Anonymous ID: ab439f June 17, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.1791095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This was posted last bread and I thought it should be seen again.


So I spent a few hours researching this immigration policy that is supposedly separating children from their families. Everyone seems hell bent on blaming it on the current president. Meanwhile, the current president blames it on the democrats.

Here's what I've found out..

The act was called, the "1997 Flores Settlement Agreement." It became law under president Bill Clinton. However, it was rarely enforced because illegal immigration at that time seemed to be rewarded and encouraged.

The law states that aliens illegally crossing our boarders were to be taken into custody (jail, basically ) till their immigration case could be resolved. However, the law also clearly states that children cannot be taken to jail. After all, they've not really committed a crime, they were just drug along without a say. The children were sent to relatives and foster families who would care for them until the immigration issues were resolved and the parents were either given visas, or deported, at which point they were reunited with their children, either way.

Now where the confusion comes in, is, The Trafficking Victims Protection Re-authorization Act of 2008, determines that unaccompanied minors be transferred to Health and Human Services custody. This is what is happening today. Too many children were disappearing and being abused by the old act. The Trafficking Victims Protection Re-authorization act of 2008 is in fact a Republican law, in part. It's more of an amendment to the original law.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on April 6 the Homeland Security Department would now be referring all illegal border crossings to the Justice Department for prosecution. Facing criminal charges, parents would go to detention centers, leaving their children unaccompanied.

It’s the decision to prosecute parents that is causing the separations. That does fall under Trumps fault. What else can we do? We've tried to get a wall with Entry control points built, we've tried boarder patrols to turn back illegals from entering. The Democrats are unwilling in any way to work with the republicans on this issue, so this is what it's come down to.

Simple solution. Fund the wall, allow people to still come here legally, and at a pace our country and welfare system can handle. Stop looking for somewhere to focus blame. That isn't helping anyone. Not you, me any politicians and certainly not immigrant families.

Meanwhile, immigrants who are trying to come here legally are being sped up. The Trump administration had cut a lot of red tape out of the process and shortened the time to get at least a temp. visa, by phenomenal lengths. Their children are not being separated from them and they are not going to jail for illegally crossing boarders. Coming here legally is another solution, but immigrants don't seem to get that. They pay coyotes to get them here illegally and scream foul when they are caught and separated.

It's not a pretty situation for anyone to be in. We want immigrants to feel free to come here, but we can't just have them walking in and doing as they please. Our boarders are a mess and many people have lost their lives and the lives of their children over it. No one seems to think about these darker issues though. They just need something to blame the president for.

The answers are pretty simple.

1.) Don't come here illegally, come here legally.

2.) Vote these people out of office that are resisting reform, won't help fund a wall and encourage illegal immigration.

3.) Stop watching the biased fake news and start researching things for yourselves, you just may find out we all want the same things and really aren't that different at all.

Anonymous ID: ab439f June 17, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.1791134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

omg if POTUS DOES tweet "Popcorn" I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face for the first time in a long time. I can feel it's gonna happen!