Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 9:41 a.m. No.17907653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Your Stuff with Gateway Pundit has to Stop” – J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Warned by Authorities – FBI, Prison Staff Outraged Gateway Pundit Is Telling the Horrific Stories of J-6 Prisoner Abuse


On Wednesday, US political prisoner Ryan Samsel called The Gateway Pundit to tell us he has lost his phone privileges for six months starting tomorrow. The prison staff is outraged that The Gateway Pundit has exposed his horribly abusive story to the American public. Ryan, who has not even had his case tried in court and has sat in prison for nearly two years, has been beaten, hogtied, abused, tied to a chair for 12 hours, and denied medical treatment for his injuries and his precancerous growths.


On March 21, 2021, after his arrest, Ryan was awakened by correctional officers and his hands were zip-tied. Then they walked him to an unoccupied cell where he was brutally beaten by the officers. Ryan Samsel lost an eye in the beating. His face was smashed. The next day the guards beat him again.


Ryan was beaten so badly by the guards that he lost permanent vision in one eye and partial use of his arm.


Ryan is one of several January 6 prisoners who have been held for nearly two years in prison without ever being convicted of a crime.


Ryan told The Gateway Pundit on Wednesday, the prison officials told him this week, “Your stuff with Gateway Pundit has to stop.” The staff mentioned TGP contributors Cara Castronuovo and Jim Hoft by name.


“They actually said Cara and they also said, Jim Hoft with the Gateway Pundit that we need to stop reaching out [because] we are causing trouble,” Ryan said.


“I’m 39 years old. I’m not looking to be famous. I don’t consider myself a patriot or hero. I’m just an American fulfilling my duties to uphold the constitutional rights that we have.”


Ryan says the complaints against him are coming from Washington, DC. The FBI also wants to speak with him, but he is not interested in speaking with them.


“They’re really pissed off that you’re publishing stuff on our behalf,” Ryan told The Gateway Pundit. “I was pulled aside by security here, pretty much said that it’s coming from DC.”


By “stuff,” they mean he is not allowed to tell his story to our media outlet. The regime is afraid the truth will come out, and Americans would object to their brutality and lawlessness.


Ryan also brought up the topic of how his condition deteriorated while he was imprisoned in the DC Gulag.


“I went to the hospital here, Jim… And the hospital said that I have a possible malignancy in my left breast and I have clots. And he recommended that I be placed on blood thinners, that I see hematology, eye doctor… I get physical rehab and be placed on tramadol.”


The Gateway Pundit is one of the only media outlets that regularly speaks with these men who are being held in the DC Gulag and around the country for their attendance and alleged actions at the January 6th protests.


“What I have to do is if I want my own medical, I have to hire an outside doctor, which is an independent doctor, and he will do the study. I do want to thank the callers and your listeners in helping to raise money. Surgery and these doctors are not cheap. But in the end, Jim, I want to tell you, you’ve been the only one so far that has been transparent, truthful, and honest,” said Ryan.


“And I want to say that you have the most integrity and that’s why I choose to speak to you,” he added.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 9:45 a.m. No.17907677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7689 >>7851

Sen. Ron Johnson Hosts Historic Round Table Discussion on COVID Vaccines with Prominent Doctors Including Drs. McCullough, Malone, Cole, Risch, and Others


On Wednesday, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) hosted a roundtable discussion with prominent doctors to expose the dangers of the experimental mRNA Covid vaccine.


“COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries” was the title of the discussion held in the Hart Senate Building, which featured both professional testimony and personal accounts from people who had suffered injuries after receiving a Covid vaccine.


Experts in the field of medicine spoke at the event, including Drs. Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Harvey Risch, Aaron Siri, Esq. (ICAN’s attorney), Edward Dowd, OpenVAERS’ founder, Liz Willner, David Gortler, and others.


“Tomorrow, I will host a live roundtable discussion to reveal our findings and expose the info that federal health officials are not telling the American public,” Sen. Johnson said Tuesday during an interview with Newsmax.


One of the witnesses who testified was Dr. Renata Moon, a board-certified pediatrician in Spokane, WA, who has over 29 years of experience in the medical field.


During the discussion, Dr. Moon revealed she found an intentionally blank “patient’s information leaflets” folded inside a box of an mRNA vaccine product.


“So a few months ago, I looked at the package insert. I pulled it from the box of mRNA products… I unsealed the box that the entire thing came in. And then I pulled this out, and this is what it looks like… it’s intentionally blank on it,” said Dr. Moon.


“That’s the data that pharmacists and physicians are basing on giving the injections outside of mainstream media recommendations,” said Dr. David Gortler.


“There it is right there. Here’s a good question. Why didn’t they just print that on a piece of paper the size of a postage stamp? Why all the theater of folding it up into a great big piece of paper like that? Why?” he continued.


Sen Ron Johnson said, “that’s what’s passing for informed consent.”


“Right? So how am I to get informed consent to parents when I have this is what I have. I have a government that’s telling me that I have to stay safe and effective. And if I don’t, my license is a threat. How am I to give informed consent to patients? We’re seeing an uptick in myocarditis. We’re seeing an uptick in adverse reactions. We have trusted these regulatory agencies, I have for my entire career up until now. Something is extremely wrong,” said Dr. Moon.


Dr. Pierre Kory, a critical care physician and an advocate for ivermectin as a Covid treatment stated, “We had an entire health system telling us to stay home until our lips turned blue. There are plenty of [repurposed] drugs that have been shown to have antiviral properties. They were very quickly identified around the world & widely used but not in this country.”


