Anonymous ID: 2e25b4 Dec. 7, 2022, 9:36 a.m. No.17902546   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To take this DNA/ cross linking theory back about 36,000 years to “the last part of Atlantis”, with Thoth and his tablets of knowledge. (Just info Anons, keep an open mind. Not much about tech at first, but keep reading the tablets. You’ll see.) Anywho, after Atlantis “sinks” they move to the land of Khem. Khem, happens to be a child of Ham, who happens to be a child of Nimrod. Who happens to be a nephew (right?) of Noah. Who happens to be related to Enoch. Enoch, and Thoth are the only two, (in this example), who’ve been given everlasting life, and have been given infinite knowledge. So, the DNA, is all known by who? Who could’ve known about cloning, around 36,000 years ago? Around the same time as the flood of Noah?


Moving ahead to ancient Egypt, and their extensive knowledge of the human body, biology/ anatomy, and their precision tools to use for all circumstances they came across. Cloning a possibility here too? How come Imhotep has been known to be the longest living pharo surpassing even his great grandchildren? Possibility of a clone?


Now let’s skip up to Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust, and it being real in nature, but fake in story. The Nazis were the most advanced scientific crew at that time. And their goal was the Arian race. Again, the “Jews” were burned. But they got poked and prodded constantly. Now, we bring in the Holocaust, and it being brought against the German people, and their DNA being used to clone and create the Arian race. Stalin, (who knows about Hitler, and his plan, and what Hitler did to 10k Russian “Jews”) was the first to Berlin. But Hitler wasn’t dead, later investigations “proved”. But the Vatican and Red Cross, who were once the same org, were willingly and unwillingly taking Nazis out of Germany.


How off would it be, to say that Hitler was given a secluded seat inside the Vatican, to help research, and keep the push of “Jews bad” in history books?




And thanks to the Anons who unknowingly helped with my connections. Your few comments helped me put this together