Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:40 a.m. No.17902564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

CIA hid evidence of JFK assassin’s covert ops history – researcher


The claim came days before the National Archives are set to declassify all files on the killing of the 35th US president


The CIA is withholding evidence that it knew Lee Harvey Oswald, the “lone gunman” who allegedly killed then-US president John F. Kennedy in 1963, was involved in anti-Cuban covert ops just months before the assassination, journalist Jefferson Morley has claimed.


Not only was the agency aware of his activities, they never told the Warren Commission – the ostensibly independent body tasked with investigating Kennedy’s killing. They even went so far as to deny they had any knowledge of them at all, Morley – a prominent JFK researcher – stated at a press conference held by the Mary Ferrell Foundation on Monday.


“What the CIA is hiding is what they’ve always hidden, which is their sources and methods as they relate to Lee Harvey Oswald,” he said. “We’re talking about smoking-gun proof of a CIA operation involving Lee Harvey Oswald.”


According to the journalist, Oswald was involved in an operation aimed at discrediting American supporters of Cuban communist leader Fidel Castro.


Morley bases his claims on the files of CIA agent George Joannides, who worked with anti-Castro Cuban exile groups. At least 44 documents in Joannides’ files are still classified by the CIA and, he said, could provide further insight into the apparent effort to present Oswald as an “unhinged pro-Castro figure.”


The Mary Ferrell Foundation sued the Biden administration and the National Archives in October, demanding the release of 16,000 classified documents on the JFK assassination that were ordered unsealed by former president Bill Clinton in 1992.


While most experts don’t believe the trove contains irrefutable evidence of CIA or other government involvement in Kennedy’s murder, many suspect they include information on the agency’s contacts with Oswald prior to the killing. Morley has previously sued the CIA in an effort to have the Joannides files declassified, but has been unsuccessful so far.


JFK had fallen out with the CIA in the months before his death due to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs disaster, which he saw as an attempt to railroad the US into war with Cuba. The agency was deeply involved in the anti-Castro movement in the US, and Oswald, who returned to the US in 1962 after defecting to the Soviet Union two and a half years earlier, was involved in the local “Fair Play for Cuba” movement.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:43 a.m. No.17902573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2705 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

The Receipts: Brazil Conservatives Present Election Fraud Catalogue and Call for International Investigation – Where is the GOP?


The Brazilian Conservative League in Europe presented their catalogue of Supreme Court abuse and election manipulation to AfD vice-speaker in the German Bundestag Beatrix von Storch Dec. 6 and asked for an international investigation. When will the Republican Party in the US wake up and support the Brazilian people in their fight against the Communist coup?


Meeting with South America expert Beatrix von Storch, the Chairperson of the “Liga Conservadora Brasil-Europa” Samia Sittel-Faraj voiced her concern over the future of democracy in Brazil, and the left-wing pro-Lula spin of all the Western mainstream media.


“The mainstream media’s refusal to report on the millions of pro-democracy protestors in Brazil is a danger to free speech, and to democracy itself”, von Storch said.


(Gateway Pundit and Matt Tyrmand on War Room are the only major media worldwide covering the biggest pro-democracy revolution in history.)


Sittel-Faraj presented von Storch with the “Berlin Charter”, a catalogue of voter suppression and election manipulation tactics used by the leftist Supreme Court and Superior Electoral Court in Brazil:

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:46 a.m. No.17902587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Communist Colombian VP Wants “Colonizing Countries” to Pay “Racial Justice” Reparations to African Descendants


The reparations movement is now going global. On Monday, radical left Colombian Vice-President Francia Márquez demanded before the United Nations that predominately white nations pay Afro-descendant and African people for the sin of slavery.


Márquez assumed the VP office under Marxist President Gustavo Petro, a former member of a Colombian terrorist organization. She is the first black vice-president in the nation’s history.


During her speech, Márquez requested “colonizing countries” previously engaged in slavery pay off the foreign debt of countries like hers to “recover the dignity that was expropriated from them.”


“We come here to propose actions to cancel foreign debt as a path of historical reparation for the Afro-descendant population for our countries that continue to pay foreign debt to colonizing countries and that have been committed to slavery,” Marquez said.


Then she went full woke.


She said the U.N.’s establishment of Permanent Forum on People of African Descent in 2021 was an important step toward “joining the fight to overcome structural racism and its impacts on Afro-descendant communities and peoples.”


Márquez further claimed that “structural racism” has “differential effects on the most marginalized groups, such as black women, young people, and people from the LGBTIQ community.”


The Colombian VP then implored westernized U.N. nations to commit toward “racial justice,” citing her country’s commitment toward the practice:


“From the new government, we are committed to consolidating that participation and assuming a greater leadership role in the fight against racism and the protection of the rights of Afro-descendant peoples.”


Márquez finally moved on to speaking nonsense regarding “climate justice.” Climate justice, she said “cannot be discussed without taking on racial and gender justice,” given that environmental deterioration “disproportionately affects African and Afro-descendant populations.” She went on to say:


“The current economic system began with colonization, with slavery, with the subjugation of men and women, and it’s the same system that today is causing life in the ‘big house,’ the ‘big uterus,’ Mother Earth, to collapse.”


An ongoing debate within the United States is whether we should continue funding the United Nations or leave the organization altogether. At first glance, America providing 28% of the total U.N. budget so they can host a forum for racist garbage like this makes little sense. The argument appears even weaker when one considers the abundant corruption and antisemitism within the organization.


The U.S. does have leverage over the U.N. given its permanent vote on the Security Council and resources provided. One option is to attach strings to funding in order to force the U.N. to adopt fundamental reforms and utilize our veto power more often. Should this fail, however, justification for continued membership is impossible.