Human rights and vaccine attorney Aaron Siri discussed the CDC data on vaccine risk and impact.


He said that a staggering 25% missed work and had some serious event affecting their normal lives and needed emergency care or were hospitalized, and another 40% sought urgent care.


Dr. Peter McCullough, a nationally recognized and board-certified cardiologist, gave his thought on the explosive testimonies from medical experts.


‘The pathway to prevent any more harm is all the vaccines need to be pulled off the market, withdrawn – that needs to happen immediately. What’s at stake here is death,’ Dr. McCullough said.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 9:47 a.m. No.17907690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

SICK: Mattel’s “American Girl” Publishes Book Pushing Puberty Blockers, Gender Transitioning To 3-12 Year Olds


The American Girl brand released a book titled A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image.


The book pushes gender transitioning on kids aged 3-12.


In the book is advice to kids on how to change their gender including discussing puberty blockers and providing a list of organizations for kids if they don’t have an adult they trust.


The Daily Mail reported:



The owner of the American Girl Doll brand, toy giant Mattel, has refused to explain why the company has published a book promoting puberty blockers amid a growing backlash from parents.


A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image was released on November 1 and targeted at children ages 3-12.


The book contains advice about how to change gender – without their parents’ blessing and attempts to teach pre-teen girls ‘to live comfortably in their own skin.’


A passage in the book – marketed to girls aged between three and 12 advises: ‘If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity.’


Many customers were outraged over what the book included.


The New York Post reported:


After word of the book spread, irate parents took to social media to question its appropriateness. Some even left negative reviews on American Girl’s website claiming they are so angered they will now boycott the brand entirely.


“How sad that a book tells a child there are medicines to take to stop puberty or if parents won’t listen seek organizations that will, this is all gender-related,” one displeased customer said. “How sad this world is becoming that American Doll takes on the role (sic) of thinking they should give gender assignment advice in a book. Shame on you.”



One reviewer snapped at the brand, which is owned by Mattel, to “stay in their lane.”


“I will no longer buy any of your dolls or accessories for my grandchildren! Shame on you for introducing a book to young girls to change their gender. No more stay in your lane,” the commentator wrote.


Detransitioners and experts issued a warning to parents about what this book was pushing.


Luka Hein, a detransitioner, called it “troubling” that American Girl would promote a book like this.


Fox News reported:


Another detransitioner, Luka Hein, described the book as “really sad.” She said she had an American Girl book when she was younger, titled “The Care & Keeping of You,” which included “age appropriate information regarding development and taking care of the body you have.”


Luka said it was “troubling” that the brand, which “once seemingly prided itself on making sure girls were able to take care of and love their bodies for what they are, and build their confidence about being a young girl” would promote such a book. She called out the company for promoting the message that if girls are “uncomfortable with what should be considered normal teenage issues, that they should seek out medicalization and alter their bodies because there’s something wrong with them.”


Luka argued that young preteen and teenage girls need to be allowed to grow, develop, and build confidence in their bodies through unbiased and appropriate information about how development works. She also said young girls should be aware that it’s both normal and okay to feel uncomfortable about some of these things, “but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them.”


“Gender ideology has become increasingly predatory towards young girls’ moments of discomfort during puberty, and books like that are only adding to the predatory nature of that.” Luka added.



Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 9:50 a.m. No.17907700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Dozens of 'foreign mercenaries' killed in Ukraine – Russia


Military officials also claim the air force destroyed several MLRS and two HIMARS multiple launch systems in one day


Russia's has claimed that it's military has destroyed a number of high-value targets with “high-precision” strikes in Ukraine, including killing 90 “Polish mercenaries” in just one day.


On Thursday, the Defence Ministry’s telegram channel published a tally of the latest estimates. According to the post, “as a result of high-precision Russian Air Force strikes” in Zaporozhye Region, “five US-made MLRS and German-made MARS-II multiple launch rocket systems” were hit.


On top of that, in the Donetsk People’s Republic, “two US-made HIMARS units were destroyed,” the ministry added.


Elsewhere along the frontline, the Ukrainian military is said to have lost more than 200 personnel, a helicopter and multiple vehicles.


The US shipped the first HIMARS M142 units to Ukraine in June, followed by several more in the following months. A number of MLRS M270 systems, which are the track-based cousin of the HIMARS, have also been provided to Kiev. Germany has supplied MARS-II systems, which is a clone of the MLRS as well.


According to Ukrainian officials, the weapons, which have a longer range and higher precision than similar Soviet-made systems, have enabled the country’s military to hit Russian targets deep behind the frontline, including ammunition and fuel depots as well as bridges.


In late August, Ukraine’s defense ministry said it had more than 20 units of HIMARS, MLRS, and MARS. Four more HIMARS units arrived in the country in October, officials in Kiev revealed.


Meanwhile, the Russian military has claimed on multiple occasions that its forces have knocked out many of these Western weapons systems in Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 9:54 a.m. No.17907721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7746 >>7797 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Live Update from Tampa: Retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown’s Attorney: FBI “Planted” Evidence In His Trial


The trial of political prisoner Jeremy Brown has been underway since Monday with jury selection, however, the fireworks began to fly immediately on Tuesday and Wednesday! The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the retired Army Green Beret’s CCTV footage of federal agents offering him a paid informant job on January 6th at his home in December 2020. Brown is asking others to come forward.


After seeing the testimony of prominent FBI officials lying and the treatment of American citizens being denied their Constitutional rights, he decided to release this footage publicly in March 2021.


