Well in reality and not legal bullshit society if I got someone to sign a contract that said I could rob and poison them, then I do poison them, it’s not legal, it’s bullshit contract.
The whole system is based on fraud and corruption. The truth ends the country the economy many businesses the stock market pension funds etc And many governments around the world. The bankers have the world in a noose and to beat them involves a restructuring of the society including a new government…people don’t want to change or take the risk. I believe the majority of people have decided to slow walk this until people are satisfied to go back to the status quo.
Can we dig on alliance …and also these are high level officials so there is probably legit,a y to global coup being implemented. They claim to have a model for the restructuring of society can we find that? I personally think priority number one at the moment is deciding how to restructure the system. If they have solved that would be good to see.
What’s the alliance? What was their idea for societies restructuring….I suspect they got cia to inform that that there was operation trust going on in USA and Russia called the alliance to raise a group to then put down publicly as an example to others.
I don’t think any thing will be effective without the consent of the majority and a new plan being instilled into the consciousness of the people. Q plan is good at least initially.
There needs to be a direction if the government won’t enforce its laws against the corruption.
Is that violence or peaceful revolution?
The only thing I see is peaceful revolution of the people with the military and law enforcement finally taking the peoples sides. Then the question is what is the structure of the new government?
3000 officers spreading to foreign nation to arrest 50 people. Gentlemen this is how serious the corrupt governments are about stopping any rebellion. We need thousands if not millions to be aware and involved globally to have any chance.
Me thinks there is more.
It’s obscene now. What is most obscene is the lack of prosecution. Military and law enforcement is completely neutered.
Should retards have children? God says no.