America can no longer afford to tolerate racist and woke rhetoric from communist politicians like Márquez. We better act fast before becoming part of a global government that fulfills her desires.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:48 a.m. No.17902595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2599 >>2601 >>2604 >>2619 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Former GOP Representative Lee Zeldin Decides Not to Run for RNC Chair FOR NOW – Says Ronna Romney McDaniel Should Not Be Elected Chair


Lee Zeldin from New York, the former GOP US Representative and GOP candidate from New York announced moments ago that he is not running for the GOP Chair position right now.


Lee Zeldin, the former US Representative who almost won the recent election for governor in New York, has decided not to run for RNC Chair.


Zeldin shared the news in a tweet moments ago.


Zeldin is right. Ronna Romney McDaniel is not for the people of America or the people supporting the GOP. She sides with the GOP elite and her uncle Mitt Romney in working against President Trump.


FOX News reports:


GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin, who came very close to upsetting Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul last month in the predominantly blue state of New York, announced on Wednesday that he’s holding off – for now – on running for Republican National Committee chair, in a direct challenge to current RNC chair Ronna McDaniel.


Zeldin, who’s been mulling an RNC chair bid for nearly a month, made his announcement on Twitter.


“RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel should not run for a 4th term. I won’t be running for RNC Chair at this time with McDaniel’s reelection pre-baked by design, but that doesn’t mean she should even be running again. It’s time the GOP elects new leadership! It’s time for fresh blood!” Zeldin wrote.


Zeldin’s decision comes as Republicans continue to lick their wounds from a disappointing showing in the midterm elections, having failed to win control of the Senate, securing only a razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives, and losing key governors races and control of a handful of state legislative chambers, in what was supposed to be a “Red Wave” election.


Too bad for the US. Zeldin would be a great candidate for the base of the party. He also had big backers in New York and across the country.


Ronna Romney McDaniel is a disaster having lost two of the biggest landslides in US history.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:49 a.m. No.17902600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2612 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Authorities Respond to Sen. Ted Cruz’s Houston Home After Reports of Daughter’s “Self-Inflicted Stab Wounds”


On Tuesday night, police responded to a call at Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) home in response to a report of a stabbing or cutting incident.


According to KTRK, Houston Police Department (HPD) responded to a report of a 14-year-old with self-inflicted wounds. However, authorities were unable to confirm whether or not the teenager was a member of Cruz’s family.


Fox News Houston reporter, Matthew Seedorff, reported that HPD confirmed it was “not a family violence issue” and that “no criminal activity” was involved.


A spokesperson from Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s office released a statement, stating, “This is a family matter, and thankfully their daughter is okay. There were no serious injuries. The family requests that the media respect their daughter’s privacy at this time.”


The Daily Mail reported:


The girl was taken to the hospital for treatment and there was no serious injuries.


In January, Caroline, then 13, came out as bisexual and said she disagreed with much of her father’s politics.


The teen said people are quick to judge her over her Republican dad’s politics, despite the fact that she often opposes his conservative views.


‘A lot of people judge me based upon him at first glance,’ she said in a TikTok. ‘But I really disagree with most of his views.’


She also revealed the perks and downsides of having a parent in the public eye, calling out their media team for editing the length of her shirt on the family Christmas card.


Caroline, whose TikTok account @caro_iguess has since been made private, started gaining new followers after people identified her as the Texas senator’s oldest daughter.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:50 a.m. No.17902608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Saudi Prince Over Khashoggi Killing Citing Biden Immunity


U.S. District Judge John Bates decided to defer to the Biden administration’s mid-November decision to grant immunity to the Saudi crown prince, despite his hesitation.


According to Bates, any other option would “unduly interfere” with the executive branch’s power to make foreign policy.


“Despite the Court’s uneasiness, then, with both the circumstances of bin Salman’s appointment and the credible allegations of his involvement in Khashoggi’s murder, the United States has informed the Court that he is immune, and bin Salman is therefore ‘entitled to head of state immunity … while he remains in office,'” Bates wrote in his 25-page ruling (pdf).


Bates was referring to the fact that Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud only officially designated the crown prince as prime minister in September, four years after Khashoggi’s murder and after the lawsuit against the crown prince was filed.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:55 a.m. No.17902633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2639 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

US Approves Sale Of $3.75BN In M1 Abrams Tanks To Poland


On Tuesday the US State Department approved potential sale of M1A1 Abrams tanks along with associated ordinance and equipment for an estimated $3.75 billion, the US Department of Defense has announced.


Negotiations are likely ongoing, and a final contract has yet to be signed, but the impending deal appears to be in response to heightened Russian military action in Ukraine, particularly after the "close call" missile strike on Polish territory along the border, at the village of Przewodów on November 15.


That strike was initially widely blamed on Russian forces, as they were in the midst of a large-scale aerial attack on Ukrainian infrastructure at the time, but that later proved to be false. The Ukrainian government tried to use the incident, which actually was caused by an errant anti-air missile fired by Ukraine forces, to argue in favor of NATO Article 5 - potentially unleashing a WW3 scenario.


But Washington is now moving to bolster both the US troop presence in NATO-member Poland, which shares a lengthy border with Ukraine to its southeast, and defense equipment transferred to Polish armed forces.


The Pentagon is actually in the middle of a current build-up in Poland as part of 'Operation Atlantic Resolve' in response to the Ukraine war:


Eight hundred pieces of American military equipment, including cars and tanks, arrived in Poland over the weekend and were unloaded at the port of Gdynia.


As part of the Atlantic Resolve operation, the equipment and American soldiers from the 1st Infantry Division will be stationed in the country and Europe for the next nine months, after which they will be replaced with other soldiers, Polish News reports.


This is the 20th transhipment of American equipment carried out at the terminal, said the commercial director of the BCT terminal, Michał Kużajczyk. "Equipment transshipments have been taking place since 2018. So far, exports have been the most common, but now the equipment that will be used in Poland has arrived," he said.