He later had his home raided and searched by the FBI in September 2021 after being accused of committing two misdemeanors in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2020. Jeremy Brown was arrested that day and has been held in prison in Florida ever since. Brown never went inside the Capitol building. He never committed any violence. He did rescue a woman that day from police. Misdemeanors are now somehow grounds for full-blown tactical raids and searches on retired US military with over 20 years of dedicated service to the Constitution.


During the raid, the FBI found two illegal firearms: a short barreled rifle (SBR) and a sawed-off shotgun, which Brown does not seem to deny. But they also claimed to have found two M67 fragmentation grenades and a compact disc containing numerous classified “Secret” documents from 2004 and 2005 involving Brown’s role in the Bowe Bergdahl POW recovery mission. Brown’s attorney claims it was planted.


During opening statements, Master Sergeant Brown’s attorney, Roger Futerman, specifically used the word “planted” when he was referring to the evidence allegedly found by the FBI supporting counts 3-9, which involved the possession of two hand grenades and classified documents.


Coincidentally, all of Brown’s CCTV cameras around the house were turned off by the FBI to protect themselves and their tactics. According to testimony from a Tampa Police Department detective with 22 years of experience as a bomb tech, law enforcement will often turn off the homeowner’s cameras so that anyone inside the house wouldn’t see them coming. When Futerman noted that Brown and his girlfriend were already outside of the house and posed no threat, the detective appeared stumped and then claimed it was to protect the tactics used. They weren’t turned back on once the house was clear of “suspects” and the search began.


Additionally, none of the police officers on the raid had a functioning body camera that day.


Hillsborough Co. Sheriff Detective Belvin Sanchez was on the scene to help process the evidence when he discovered the weapons, grenades and the CD in the blue case inside the RV containing classified documents.


Sanchez couldn’t tell Futerman what time he arrived on the scene though. Not even simply whether it was morning, afternoon, evening, etc. and he didn’t know if anyone had been inside the RV prior to his arrival. Once he discovered the M67 grenades, they cleared the scene and line of sight for the bomb techs to render it “safe” for two hours.


The two M67 fragmentation grenades had tape wrapped around them. It was discovered through testing that the tape contained male DNA samples, none of which were matched to Brown. Further, there were multiple hair types and textile fibers pulled from the tape. None of them matched Brown’s dog that traveled to D.C. with him as well as over the past several months of use, despite the sticky part of the tape being exposed, as was shown in the pictures today. The fibers from the segments of carpet throughout the home and RV were not a match either, according to FBI fibers expert, Kimberly Ruebush’s testimony.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 9:55 a.m. No.17907728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7783

Biden Mulling Transfer Of Internationally Banned Cluster Bombs To Ukraine


This is not The Onion, but CNN, which produced a whole report in effect arguing that internationally banned weapons are OK if given to Ukraine for the 'good cause' of fighting Russia…


"Ukrainian officials and lawmakers have in recent months urged the Biden administration and members of Congress to provide the Ukrainian military with cluster munition warheads, weapons that are banned by more than 100 countries but that Russia continues to use to devastating effect inside Ukraine."


BUT, the mainstream outlet writes, "For Ukraine, cluster munitions could address two major issues: the need for more ammunition for the artillery and rocket systems the US and others have provided, and a way of closing Russia’s numerical superiority in artillery."

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 9:56 a.m. No.17907735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US wants the Ukraine conflict to last until at least 2025 – Russia


Washington’s weapons planning indicates its intention keep the fighting going, Moscow claims


US arms procurement documents show that Washington intends to fuel the conflict in Ukraine for at least three more years, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has insisted.


She added that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky should take notice of it when assessing the future of his country.


“Washington plans to fuel hostilities in Ukraine at least till the end of 2025. That’s what their plans are, judging by documents, which they don’t hide from anybody,” the Russian diplomat told journalists during a briefing on Thursday.


Zakharova was referring to a contract for Raytheon’s National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS), which the Pentagon announced last week. The US Army will buy $1.2 billion worth of hardware for Ukraine, according to the announcement, with an estimated completion date in late November 2025.


The US, which pledged to provide military assistance to Kiev for “as long as it takes” to defeat Russia, previously supplied this type of anti-aircraft system to Ukrainian troops.


Advisors to President Vladimir Zelensky should tell him about the procurement timeline, Zakharova suggested, so that he didn’t promise his people that the conflict would end next year, as he did this week.


“Washington has different plans. There is a lot of money to be embezzled” through Ukraine aid programs, she alleged. Zakharova claimed that Western assistance was “a corruption marathon” going from the White House to Kiev and back again and profiting grifters on a global scale.


She also said that Zelensky should watch his back, considering last week’s visit to Ukraine by Victoria Nuland, a veteran US diplomat, whom Zakharova called “a harbinger of tragic shocks, caused by the Washington-orchestrated bloody putsch” of 2014.


“A new palace coup may be in the making or some other reshuffle. I believe the Zelensky regime, which has repeatedly tested Washington’s patience, has some things to consider,” she remarked, adding that the US didn’t care who was in power in Kiev.


Nuland, who served as US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs in 2014, was recorded discussing with then-US Ambassador to Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, the composition of the post-coup Ukrainian government. The private conversation was leaked online by unidentified parties. Her preferred candidate for prime minister subsequently got the job

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:02 a.m. No.17907772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

CDC and Census Bureau had Direct Access to Twitter Portal Where they Could Censor at Will


More Big Tech-Big Government censorship collusion.


