Anonymous ID: 1ac5c7 Dec. 6, 2022, 9:06 p.m. No.17897327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7337

>>17896578 (pb)

>>17896583 (pb)

>>17896595 (pb)

I had a feeling Georgia would end up like this, but only so that the election can be challenged, evidence of fraud can be presented, blah, blah, blah (like what's going on in Arizona) and then we can finally repair this broken fucked up system that has cheated us out of elections for decades.


In other words, we had to suffer another loss (on the surface) to allow [THEM] to do the shit they do and then bust them for it.


At least that's my prayer, in the holy name of Jesus Christ.

Anonymous ID: 1ac5c7 Dec. 6, 2022, 9:08 p.m. No.17897332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7336


To convict people for crimes, Anon, the criminal acts have to be completed such that a conviction on all elements of the crime can be successfully pursued.


We're all exhausted. I am. But the worst is over and if they are committing fraud as blatantly as it seems, I know there'll be justice.


'Cause we Americans will not put up with our Constitutional rights being demolished any longer. It's over.

Anonymous ID: 1ac5c7 Dec. 6, 2022, 9:25 p.m. No.17897414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7492


Thank you, Anon. I'm speaking from experience. I was the victim of some crime that never should have happened. I tried to stop it before it happened (because I'd been warned) but nobody in law enforcement would listen to me. The people in power who could have prevented it didn't and, instead, only joined in on it. Only after it mushroomed into something bigger than I could have possibly imagined did I realize how fortunate I was (in hindsight) that the lower-level people were allowed to commit the crimes by the higher-ups, after all.


That's because only through the commission of crimes, at the lower level, did the higher ups' involvement in the crimes become apparent (because nobody higher up did their jobs and, along the way, exposed themselves as criminals, too).


Long convoluted story but the bottom line is that sometimes, in order to get to the top of the food chain in a criminal scheme, we have to let the criminals at the lower levels run amok, even though it hurts and victimizes us. If they think they are untouchable they will do really dumb things, and eventually their capture will ensnare those in even higher positions.


Only in hindsight did I realize God picked us for these battles because He strengthened us, every step of the way, to fight back. He's given us this place, and he's made us resilient enough to withstand the blows that those lower-level and higher-level criminals inflict on us.


Eventually, as we stand strong, the full pattern can be seen, and eventually justice will involve the higher ups, too.


I know that in the end, it will be worth all the pain that the mid-level people's and lower-level people's crimes caused to us, because now the whole pattern is visible, and everyone involved is exposed, and nothing can stop the lawful resolution of these problems.


All that's to say we're gonna be fine. Hershel's loss will become part of the solution to much bigger problems, and will lead to the exposure of people much higher up the food chain than Warnock, or Abrams, or anyone else in Georgia.


This election fraud goes much higher up.


With the lower level criminals emboldened, however, the higher level criminals get exposed, so that the lawful resolution of the problems will involve everyone, at all levels, and the healing can begin.

Anonymous ID: 1ac5c7 Dec. 6, 2022, 10:16 p.m. No.17897618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sounds like you need to read the ,4966 Q posts, Anon.


You can access them here:


A couple of deltas coming in tomorrow are depicted in the photo I am posting.


Interestingly, the posts made around December 6 reference the Clinton Foundation being in the news, and if you go to Google you'll find that the Clinton Foundation actually HAS recently been in the news, including a link to Warnock (archived at


So chill. There really is a plan. If [THEY] were winning do you think this board would still be up, or that the Q posts would be accessible still, or that Twatter would be back in our control, or that we would even still be alive?


Worry less. Read the Q posts moar.

Anonymous ID: 1ac5c7 Dec. 6, 2022, 11:03 p.m. No.17897819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OMG I remember this like yesterday. Chilling, yes, but at least we know, and there are signs everywhere that we are winning, because even in my blue, blue state the people are waking up and they are very angry at the current state of affairs. Finally.

Anonymous ID: 1ac5c7 Dec. 6, 2022, 11:07 p.m. No.17897837   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Triple 5s do not lie. And these deep state Satanic cocksuckers stop at nothing to get what they want. I'm glad it's been exposed, and I'm sure much more is known. I hope Baker ends up before a military tribunal real soon, the fucker.