As for the impending deal to sell $3.75 billion in M1A1 Abrams to Warsaw, Reuters has listed the below primary contractors involved in the negotiations, per a DOD notification…


"The principal contractors will be AAR of Wood Dale, Illinois; Allison Transmissions of Birmingham, Alabama; Anniston Army Depot of Anniston, Alabama; BAE Systems of Sterling Heights, Michigan; General Dynamics Land Systems (GD.N) of Sterling Heights, Michigan; Honeywell (HON.O) of Phoenix; L3Harris of Melbourne, Florida; Leonardo DRS of West Plains, Missouri; Lockheed Martin of Bethesda, Maryland; Palomar of Rancho Santa Margarita, California; Pearson Engineering of Phoenix and US Ordnance of McCarran, Nevada," the Pentagon detailed.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 9:58 a.m. No.17902645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2674 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Against Backdrop Of War, Rolling Blackouts, & Internet Outages, Ukraine Is Trying To Digitize Everything


“The Government needs to become as flexible and mobile as an IT company, to automate all functions and services,… reduce 60% of officials, introduce large-scale privatization and outsourcing of government functions”: Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation


Ukraine may be suffering a rising wave of rolling power blackouts and internet outages as the proxy war between Russia and NATO intensifies, but that doesn’t seem to have crimped the Zelensky government’s ambitions to transform the country into a digital wonderland. In the past week alone, Ukraine’s central bank unveiled plans for a digital E-hryvnia and Kyiv signed a digital trade agreement (yep, they do exist) with the United Kingdom.


The newly signed “DTA” is ostensibly aimed at helping the Ukrainian economy recover from its current malaise while also boosting both countries’ digital output. And guess what it includes? A provision for collaborating on digital identity. From a UK government press release:


“[T]there is a critical need for people to be able to use digital solutions to prove they are who they say they are, despite the loss of critical documentation or displacement across borders. The agreement provides a framework for the UK and Ukraine to cooperate to promote compatibility between their respective digital identity systems to help address this.”


While it is true that identifying citizens in the midst of war is both a challenging and vital task, digital identity is an area in which Ukraine already excels. In fact, as the digital rights group Reclaim the Net notes, it has a great deal to teach the UK on the matter:


Ukraine’s highly-sophisticated digital ID, Diia, is used to grant the public access to most government services online. It has nine digital credentials: the ID card, the identity provider (IDP) certificate for network access, birth certificate, passport, driving license, tax number, student card, and vehicle registration certificate.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10 a.m. No.17902658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Report: State of Massachusetts takes children at 1 a.m. without warrant after baselessly claiming they were in danger


Parents Sarah Perkins and Josh Sabey took their 14-week-old child to the emergency room just after 2 a.m. last July, concerned about a fever. However, what followed was a series of inspections that would eventually lead to child protective services taking custody of the small child in the middle of the night, a Washington Post investigation reveals.


During their hospital visit, the boy underwent an X-ray for a possible lung infection. A healed fracture on the rib cage of the baby was found, a symptom that is consistent with either blunt force trauma or “someone squeezing the child too tight," according to the physician consulted in this case. It was determined that the injury was a result of "nonaccidental trauma," and the couple was then suspected of child abuse. A social worker immediately questioned the parents at the hospital.


In the coming days, additional questioning from social workers occurred with the parents, as well as the 3-year-old sibling of the infant. The children were subject to further medical examinations, their home inspected, yet no further evidence of abuse was found.


The same week, the family was sent home from the hospital with a safety plan, approved by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, with a case worker following up the very next day. However, later that night, around 1 a.m., three Waltham, Mass., police officers and two emergency response workers arrived at their residence to take custody of the two children.


The parents argued with police for an hour after being told there was "new information" that led authorities to believe the children were in imminent danger. The parents allegedly raised concerns about food allergies and breastfeeding, to which they were reportedly told by the state agents "our food plan is to call the pediatrician in the morning, and we’ll figure it out from there."


The parents appear to have conducted themselves calmly in their video recording of the event, provided in the report below:

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:02 a.m. No.17902675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2691 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Jim Jordan Parrots Kevin McCarthy’s Talking Points in Breitbart Speaker Interview


Freedom Caucus Vice Chair Jim Jordan is parroting the doomsday scenario that McCarthy and company are using to blackmail conservatives into supporting his campaign for speaker.


House Freedom Caucus Vice Chairman, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) parroted Kevin McCarthy’s talking points during a recent interview with Breitbart, saying that he’s “concerned” that RINOs and Democrats will join forces to install a speaker of their own if conservatives don’t fall in line behind FTX-funded McCarthy.


“I’m very, I’m concerned about that. I don’t think it’s likely, but I am concerned about it,” Rep. Jim Jordan told Breitbart’s Matt Boyle in a Saturday interview, parroting Kevin McCarthy’s talking points around the Speaker of the House race.


McCarthy, who’s already dubbed himself “speaker-elect” despite not having the 218 votes he needs to take the gavel, plus his supporters, have spent the weeks following the “Pink Trickle” midterms of 2022, cooking up scenarios in which McCarthy gets to cling to his power, and be elected Speaker of the House on January 3rd.


This is despite massive opposition from conservatives, like Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Biggs, who’s officially announced a challenge to McCarthy’s speakership campaign.


Oddly, considering Kevin McCarthy’s name is synonymous with the GOP establishment for millions of conservative voters, Jim Jordan and Breitbart News acted like he’s an outsider, during their Saturday interview, and in the headline that spun off it.


“Jim Jordan ‘Concerned’ By Threat Of Democrats, Moderate Republicans Electing Establishment Speaker,” Breitbart’s headline reads.


Oddly, the headline denotes that Kevin McCarthy isn’t a member of the GOP establishment, despite his long run in GOP leadership, during which he’s cozied up to Big Tech with the likes of deposed RINOs Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan.