Emails between an employee at the United States (US) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Twitter have revealed that at least one CDC staff member and the US Census Bureau had access to Twitter’s dedicated “Partner Support Portal” which allows approved government partners to flag content to Twitter for censorship.


The emails were released by the nonprofit organization America First Legal and show Twitter enrolling a CDC employee into this portal through their personal account in May 2021 (pages 182-194).


On May 10, 2021, the CDC’s Carol Crawford sent Twitter employee Todd O’Boyle a list of example posts highlighting “two issues that we [the CDC] are seeing a great deal of misinfo about.” O’Boyle responded by saying that enrolling in Twitter’s Partner Support Portal is the best way for Crawford to get posts like this reviewed in the future.


Crawford asked O’Boyle if she could enroll in the portal with her personal Twitter account and on May 27, 2021, O’Boyle confirmed that Crawford had been enrolled in the portal.


In other emails, Crawford asked O’Boyle whether the federal government could flag “COVID misinformation on the portal using the existing accounts that have access” and questioned how to flag “misinformation” via the portal.


June 2021 emails (pages 359-360) also show another CDC employee attempting to enroll in a Facebook portal but getting error messages. While these emails don’t describe the portal, it appears to be Facebook’s content takedown portal which is similar to the Twitter portal and allows government agencies to flag content for censorship.


Additionally, a February 4, 2021 email (pages 354-355) shows Facebook’s US Head of Public Policy, Payton Iheme, asking Crawford whether she’s aware of the US Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS’s) misinformation work.


“I saw that DHS/CISA is planning /possibly working on COVID-19 misinfo concerns?” Iheme wrote to Crawford. “Are you aware of that aspect?”


This email was sent more than a year before the DHS announced its controversial “Disinformation Governance Board” in April 2022.


Another revelation from this email is that Iheme acknowledges the focus on misinformation “growing among members of Congress.”


These emails provide more evidence of the Big Tech-Biden administration censorship collusion that’s currently facing a legal challenge over potential First Amendment violations.


“In recent months, millions of Americans have witnessed the peeling of the ‘misinformation’ onion,” Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Vice-President and General Counsel, said. “Beneath each layer of shocking details about a partnership between the federal government and Big Tech is yet another layer of connections, conspiracy, and collaboration between power centers that seek to suppress information from the American people. We are proud to play a leading role in fighting for the rights of all Americans and revealing this vital information to the American people.”


We obtained a copy of the emails for you here.


The emails also shine a light on the government departments that have access to these direct Big Tech censorship portals. Previous reports and document releases have shown that the California Secretary of State’s Office of Elections Cybersecurity (OEC) has access to the Twitter portal while the DHS and the New Zealand government have access to the Facebook portal.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:05 a.m. No.17907790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797 >>7903 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Brazilian Native Tribal Chief Endorses Donald Trump and Jesus Christ


In an exclusive interview with The National File, the chief of the indigenous Brazilian tribe called the Xavante endorsed former President Donald Trump and declared his faith in Jesus Christ.



Donald Trump,


I want to say that Brazilians here, indigenous people, and all non-indigenous people too, love you very much, especially me. I like you very much.


I pray to God, [and] for God to bless Donald Trump.


I hope that God will give him another opportunity to be the President of the United States for the American people.


When you are elected by your American brothers there in the United States, you will take good care of your people.


We wish [and] I wish all the best in your life, and may God be the guide who can direct in everything that the Lord will govern your people there in your country. Here speaking is a pastor and servant of God, a indigenous native, an Evangelical, and a missionary pastor who has faith in Jesus Christ.


I believe that when a man is chosen by God, not by men, as it happened here in Brazil. By God, so that man prospers, and so that man wins at everything. So you can have all of that in your life. So I just want to say I love you In Jesus Christ. All of us are brothers in Jesus Christ, God bless you.


This is Pastor Tserere Xavante speaking.”


-Tserere, Evangelical Christian Pastor and Head Chief of the Brazilian Xavante Tribe.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:09 a.m. No.17907801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

State Dept Dodges Daily Caller Reporter’s Question On CCP Election Interference Through TikTok


The State Department appeared to express concern over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) potentially collecting data on Americans and interfering in U.S. elections through TikTok.


Daily Caller Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Dylan Housman asked State Department spokesman Ned Price if China will face consequences for distributing “inflammatory and divisive” content and misinformation on TikTok in the lead-up to the midterm elections, given that Russia was sanctioned for similar actions in 2016.


“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence conducts a review in the aftermath of the midterm elections and presidential elections in this country and I am not prepared to speak to that. I don’t believe their report has been finalized or released yet so I’ll refer to the DNI on what they saw or did not see.”


He further mentioned a CISA-FBI report indicating that foreign actors likely used “manipulation tactics” prior to the midterm elections. He expressed the department’s general concerns about foreign governments potentially using technology —including social media platforms and personal data — “in a less-than-benign way.” He further stressed the importance of protecting Americans’ personal data from these foreign actors.


Price did appear to have concerns that the CCP is doing something “nefarious” with personal information collected through TikTok.


“Do you trust that the CCP is not gonna, given that TikTok is essentially a state-owned application by the CCP, do you trust that they’re not doing anything nefarious with the data they’re presumably gathering on millions of Americans?” he asked.


“I would not go that far,” Price replied.


