theory, the three or more personalities in the whole fiasco of POTUS, YE etc. has been a long term strategy based to undermine POTUS and the America First, MAGA view for the world. Giorno, Milo and Loomer glommed onto to Trump from the beginning. Each one has harmed the movement in one way or another. Each one has in some way hurt the world view and burrowed their way into his circle of influence. I feel like the sabotage strategy is just and the next step and extension of the FBI, DOJ, Republicans, Democrats and the federal government to destroy Trump at every turn.


The first part of research and trying to confirm a theory, is from NBC article stating how Karen Giorno was intimately involved in working with Milo on getting Ye and team into Mar A Lago. Note Giorno worked with Trump on his 2016 campaign and also his 2020 campaign. There are too many statements that Giorno didn’t know the plan, wasn’t officially involved, didn’t know the people coming, etc. One added sentence from another article, Giorno is representing Ye in his 2024 run for President. More to Come:


Results of research done on Milo, Karen Giorno, Laura Loomer to show the connections, and their possible strategy with destroyingTrump. I’ll post a couple of parts and info on each one of them, what they project out that they are dedicated to America, but they are high jacking the movement for the same reasons all the rest have done. It’s very possible they were part of the CABAL (Time Magazine) but now it’s time for their bombing of POTUS, where all the others were implementing different strategies and it’s still ongoing. The main point of the sabotage at Mar A Lago was to bring the whole lie back of the Charlottesville, “Good People” because as you can see, the cabal is once again repeating his ties to Russia. All the of the lies are still useful to them because in most people’s minds they still believe all of it, regardless if everything has been debunked. Milo’s strategy at that dinner was not only to humiliate him, but tie him to Nazi’s, Antisemites, and never doing enough for his people.


Anons, Research on Karen Giorno, the women that drove Ye and three others to dinner with Trump, when she knew it wasn’t right. Now I’ve found a lot of more info. Milo was the one that asked her to help them to get into Mar A Lago, and to drive them up to there. Milo wrote this glowing article on her in 2020. I’m pretty sure all these people that have been in politics forever, especially those who worked for the Bush’s forever in both Admin, are plants. Milo seems like (Ageny Asset: SeeEyeAye, or Mossad). Laura Loomer involved also.


FROM NBC ARTICLE: Giorno didn’t say NO Mr. President, I think you should only have dinner with Ye.

• Yiannopoulos said Fuentes is serving in an advisory capacity to Ye. Giorno is not an official member of the unofficial Ye campaign team but flew to Los Angeles to meet with them this week.

• Yiannopoulos persuaded a former Trump 2016 campaign adviser from Florida, Karen Giorno, to give Ye a ride to Mar-a-Lago, which she said led her to become an accidental member of Ye’s dinner party.

• Yiannopoulos said he also wanted Giorno to brief Ye on Trump and politics and, if she went to the dinner, to lend a sense of political gravitas to the discussion.The fourth member of the party was a man Ye later identified as a parent of a student at his private school in California, Donda Academy. (Donda shut down for the year after Ye’s antisemitic remarks.) Yiannopoolos said he was unsure of why the man traveled with them.

• Yiannopoulos said Fuentes is serving in an advisory capacity to Ye. Giorno is not an official member of the unofficial Ye campaign team but flew to Los Angeles to meet with them this week.

• Hours before Ye’s flight arrived in Florida, Yiannopoulos enticed Giorno to pick up the rapper in Miami and take him to Mar-a-Lago, 70 miles away. Giorno said that Yiannopoulos only told her that Ye would be with two people, including someone named “Nick,” but he didn’t give a last name. Yiannopoulos confirmed that he gave limited information to Giorno.

• Both say Giorno was not told in advance of the plan to confront Trump.

• But some Trump loyalists and advisers in Trump’s inner circle still fault Giorno for not giving the former president or his team a heads-up about Fuentes, whose identity she said she learned on the drive.

Anonymous ID: fe687b Dec. 6, 2022, 3:47 p.m. No.17895643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5645


2 of 2

Theory, the three or more personalities in the whole fiasco of POTUS, YE etc


• “Given Milo’s multiyear, anti-Trump posts since 2020 and his self-proclaimed desire to get a vengeance on President Donald Trump,Karen Giorno cannot in good faith say that she didn’t know what Milo was planning to do … Karen and Milo set Trump up to make him look bad,” said Laura Loomer, a Trump loyalist who ran for Congress in Florida in 2020 and hired Giorno, who then met Yiannopoulos through Loomer and hired him to work for the candidate.

• Both had separate clashes with Loomer, in 2022 and 2020, respectively. Yiannopoulos and Giorno dismissed Loomer’s criticisms as the result of their falling out.

• Loomer was one of the first high-profile right-wing activists banned from Twitter in 2018, after calling one of the nation’s first Muslim congresswomen, Democrat Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, “anti Jewish” and attacking Islam for abusing women.

• Loomer also criticized Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., for being complicit in the alleged Trump setup because she is an ally of Yiannopoulos and had hired him as a summer intern.

• A spokesperson for Greene denied the accusation of her involvement but declined to comment further to NBC News; Greene fired back at Loomer on her Telegram social media channel. Greene also has a Fuentes connection: She spoke at his America First Political Action confab in Florida in February but then said she didn’t know who he was.

• Giorno said she had been caught in the blast radius of the dinner with Ye and Fuentes but was an unwitting participant.On the night she drove the crew to Mar-a-Lago, she said, she didn’t realize there was going to be a confrontation and she didn’t have time to call or text anyone with a heads-upbecause Ye’s flight landed about 5 p.m., in the middle of the South Florida metropolis’ rush hour on a rainy day. It took the party three hours to get to Mar-a-Lago, double what it normally takes. (This is bullshit, she could have asked the President for a minute of his time before he took them into the Dining Room. She was a 30 year political consultant, where there’s a will there is a way.

• About halfway to Mar-a-Lago, Giorno said in an interview, she realized that Ye, Fuentes and the other man weren’t properly attired.

• “All of you are wearing jeans. Did they not tell you about the dress code?” she said she asked.

• Ye said he hadn’t been informed and that “I doubt Nick is going to get in anyway.”

• “Nick,” she said she asked, “what’s your last name?” Fuentes gave his last name.

• “I’m going to kill Milo,” Giorno said she thought. Giorno kept driving and said they would probably have trouble getting into Mar-a-Lago because of private security and Secret Service. Giorno said she also realized she had forgotten her driver’s license, so she had to use a credit card with her name on it to prove her identity to get in.

• Because she had Ye in her car and she is a frequent visitor to the property, having attended Trump’s campaign announcement seven days before, Giorno said, the four of them were able to get in.

• Trump met the party in the foyer and warmly greeted everyone, but he was puzzled that his old adviser was somehow with Ye, Giorno said. Giorno said she tried to leave Trump with Ye privately.

• “Sir, it’s really good to see you again,” she said she told Trump. “My understanding is you’re supposed to have a private meeting with Ye and I’m happy to go to the bar with these two guys while you have dinner.” (again bullshit). But Trump deferred.

• “I’ll leave that to Ye. Do you want them to join?” Trump asked, according to Giorno.

• “Yes,” Ye replied. “Let’s all eat.”

• “Great,” Trump said. “Let’s go out to the patio.”


Donald Trump dined with white nationalist, Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes

• The former president hosted Fuentes and Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago. He said it was “quick and uneventful.”

Karen Giorno, a former Trump strategist who is also now working for West’s 2024 campaign, confirmed to POLITICO that she was also at the dinner with Trump, West and Fuentes.