This year, McCarthy used FTX mega-donor money to crush America First conservatives in the 2022 midterms, before the multi-billion dollar crypto exchange was found to be a massive fraud, with suspected links to Ukrainian money laundering and political oligarchs the world over.


Not only did McCarthy’s sabotage operation protect RINO incumbents, but it handed seats over to Democrats on a silver platter, in a naked effort to avoid too much conservative influence in the new Congress, which would stymy McCarthy’s speakership bid, and his “Pelosi-lite” legislative agenda.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:08 a.m. No.17902698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2701 >>2713 >>2716 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Mongolians Protest At State Palace After Government Officials Allegedly Steal Billions In Coal, Sell It To China


Mongolian protesters reportedly attempted to storm their capitol building Tuesday, demanding the resignation of government officials they say are involved in the alleged theft of billions of dollars in coal.


The protesters reportedly tried to break into the State Palace in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, ostensibly upset about the 385,000 tons of coal allegedly stolen from Mongolia’s border with China. The protesters, mostly college students and some in their 20s and 30s, sang, chanted and picketed outside the building, the Associated Press (AP) reported.


“If you don’t love your country, why be a citizen?” one protester’s sign read, according to the outlet. “If the citizens rise up, the feast is over!” another protester reportedly wrote.


A Foreign Ministry spokesperson in Bejing said she had no knowledge of the “specific situation,” according to the New York Post.


“China is a friendly neighbor of Mongolia, and we believe the Mongolian government will properly handle and investigate the matter. The competent Chinese authority will provide necessary assistance as requested by the Mongolian side in accordance with laws and regulations,” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said, according to the outlet.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:09 a.m. No.17902703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Here’s How The CDC Used A Backchannel With Twitter To Control The COVID-19 Narrative


Twitter set up a portal for government officials and “stakeholders” to submit posts that allegedly contained COVID-19 misinformation for Twitter to review, according to documents released by America First Legal (AFL) on Tuesday.


Twitter officials used the portal to track online posts for review, and invited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials to enroll, according to documents AFL obtained through its litigation against the CDC. Twitter’s Todd O’Boyle enrolled the CDC’s Carol Crawford in the portal in May 2021 after she sent an email labeled “COVID Misinformation” with links to several Twitter posts who wrote about microchips and “vaccine shedding.” O’Boyle described the channel as “the best way to get a spreadsheet like this reviewed.”


O’Boyle wrote in his response that he agreed that her submissions were “important trends to note” and assured her Twitter would review them.


On Sept. 2, Crawford emailed O’Boyle that a CDC “Lab alert” regarding PCR testing was allegedly “misinterpreted and was shared via social media.” Crawford then flagged the hashtag “pcrtest” to be monitored.


Crawford also asked for Census Department officials to be able to use the Twitter portal to flag COVID-19 misinformation, according to the documents.


“Also, would there be any issues or complications stemming from flagging COVID misinformation on the portal using the existing accounts that have access?” Crawford wrote May 24.


“In recent months, millions of Americans have witnessed the peeling of the ‘misinformation’ onion. Beneath each layer of shocking details about a partnership between the federal government and Big Tech is yet another layer of connections, conspiracy, and collaboration between power centers that seek to suppress information from the American people,” Gene Hamilton, America First Legal vice-president and general counsel, said in Tuesday’s press release. “We are proud to play a leading role in fighting for the rights of all Americans and revealing this vital information to the American people.”

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:15 a.m. No.17902727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2736

U.N. Chief Guterres Scolds Humanity as ‘Weapon of Mass Extinction’


Humans, be ashamed. We are all party to a collective “weapon of mass extinction” only big government can challenge to end the planet’s “orgy of destruction,” the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Tuesday.


Guterres made his stark warning to humankind as he despaired of declining biodiversity at the beginning of the two-week Cop15 environmental summit in Montreal, Canada. The event has drawn upwards of 10,000 delegates from all around the world to fly in for talks, meetings, presentations, and calls for action before they fly home again.


“The deluded dreams of billionaires aside, there is no Planet B,” the veteran Portuguese Socialist told the attendees at an event designed to engage governments in formal negotiations for U.N. biodiversity targets, the Guardian reports.


At the ceremony, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged countries to agree a target to conserve 30 percent of Earth for nature in the final agreement.


“We have not chosen that 30% number at random. It is the critical threshold according to the greatest scientists to avoid the risk of extinction and also to ensure our food and economic security. Thirty percent, that is quite feasible,” Trudeau said in a speech that was interrupted by protesters holding up a sign about the murder of Indigenous peoples.


Nearly 200 countries have gathered for the December 7-19 UN Biodiversity Conference, the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.17902733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2749 >>2781 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Florida LGBT youth center deletes social media after disturbing sexual posts are revealed


The leading "off-gender"/LGBT youth organization in northeast Florida has deleted many posts and several social media pages after backlash over content allegedly marketed towards teens as young as 13 was revealed.


The Florida Standard reports that the organization called Jasmyn deleted its Instagram account just hours after the outlet reached out for comment. Several of the posts on its youth-targeted Instagram page included messages about bondage and watching pornography.


"Up until yesterday, JASMYN operated two Instagram accounts – one specifically for youth (@jasmynjax), and another for adults (@jasmynlgbtq)," the Floridian publication reads. Adding that the organization's youth-facing Twitter and Facebook pages have been taken down.


In November 2022, Duval County Public Schools, a Florida school school district, cut ties with the organization over inappropriate "program materials."


Jasmyn CEO Cindy Watson described the decision as "an overreaction to a far right extremist website spreading inflammatory misinformation about our HIV prevention work with young adults" in reference to reports.


The content in question is a game called "Dick Match" and features illustrations of genitals, however the organization claims it was never presented to any children. "It is not true that we play this card game, or anything sexually explicit like this, with young people under the age of 17 — certainly not with 13 year olds at JASMYN," said the CEO.