The security concerns over TikTok has led U.S. officials, namely Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, to ban the use of TikTok by state agencies or government employees. An investigation has found that TikTok accounts operated as Chinese state media to promote Democratic candidates before the elections.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:11 a.m. No.17907817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7834 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

US Congress passes landmark bill to protect same-sex marriage



The US Congress on Thursday passed landmark legislation to protect same-sex marriage under federal law, and President Joe Biden has vowed to quickly sign the measure.


The vote in the House of Representatives saw 39 Republicans join a united Democratic majority in a rare show of bipartisanship, provoking loud cheers on the floor less than 10 days after the Senate passed the same bill.


“Today this chamber proudly stands with the forces of freedom,” outgoing House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi said shortly before the vote.


The conservative-led Supreme Court in June had overturned longstanding abortion rights, prompting lawmakers of both parties to move quickly to prevent the court from taking away same-sex marriage rights, as some feared it might do.


The House, which had earlier approved similar legislation, needed Thursday’s vote to reconcile minor differences with the Senate’s version.


Biden has dubbed marriage equality one of his legislative priorities and has said he will “promptly and proudly” sign the bill into law.


Democrats and others saluted the historic vote.


“I began my career fighting for LGBTQ communities,” Pelosi tweeted on Thursday, “and now, one of the final bills that I will sign as Speaker will ensure the federal government never again stands in the way of marrying the person you love.”


The new legislation, known as the Respect for Marriage Act, does not require states to legalize same-sex marriage but does require them to recognize a marriage so long as it was valid in the state where it was performed.

‘Wrong way to go’


It repeals previous legislation defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and also protects interracial couples by requiring states to recognize legal marriages without regard to “sex, race, ethnicity or national origin.”


Public acceptance of same-sex marriage has grown dramatically in recent decades, with polls now showing a strong majority of Americans supporting it.


But some conservatives and the religious right remain opposed.


“I think this is the wrong way to go,” conservative Republican Jim Jordan said shortly before the vote.


House Democrats had worked with urgency to get the bill passed while they still control Congress. Republicans won a narrow majority in the chamber in midterm elections in November and will take control there in January, while Democrats retain narrow control of the Senate.


The Supreme Court in a 2015 decision legalized same-sex marriages. Hundreds of thousands of couples have married since then.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:16 a.m. No.17907833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Katie Hobbs Played a Personal Part in Censoring Election Information, and We Have the Receipt - Report


Now that the proof is in the pudding regarding how often Twitter, the most influential social media platform, was essentially used as an arm of a political party to silence opposing voices, the proverbial beans are being spilled by the hour.


In a separate but related case involving a lawsuit filed against President Joe Biden and his administration by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, in which he alleges the Biden administration colluded with Twitter and other Big Tech firms to censor and suppress freedom of speech, a bombshell emerged in the discovery process.


That bombshell is an email document that clearly shows communications between then-Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ office and its contacts inside Twitter. Though the document is somewhat heavily redacted, it revealed that Hobbs’ office requested the removal of at least two tweets citing “election-related misinformation.”


A Twitter employee responded to the email in less than 30 minutes, indicating that it would “escalate” the request to remove the tweets. By the end of the day, Twitter responded yet again, confirming that the tweets — which were redacted in the document — had been “removed from the service.”


The exchange took place in early 2021. However, the fact that such a document exists is raising even more questions regarding how Hobbs, as the Arizona Secretary of State, handled her election process in 2022, which is still rife with controversy.


The email document proving Hobbs and Twitter worked to censor “misinformation,” which is often code for “information that goes against the Democratic Party’s narrative,” sparked outrage across social media on Sunday.


“Unreal! Katie Hobbs’s office contacts Twitter to have posts removed! So, the democrat candidate, who ran the AZ election, censored her political opponents, disrupted Election Day votes, and then threatened counties with prosecution if they didn’t declare her the winner,” One America News Network host Christina Bobb tweeted.


The developing scandal caught the attention of Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who called the revelation “communism” before declaring she’ll demand a federal investigation into the matter.


“The SOS of AZ and Gov candidate, Katie Hobbs, used the power of the AZ SOS to collude w/ Twitter to unconstitutionally violate 1st Amendment rights of Americans for her own political gain. This is communism and Hobbs can not be governor. I’m calling for a Federal investigation,” Rep. Greene tweeted on Sunday.


Not surprisingly, and justifiably, Hobbs was ripped across social media after the document went viral. Some questioned if her alleged collusion with Twitter was why she felt she didn’t have to debate or hit the campaign trail like her Republican opponent, Kari Lake.


“Tell us more @katiehobbs, is this why you didn’t need to campaign?” one Twitter user wrote.


Former Fox News contributor Todd Starnes called for criminal action against those involved in the censorship efforts.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:19 a.m. No.17907841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7902 >>7927 >>8077

Malignant Jew Goofball Dennis Prager Says You’re Going to Hell If You Don’t Believe His Ridiculous Gas Chamber Hoax


The malignant and malicious “right-wing Jew” Dennis Prager has penned a syndicated op-ed claiming that belief in the Holocaust is what determines if a person goes to Heaven.


You know the verse, Jew 3:16: “For Hitler so hated the Jews (for no reason) that he gassed the six million, and whosoever believes in homicidal masturbation machines shall not parish but have eternal life.”


The Holocaust is the single most important article of faith for the liberal world order, and they’ve finally begun to freak out over the fact that it was so long ago now that really no one cares about it, and Ye can just go out there and say “that’s factually inaccurate, Alex.”