While WJCT News mentions "a card game showing photos of genitals," News4Jax out of Jacksonville simply describes the game as an "adult card game" while describing the content that lead to the severed relationship.


However, the Florida Standard states that the youth-targeted Instagram account promoted an event involving the aforementioned game, without any "adult only" or "18 " disclaimers.


Other now-deleted posts offer additional disturbing content for an account that was allegedly intended for youth consumption.


In 2021, an Instagram story featuring sex toys in the shape of a heart was posted.


Another post from August 2021 describes dozens of sexual acts, positioning "society's" view of sexual acts as boring or limited.


Photos involving men in scantily-clad outfits wearing bras, cut-off shorts, and mesh shirts were used to allegedly promote dance lessons for "youth 13-18."


Along with Halloween party photos that frequently featured sex toys are now-private TikTok videos that feature a woman provocatively posing while holding a sex toy and wearing a "Protect Trans Kids" hoodie.


Other posts included gift card incentives for “Ages 13–24” to participate in "3MV chats,” which are informational sessions designed to prevent men from contracting AIDS or STDs and encouraging them to practice safe sex. Typically, these studies have been focused on adults, with both Yale and Rochester University conducting studies with participants over 18 years old only.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:20 a.m. No.17902745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

3000 police officers deployed in raids over plot to overthrow German government | DW News


In a nationwide raid, 25 suspected members and supporters of a terrorist organization were arrested early Wednesday. Officials said the network, part of a wider right-wing movement, was already well established with a concrete plan to overthrow the German state by force and install a new government.


The raids were announced by Germany’s federal prosecution agency and German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann. Buschmann said the investigations were directed against a suspected terrorist network with known ties to the Reichsbürger movement. He said that the raids had taken place on individuals suspected of planning an armed attack on state institutions.


The search operation is reported to have covered 130 properties belonging to 52 suspects in 11 German states. According to prosecution officials, the arrested suspects “belong to a terrorist organization founded by the end of November 2021 at the latest, which has set itself the goal of overcoming the existing state order in Germany and replacing it with its own form of state, which has already been worked out in outline.” Of the 25 men and women arrested, 24 were from Germany and one suspected supporter is from Russia. One arrest took place in Austria and one in Italy. There are 27 other suspects, the federal prosecutor’s office said.


Prosecutors identified the suspected ringleaders only as Heinrich XIII P. R. and Ruediger v. P., in line with German privacy rules. The news magazine Der Spiegel reported that the former was a well-known 71-year-old member of a minor German noble family, while the latter was a 69-year-old former paratrooper. According to prosecutors, Heinrich XIII P. R., who the group planned to install as the new leader of Germany, had made contact with Russian officials seeking to establish a new order in Germany once the Berlin government was overthrown. A Russian woman, Vitalia B, had allegedly given him help with this. A currently-serving soldier in the Bundeswehr’s Special Forces Command (KSK) as well as several Bundeswehr reservists were also among suspects in the case, a spokesperson for Germany’s Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) told the DPA news agency. A search was carried out at the soldier’s home and his barracks office in the state of Baden-Württemberg.


The group had targeted members of the Bundeswehr and police for their wanted to win their goals. It had formed a “military arm” and a council presided over by Heinrich XIII P. R. To implement their plans the group’s members were prepared to use the use of military means and violence against state representatives as well as violence. According to the investigators, the members of the group “followed a conglomerate of conspiracy myths consisting of narratives of the so-called ‘Reichsbürger’ as well as QAnon ideology.” The prosecutors added that the group’s adherents believe Germany is ruled by a so-called “deep state,” similar to baseless claims about the United States that were made by former President Donald Trump. The Reichsbürger movement is made up of a number of small organizations and individuals, mainly in the states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bavaria. They do not accept the legality of the Federal Republic of Germany or any of its government authorities. The movement argues that the German constitution prior to World War II was never properly nullified and that the formation of the former West Germany in 1949, and now reunified Germany, was therefore never valid.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.17902757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

World Health Organization meets to plot censorship of “misinformation” under international pandemic treaty


The unelected health agency inches closer toward being granted unprecedented, legally-binding censorship powers.


Members of the World Health Organization (WHO), an unelected international public health agency, are meeting to consider a draft version of a proposed international pandemic treaty which will give the WHO new powers to “tackle false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation” and be legally binding under international law.


The draft treaty contains various provisions in Article 16 (“Strengthening pandemic and public health literacy”) that require the WHO’s 194 member states (which represent 98% of all the countries in the world) to target so-called misinformation.


Member states are told to “conduct regular social media analysis to identify and understand misinformation,” design their own messaging to “counteract misinformation, disinformation and false news,” and manage “infodemics” (a phrase that was created by the WHO and describes “too much information including false or misleading information in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak”).


While the provisions in Article 16 don’t directly call for member states to censor content that’s deemed to be misinformation, a provision in Article 14 (“Whole-of-government and other multisectoral actions”) paves the way for Big Tech to perform this censorship on the WHO’s behalf.


Under this provision, member states are required to collaborate with non-state actors and the private sector through an “all-encompassing whole-of-government, multistakeholder, multi-disciplinary and multi-level approach.”


Before this pandemic treaty existed, Big Tech willingly mass censored any content that it deemed to be “Covid misinformation,” even though there were no agreements or laws forcing them to do so. YouTube even introduced a far-reaching policy that made going against the WHO a violation of YouTube’s rules and deleted over 800,000 videos under this policy.


Under the pandemic treaty, the ties between governments and pro-censorship Big Tech companies will become even stronger and collaboration will be required.


We obtained a copy of the draft international pandemic treaty for you here.


Not only are these Big Tech-government ties being reinforced by the treaty but the WHO has also demonstrated its willingness to censor anything that it brands misinformation. Earlier this year, it called for Big Tech to work with it to censor monkeypox “misinformation.”


Additionally, the idea that the WHO should be acting as an arbiter of truth is especially ironic given that it was one of the most infamous producers of misleading information during the Covid pandemic. In a January 14, 2020 tweet, the organization stated that “preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission” of the coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:23 a.m. No.17902762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2775 >>2779 >>2787 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Bill Gates will join Fauci this week to dictate U.S. government health 'priorities for the future'


Gates Inc has assumed complete regulatory capture over American "public health" institutions.


Bill Gates is taking a short break from his efforts to depopulate the planet to join the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Thursday as their “special guest.”


Both Gates and Anthony Fauci will participate in the annual meeting convened by the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) of the National Institutes of Health.


The ACD is comprised mostly of academics who act as stooges for a variety of interests. Committee members vote on resource allocation and NIH regulation and policy, and can help facilitate government funding for several endeavors.


According to an agenda obtained by The Dossier, Gates will speak about “Perspectives on the Current Cooperation with NIH and Priorities for the Future.” In short, Gates will provide a roadmap for what he wants them to focus on, and he will tie future funding to his personal priorities.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:25 a.m. No.17902768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Excess deaths in 2022 ‘incredibly high’ at 13 per cent


The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.


An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year,according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:26 a.m. No.17902773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2809 >>2842

Here is Tim Gionet aka Baked Alaska hanging out with Ray Epps in November 2020, 2 months prior to Jan 6th.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:27 a.m. No.17902777   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nigeria Caps ATM Cash Withdrawals at $45 Daily to Push Digital Payments


Central bank asks residents to use eNaira and other channels

Nation seeks to drive financial inclusion and curb corruption

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:28 a.m. No.17902782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2947 >>2958 >>2986 >>3033

Bill Gates Sends $7 Billion to Africa That Will Promote Abortion as Population Control


In a world where enormous sums of money rarely raise eyebrows, Bill Gates’ new pledge of $7 billion in aid to Africa should give us pause.


“Constantly reducing maternal mortality, constantly reducing neonatal mortality, under-5 mortality, that’s really the metric that drives our foundation,” said Gates while announcing the four-year pledge on November 17 in Nairobi. While laudable in theory, it is imperative that we ask—what will this money actually do?


International development funding inevitably comes with strings attached, and more often than not, those strings are tied to ideological agendas. Case in point: the Gates Foundation’s aggressive track record of abortion promotion, which stands in sharp contrast to the robust pro-life culture of many African countries. Abortion is illegal or heavily restricted across most of the continent. But money has a way of maneuvering around the law, and ultimately, much of the reason for pushing tremendous sums on developing countries is to dismantle established laws that protect unborn life. In this context, $7 billion could go a long way toward undermining what people actually want for their countries.


In a coincidental, but telling, twist of fate, on the same day as the Gates announcement, the world’s leading government coalition promoting global women’s health policy convened at the United States Capitol to commemorate its second anniversary. Representing 36 countries across 5 continents, the Geneva Consensus group is united by the fundamental belief that women’s health should not be held hostage by ideological agendas. Currently led by the government of Brazil, and soon transitioning to Hungarian leadership, the group is proof positive that there exists vibrant international momentum to support both woman and unborn child in the pursuit of actual health care.


When women and families are supported, it changes the options available to them, benefitting all, including the unborn. As noted at the commemoration by the ambassador of Hungary to the U.S., Szabolcs Takács, the Hungarian government holds firm to the view that, “every human being should have the right to life…and fetal life shall be subject to protection from the moment of conception.” Putting real-life policy punch behind its words, Hungary allocates 6 percent of its GDP for pro-family support, including a 2020 policy according tax exemption benefits to women with four or more children, resulting in a dramatic reduction in national abortion rates.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:30 a.m. No.17902796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2828 >>2885 >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

US armed with cutting-edge chemical weapons technology, warns MP


The US has state-of-the-art developments in the sphere of nuclear weapons in service, Head of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrey Kartapolov said during a plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO PA) on Monday.


"Despite the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention, the United States is the only country in the world that still has not completed getting rid of them. And, by the way, it has the newest technologies in service in this sphere," the legislator pointed out.


He noted that the implementation of Washington’s military-biological programs posed a glaring threat to security. According to the lawmaker, the US conducts research in this sphere along three tracks: monitoring, collecting strains and studying zoonotic pathogens.


Webmaster addition: Yep, WW3 will be biological rather than nuclear!

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:41 a.m. No.17902859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jordanian authorities arrest scores of activists, teachers in crackdown


"Instead of allowing a more open dialogue about how to move the country forward, [authorities] are shutting everything down and keeping people from talking," the deputy director of Human Rights Watch MENA said to The New Arab.


Jordanian authorities arrested at least 30 teachers and activists on Monday, in addition to Sufyan Tell, a member of the country's political opposition.


The activists were arrested by security forces on their way to a protest in front of the Ministry of Education. Most of those detainees were released a few hours after their arrest, Jamal Jeet, a Jordanian lawyer familiar with the file, told The New Arab.


Teachers and activists were attempting to protest the forced retirement of teachers and call for their reinstatement, as well as for the re-opening of the Jordanian teacher's syndicate.


Among those arrested was the head of the Jordanian Teacher's Syndicate, Nasser al-Nasawra.


The string of arrests was the latest saga in the confrontation between the Jordanian government and the teacher syndicate – the largest independent labour union in the country.


In July 2020, the government shut down the syndicate and detained its leadership, sparking countrywide protests and the arrest of at least 1,500 protesters. Jordan's Court of Cassation issued a ruling in September 2022 to reopen the syndicate, but the Ministry of Education has yet to do so.


Just hours after protesting teachers were arrested, Sufyan Tell, the 86-year old General Coordinator for the Popular Movement for Change, was arrested in a raid from his home.


His daughter, Ban Sufyan Tell, said that around 25 security force members raided his home and arrested him and two others without giving an explanation for their arrest.