Obviously, the reality is that the Holocaust is a ridiculous, idiotic hoax. If you even look into a little bit, you find that the claims made about this alleged event resemble slapstick comedy. They claim that Jews were masturbated to death, they talk about rollercoasters into incinerators, they say Jews were forced to climb trees and then Nazis cut down the trees. It is all dumb. They’ve since reduced it to just “fake shower room gas chambers,” but that is in itself utterly ridiculous.


In “If Holocaust Deniers Don’t Go to Hell, There is No God,” bulbous and bloated Jew Prager writes:


It is a central tenet of moral theology that there are gradations of sin. To argue that God views stealing a towel from a hotel and raping a child as moral equivalents renders God a moral fool. And doing that to God is a sin. If we mortals perceive the universe of difference between such actions, it goes without question that God does, too. The idea that we have greater moral clarity than God is logically and theologically untenable.


In the pantheon of evils, among the worst is Holocaust denial.


Given the murder of 6 million Jews and the unspeakable amount of suffering they and Jewish survivors underwent at the hands of the Nazis, it takes a particularly vile individual to say this never happened. Think of how we would regard anyone who denied thousands of Americans were murdered on 9/11.


Well, the difference there is that there is actually evidence for 911. There is zero evidence for fake shower room gas chambers. Like, literally zero. The entire story is based on eye-witness testimony from lying Jew snakes.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:21 a.m. No.17907853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7882

‘Our Messaging Does Not Align’: Dozens Of Public Libraries Reportedly Reject Kirk Cameron Story Hour Over Faith-Based Book


Actor Kirk Cameron — and a proposed story hour event promoting his latest faith-based book — have been rejected by 50 public libraries so far, publisher Brave Books says.


According to a Fox News Digital report published early Wednesday morning, Cameron’s team reached out to dozens of public libraries in the hopes that some would be willing to host an event for his latest book, “As We Grow” — but at the time of publication, not a single one had returned a “yes.”


Among those rejecting Cameron’s event was Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island — a library that hosts a recurring program for members of the LGBTQ community who are aged 12 or older called “Queer Umbrella.”


Queer Umbrella is billed as a “club and safe space where teens can learn, discuss and connect over queer history, art, community resources, and more.”


A representative from the Rochambeau Public Library told Cameron that they did not have any interest in hosting his event.


“No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space,” the library said, adding, “We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align … You can fill out the form to reserve space, to run the program in our space — but we won’t run your program.”


Brave Books also reached out to City Heights/Weingart Branch Library in San Diego — another library that regularly hosts LGBTQ events — and received a similar response.


“I don’t think that’s something that we would do,” someone from the library explained. “Because of how diverse our community is, I don’t know how many people you would get.”


After receiving dozens of similar responses, Cameron observed, “This is proof that more than ever, we are getting destroyed in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children … Publicly funded libraries are green-lighting ‘gender marker and name change clinics’ while denying a story time that would involve the reading of a book that teaches biblical wisdom. How much more clear can it get? We have to start fighting back, or we will lose our kids and this country.”


A number of people on Twitter made the same assessment that Cameron had.


“The day has officially come where drag queen book stories are encouraged but Kirk Cameron and his Christian books are banned …” Graham Allen tweeted.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:25 a.m. No.17907866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7868 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Feds Probing Bankman-Fried's Manipulation Of TerraUSD, Luna… Which Eventually Crushed FTX


Oh the irony…


While questions remain over what was known and by whom about commingled FTX client funds being used to fill a vast and leaking bucket of a balance sheet at Alameda, it appears, based on a report from The New York Times (NYT), that the catalyst for this whole debacle could have been none other than the world's (second) greatest Democrat donor and (ineffective) altruist - Sam Bankman-Fried.


NYT reports that federal prosecutors are investigating whether FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried and his hedge fund orchestrated trades in a way that led to the collapse of two cryptocurrencies in May - TerraUSD and Luna.


Specifically, Manhattan prosecutors (US attorney for the Southern District of New York) are examining the possibility that Bankman-Fried steered the prices of two algorithmically-interlinked currencies to benefit entities he controlled, including FTX and Alameda Research.


According to two people with knowledge of the matter, NYT reports that the focus on possible market manipulation adds to the legal storm brewing around Mr. Bankman-Fried.


It is illegal for an individual to knowingly stage market activity designed to move the price of an asset up or down.


TerraUSD was a so-called stablecoin, but unlike other stablecoins, its value wasn’t backed directly by the U.S. dollar. Rather, it maintained its value from a second coin called Luna through a complex set of algorithms. Traders within the digital ecosystem could mint these coins, the prices of which would fluctuate based on how many were in circulation. Anytime the price of TerraUSD fell, the supply of Luna would increase, as traders created more Luna to try to capitalize on the difference.


In May, major cryptocurrency market makers — exchanges or individuals who arrange for buyers and sellers to be matched — noticed a flood of “sell” orders coming in for TerraUSD, said one person with knowledge of the market activity.


The orders were in small denominations, but they were placed very quickly, the person said.


The sudden jump in sell orders for TerraUSD overwhelmed the system, making it hard to find matching “buy” orders for them. Under normal conditions, any sell orders that remained unfulfilled for too long would be matched with buy orders at a lower price.


The longer the orders lingered without being matched, the more they forced down the price of TerraUSD and caused a corresponding drop in Luna prices because of the way the two coins were linked..

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:27 a.m. No.17907874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democratic Rep Took Donations From Bankman-Fried, Lobbied Against Crypto Regulation, And Now Blames SEC For FTX's Collapse


Today's episode of 'consequences are best served cold' comes from Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres of New York, who according the Daily Caller received $40,300 from Sam Bankman-Fried, ex-CEO of FTX, and his brother, Gabriel Bankman-Fried.