The whereabouts and the charge of Sufyan Tell are still unknown to his family.


Security forces seized laptops and phones from the house, as well as searched the premises. Tell told TNA that male security officers also wrestled her phone from her grip, leaving her with bruises.


"I never expected that authorities would raid a house, especially a house with women in it. This is the sort of thing that happens in movies, not in Jordan," Tell said.


TNA asked Jordan's Public Security Directorate for a comment on the arrests of Tell and other activists but did not receive a response by the time of publishing.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:44 a.m. No.17902867   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkish opposition MP placed in intensive care after Turkiye Parliament brawl


A Turkish MP has been hospitalised after a brawl in the Turkish Parliament, marking the latest manifestations of political tensions within the country.


At a tense debate over next year's budget yesterday, a fight broke out among dozens of lawmakers from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and those from various opposition parties.


During the brawl, MP Huseyin Ors – a lawmaker for the Iyi [Good] Party, from the north-eastern Black Sea city of Trabzon – was hit in the head and taken to intensive care. According to the DHA news agency, Ors suffers from heart problems and was, therefore, prioritised for emergency care.


The incident reportedly took place when Ors attempted to prevent Alpay Ozalan – former footballer and current AKP MP who has been involved in parliament brawls before – from walking to the podium while Umit Yılmaz from the IYI party was speaking at the podium.


Aylin Cesur, another Iyi party lawmaker, said that "We found that his condition deteriorated after the blow to the head … A heart defibrillation was performed at the hospital." The Party's spokesman, Kursat Zorlu, called the incident "a day of shame for the Turkish Parliament and for those who committed this attack."

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:45 a.m. No.17902869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congress Unveils $858 Billion NDAA


The military spending bill is $45 billion more than Biden asked for and is an 8% increase from 2022


Congress on Tuesday night unveiled the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), worth $858 billion, $45 billion more than what President Biden requested for the military spending bill.


The House is expected to vote on the legislation this week, and it could be brought to the floor as soon as Wednesday. Once the House approves the bill, it will send the spending bill to the Senate, then to President Biden’s desk for his signature.


The massive $858 billion bill represents an 8% increase from the 2022 NDAA, which was also larger than what Biden requested. The $858 billion includes $817 billion for the Pentagon, and the remaining funds go toward military spending for other departments.


Notable amendments packed into the NDAA include $10 billion in military aid for Taiwan that will be dispersed over five years. The aid is in the form of Foreign Military Financing, a State Department program that gives foreign governments funds to purchase US-made military equipment.


The NDAA also includes $800 million in the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, a program that allows the US government to purchase weapons for Ukraine. But the vast majority of spending on the Ukraine war will come through emergency funding, and the White House is hoping Congress approves a new $37.7 billion tranche of Ukraine aid during the lame-duck period.


The NDAA includes $11.5 billion in new investments for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, a program to build up in the Asia Pacific to confront China. The Pentagon has identified China as its main focus, and the NDAA includes investment in new technology research and development that US military leaders say is meant to counter Beijing.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:47 a.m. No.17902879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Beleaguered NSO Group said pleased by Netanyahu’s return, eyes renewed Saudi deals


Report says spyware firm faced serious hardship, with West shunning it over rights concerns, Israel curbing exports; now said hoping for Likud leader’s help, Riyadh normalization


Shaken by past crises and short of customers and revenue, the notorious NSO Group is pleased about the expected imminent return of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, believing he will loosen restrictions on Israeli spyware exports to countries with problematic human rights records, chief among them Saudi Arabia, a report said Tuesday.


The Financial Times cited multiple sources in its report, which said the Israeli company that developed the controversial Pegasus tracking software is in danger of failing, having been embroiled in rights scandals around the world, shunned by the United States and increasingly by Europe as well, and facing increased Israeli measures that hamper its ability to sell its products to non-democratic countries.


“Don’t worry, Netanyahu is coming back,” the beleaguered firm’s co-founder Shalev Hulio reportedly told guests at a dinner party in Tel Aviv, several months before the right-wing Likud party leader indeed triumphed in last month’s elections.


Netanyahu, who was prime minister in 1996-1999 and also from 2009 to 2021, is expected to swear in a new government in the coming weeks.


The British news outlet cited multiple unnamed knowledgeable sources saying that as prime minister, Netanyahu nurtured intelligence software exports by using them as carrots as he sought to improve Israel’s clandestine security ties with countries like Saudi Arabia, India, and nations in the Gulf region and in East Africa.


After securing normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan — brokered by former US president Donald Trump — Netanyahu has been open about his desire to reach a similar deal with Saudi Arabia.


The kingdom became “one of NSO’s largest clients” in 2017, Financial Times reported, but the firm was forced to temporarily suspend its Saudi contract in late 2018, after Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in Turkey and the journalist’s family claimed Riyadh had used Pegasus to track him.


The report said a new contract with Saudi Arabia was put in place in 2019 “with the direct knowledge of Netanyahu,” citing two people familiar with the transaction.


The contract was used to track 36 journalists at the Al Jazeera news outlet, based in regional rival Qatar.


It was reportedly unknown whether the contract is still in effect.


But the report said that “in an attempt to rein in international criticism, the Israeli government put in stringent approvals processes for any new sales for the entire spyware industry… designed to make sales to countries with problematic human rights records extremely difficult” unless with the express approval of the Defense Ministry.


This, coupled with a November 2021 decision by the US Department of Commerce to impose a blanket blacklist on NSO, left only Europe as a potential market for the company, and even there, the past scandals left many nations wary of doing business with it.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:50 a.m. No.17902891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

Their plan is going as desired - kill all the slavs


Kyiv mayor says 'apocalypse' scenario possible this winter, but urges no panic


Residents should be prepared, but there was presently no need to evacuate as conditions remained stable.


Kyiv's mayor warned on Wednesday of an "apocalypse" scenario for the Ukrainian capital this winter if Russian air strikes on infrastructure continue but said there was no need for residents to evacuate now, though they should be ready to do so.


"Kyiv might lose power, water, and heat supply. The apocalypse might happen, like in Hollywood films, when it's not possible to live in homes considering the low temperature," Mayor Vitali Klitschko told Reuters in an interview.


"The apocalypse might happen, like in Hollywood films, when it's not possible to live in homes considering the low temperature."

Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko


"But we are fighting and doing everything we can to make sure that this does not happen," the former boxer went on to say, raising his booming voice to drive the point home.

A harsh future


Even so, the picture is bleak: the capital lacks enough heated shelters to take in all 3.6 million residents in the event of complete outages and people should be ready to evacuate if the situation worsens, Klitschko said.


"We have prepared nearly 500 autonomous heating hubs at present… but for a city of 3 million, 500 points is nothing," he said.


Klitschko, a former world heavyweight boxing champion before entering politics, painted a picture of a harsh future ahead for Ukraine's more than 1,500-year-old capital.


He sketched out one possible scenario in which the city could be left without central heating until spring at a time when temperatures can fall as low as -15 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit).


"If electricity supply continues to be absent while outside temperatures remain low, we will unfortunately be forced to drain water from buildings," he said.


"Otherwise the water can freeze and break the entire water supply network, and buildings will then be totally unfit for further use."

The mayor urged preparedness


Klitschko urged residents to prepare emergency supplies of food and water, as well as to have clothes and documents ready for a quick departure if the heating supply is turned off.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 10:53 a.m. No.17902907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929 >>2932 >>2986 >>3033

The Hijacking of Pediatric Medicine


The American Academy of Pediatrics claims to support the health of all children. Many doctors are appalled by its prescriptions.


Thousands of pediatricians convened in Anaheim, Calif., in early October for the American Academy of Pediatrics’s (AAP) annual conference. The group, which boasts 67,000 members in the United States and around the world describes itself as "dedicated to the health of all children."


So some audience members were shocked when Dr. Morissa Ladinsky, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, lauded a transgender teenager for committing suicide.


In an address about "standing up for gender-affirming care," Ladinsky eulogized Leelah Alcorn, an Ohio 17-year-old who, in Ladinsky’s words, "stepped boldly in front of a tractor trailer, ending her life," in 2014, after leaving a suicide note that "went viral, literally around the world."


Ladinsky’s remarks were captured on video by a horrified onlooker, Oregon pediatrician Dr. Julia Mason, who expressed outrage on Twitter that Ladinsky was "glorifying suicide," an act she described as "unprofessional and dangerous."


That isn’t just Mason’s opinion. Technically speaking, it is also the official stance of the AAP, whose website for parents,, explicitly warns that "glorifying suicide" can have a "‘contagious’ effect" and inspire others to take their own lives.


Reached for comment, Ladinsky expressed "regret" about her choice of words and said it was "never my intent" to glorify self-harm.


But how did this esteemed doctor wind up telling a group of physicians that a teen had, as she put it, "boldly ended her life?"


In any large organization, some members are bound to hold fringe views. But Ladinsky, who has devoted her career in part to facilitating the gender transition of teenagers including by challenging state laws that restrict the kinds of treatment physicians can provide to them, is hardly an outlier at the AAP. And the AAP is an organization that matters a great deal.


Founded in 1930 as an offshoot of the American Medical Association, the AAP is first and foremost a standard-setting body. It outlines best practices for the nation’s pediatricians, advises policy-makers on public health issues, and, for many parents, is the premier authority on raising healthy kids.


In recent years, it has also become a participant in America’s culture wars. Judges have deferred to the group’s expertise in high-stakes court cases about children with gender dysphoria, who the AAP says can start socially transitioning at "any" age. During the height of Covid, schools masked toddlers—including toddlers with speech delays—based on the guidance of the AAP. Sports leagues and after-school programs mandated the Covid vaccine after the AAP strongly recommended it, even as concerns mounted about its association with myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, in young males.


Though the organization’s guidelines are framed as the consensus position of the AAP’s members, only a handful of physicians had a role in shaping them. Instead, insiders say, the AAP is deferring to small, like-minded teams of specialists ensconced in children’s hospitals, research centers, and public health bureaucracies, rather than seeking the insights of pediatricians who see a wide cross-section of America’s children.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 11 a.m. No.17902945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2976 >>2986 >>2992 >>3033 >>3046 >>3049

Jordan Peterson Calls For YouTube to Censor Anonymous Critics of His Fawning Netanyahu Interview


Jordan Peterson on Tuesday called for YouTube to segregate all anonymous commenters because his viewers overwhelmingly criticized his embarrassing, fawning interview of Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu.


Peterson, who now works for Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire, went to Israel last month with Shapiro to shill for Netanyahu.


Since returning, he has made it his mission to ban anonymity on the internet to combat "anti-Semitism" and silence "anonymous troll demons."


Peterson's interview with Netanyahu, which closer resembles a paid advertorial than any sort of journalism, was 90 minutes of gaslighting with Peterson letting Bibi bulls**t about every topic under the sun without any serious pushback.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 11:01 a.m. No.17902952   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Con Inc. is financing and promoting a foreigner to lecture Americans about their own country. Not surprisingly, anyone who disagrees with him is accused of racism.

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 11:04 a.m. No.17902969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don't you love how they then pay a bribe to Government and it's all gone - no jail no perp walks?


Swiss Company ABB to Pay $315 Million in South African Bribery Probe

Anonymous ID: dbb3bd Dec. 7, 2022, 11:10 a.m. No.17903001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aussie Senator Gerard Rennick tells it like it is. Viral! 11 min


Sen. Gerald Rennick rubs their noses in it. Shame on you!


"Vaccine" reproduces the virus.