Now, Torres is calling for an investigation of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for "failing to properly regulate the crypto exchange." He has written a letter to the Government Accountability Office requesting the probe.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.17907891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7922 >>7962 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

The ADL issues statement declaring Ukraine’s Azov Battalion no longer ‘far-right’


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has emailed The Grayzone a defense of the Azov Battalion and refused to condemn the Pentagon for honoring a veteran of the group who sports Nazi-inspired tattoos.


A November 9 email from the Anti-Defamation League to The Grayzone provided a twisted defense of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion. Despite its self-proclaimed “anti-hate” mission, the ADL insisted in the email it “does not” consider Azov as the “far right group it once was.”


The Azov Battalion is a neo-Nazi unit formally integrated into the US government-backed Ukrainian military. Founded by Andriy Biletsky, who has infamously vowed to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led untermenschen,” Azov was once widely condemned by Western corporate media and the human rights industry for its association with Nazism. Then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.


In the months that immediately followed, Azov led the Ukrainian military’s defense of Mariupol, the group’s longtime stronghold. As the militia assumed a frontline role in the war against Russia, Western media led a campaign to rebrand Azov as misunderstood freedom fighters while accusing its critics of echoing Kremlin talking points. The New York Times has even referred to the unit as the “celebrated Azov Battalion.”


Like the Washington Post and other mainstream outlets, the ADL ignored Azov’s atrocities this April in Mariupol, where locals accused the group of using civilians as human shields and executing those who attempted to flee. One video out of Mariupol showed Azov fighters proudly declaring the Nazi collaborator and mass murderer of Jews, Stepan Bandera, to be their “father.”


The Azov Battalion has long served as a magnet for the international white nationalist movement, attracting recruits from the terrorist Atomwaffen Division to a US Army Specialist arrested on charges of distributing bomb-making instructions.


Back in March 2022, just a month before the battle of Mariupol, the ADL itself issued a report acknowledging that white nationalists see Azov “as a pathway to the creation of a National Socialist state in Ukraine.”


Eight months later, however, the ADL has changed its tune, asserting to this outlet that Azov has rooted the fascists from its ranks. So did Azov change its Nazi ways, or did the ADL simply shift its messaging to conform to the imperatives of a Biden administration still intent on sending billions in military aid to Ukraine?

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:44 a.m. No.17907929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7954 >>8004 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

FBI agent's testimony implicates headquarters brass in social media censorship


Elvis Chan estimated social media companies took censorship action 50% of the time when FBI asked.


An FBI agent's testimony in a freedom of speech case confirms that the bureau ran an operation during the 2020 election that requested social media companies remove content as disinformation, suggesting the government’s requests succeeded about half of the time and were conducted with a "headquarter stamp of approval."


Elvis Chan, the FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Cyber Branch in San Francisco, told lawyers for the Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general in a lawsuit over social media censorship that he supervised a "command post" in his home city that helped the nationwide disinformation censorship operation function in fall 2020.


He described a sprawling operation that at time enlisted the help of FBI field offices around the country, federal prosecutors, and FBI and Justice Department lawyers before his unit would make the final request to social media to block content deemed by the operation to be disinformation or in violation of each company’s term of service.


"We would receive some responses from the social media companies," he recalled. "I remember in some cases they would relay that they had taken down the posts. In other cases, they would say that this did not violate their terms of service."


Chan's description, released as part of his deposition this week, was the most detailed to date of how extensive the FBI's censorship activities were during the 2020 election, raising immediate flags among incoming House Republican committee chairmen worried the operation may have violated constitutional prohibitions on government infringing free speech.


You can read his full deposition here:




Several lawmakers interviewed Wednesday by Just the News said they were troubled to learn of the scope of the operation and FBI headquarters' significant role in it.


"Should be very concerning to everyone who cares about the First Amendment, who cares about civil liberties," Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the incoming chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show. "This is wrong."


Comer said the censorship machine described by Chan not only raised civil liberty issues, it also raised concerns the FBI had meddled in the election to the benefit of one political party, an activity he believes should be outlawed as part a revision he is proposing to the Hatch Act.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:46 a.m. No.17907940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Despite banning NSO, US using other Israeli spyware cofounded by Ehud Barak - report


The DEA is using a spyware called Graphite, developed by the Israeli Paragon company, according to a new report.


Despite blacklisting the Israeli NSO Group spyware company last year, the US has been using spyware from different Israeli firms to hack mobile phones, The New York Times reported on Thursday.


The Drug Enforcement Administration has deployed a tool called Graphite, made by the Israeli firm Paragon, five people familiar with the agency’s operations told the Times.


Paragon has largely avoided the limelight and doesn't even have a website. Last year, Forbes revealed that the firm was cofounded and directed by Ehud Schneorson, the former commander of the IDF Intelligence Directorate's Unit 8200, and former prime minister Ehud Barak.


The firm claims to give customers the power to remotely break into encrypted messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp, Signal, Facebook Messenger and Gmail, according to Forbes.


At the time, a senior executive at Paragon told Forbes that the company did not yet have customers and would only sell to countries that abide by international norms and respect fundamental rights and freedoms.


The company is also backed by the American venture capital business Battery Ventures.


The DEA told the Times that "the men and women of the DEA are using every lawful investigative tool available to pursue the foreign-based cartels and individuals operating around the world responsible for the drug-poisoning deaths of 107,622 Americans last year."


The Times additionally found that the CIA had purchased NSO's Pegasus for the government of Djibouti under the Trump administration and that the FBI had attempted to deploy Pegasus as well in 2020 and 2021, but eventually abandoned the idea.

US blacklists two Israeli spyware firms, but still uses other firms


Last year, the US Commerce Department placed NSO and another Israeli firm called Candiru on a blacklist, banning American companies from doing business with them. The White House has also warned that it would fight the "illegitimate use of technology, including commercial spyware and surveillance technology, and we will stand against digital authoritarianism.”


The administration's action against commercial spyware hasn't stopped it from allowing the DEA to use Graphite against drug cartels. A DEA official told the Times that the spyware has only been used against targets outside the US.


While Graphite can invade mobile phones to extract data, it is distinct from NSO's Pegasus as it collects data mostly from the cloud, while Pegasus collects data from the phone's storage. This fact can make Graphite harder to discover, cybersecurity experts told the Times.


Last month, Wired revealed that Corellium, a cybersecurity startup that sells phone-virtualization software for catching security bugs, sold its tools to spyware companies in Israel, the UAE and Russia, including Paragon and another Israeli company called Cellebrite. The company also provided trials of its tools to the NSO Group, but decided not to sell them the tools after a vetting process.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:54 a.m. No.17907977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8004 >>8029 >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Merkel’s Confession: Minsk Agreements Were Lie Aimed To Inflame War Against Russia


Frau Merkel revealed in her interview with the Zeit newspaper that the Minsk agreements were not an attempt to establish peace in war-torn Ukraine but they were aimed to give the Kiev regime more time to strengthen their military and prepare for a large-scale war.


The lady confirmed that all the Western authors of the current war in Ukraine, including herself, did nothing for peace in Europe, but tried their best to inflame the war against Russia as mush as possible on the territory of Ukraine and paying with the lives of the Ukrainian people:


I thought that the introduction of NATO accession of Ukraine and Georgia, discussed in 2008, was wrong. The countries did not have the necessary prerequisites for this, nor was it fully understood what the consequences of such a decision would have been, both with regard to Russia’s actions against Georgia and Ukraine, as well as NATO and its rules of assistance. And the Minsk Agreement of 2014 was an attempt to give Ukraine time.


Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. The Ukraine of 2014/15 is not the Ukraine of today. An illustrative example was the battle for Debaltseve. At the beginning of 2015, Putin could easily have overrun them at that time. And I very much doubt that the NATO countries could have done as much then as they do today to help Ukraine.


The Minsk agreements on the settlement of the situation in eastern Ukraine, signed in 2015, provided for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact, as well as constitutional reform, the key elements of which were to be decentralization and the adoption of a law on the special status of certain districts from Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However, this plan was never implemented by the Kiev regime.


The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the claims of the ex-Chancellor of Germany claiming that such a policy is worthy of a tribunal:


The testimonies of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel in an interview with Die Zeit newspaper that the Minsk agreements were signed in order to give Ukraine time to prepare for a military confrontation with Russia may well be used for proceedings within the framework of the tribunal — the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on Merkel’s claims.


It is worst noting that during all years of her leadership in Germany, Merkel was still shy to declare the real goals behind the signatures on the Minsk protocol. She has been constantly lying about her intentions to maintain peace and that she made “unthinkable efforts” to achieve it. Today, she is not so shy anymore to reveal the evil essence of German foreign policy as well as the bellicose goals of the entire West. No one can have any doubts that Washington, London and Brussels brought war into Ukraine.


Merkel officially confirmed that the West was preparing war against Russia by their proxy, the Kiev regime. None of the Western representatives in the OSCE who signed the Minsk agreements was not going to force Kiev to comply with them.


The West confirmed that it cheated on Russia, like it did with promises not to expand NATO, like it did when signing the ABM and INF Treaties etc. None of the West’s statements today can be trusted either.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 10:56 a.m. No.17907987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Where Did This “New World Order” Coup Come From? The Rockefeller’s “Social Engineering Project”


The “New World Order” (NWO) is a social engineering project aimed at reshaping human civilization on Planet Earth in its every aspect, to suit the selfish interests of a small group of billionaires obsessed by greed for power and profit. But also – and no less so – obsessed by their fear of violent hungry and deprived masses ransacking and destroying their properties. And eager to display how superior they are to 99.99 % of their fellow humans – and their ability to beat both Nature, the Universe, and Divine Consciousness at the eternal game of Creation.


The NWO idea grew out of John D. Rockefeller’s business idea, hatched already around 1900, to take on health care and make a global monopoly of medical science. Just as he had already created a virtual global monopoly of the petroleum business.


Rockefeller’s brilliant but sneaky self-serving initiative took the guise of a non-profit institution in order to escape taxes and at the same time gain respect, if not popularity, instead of the anger and hate his ruthless business methods had earned him until then.


And what better way of taking control of medical research, education and practice? – All under the guise of generously donating fortunes for the benefit of the masses – and of Science. While tailoring it all to his own strictly-for- profit business model. Which has resulted in Big Pharma s secret mantra “Every cured patient is a lost customer” becoming a fundamental principle of modern Western school medicine. It does not offer any cures, only life-long treatments by patented and high priced, synthetic pharmaceutical drugs and surgery with a long list of potentially fatal side effects that need additional drugs.


By creating the “non-profit” Rockefeller Foundation in 1913 “to alleviate human suffering world wide”, his oil billions became exempt of taxation, and could be used to discretely control almost anything he wanted to take over, through outright purchases or bribes, or through donations with specific conditions, or through influencing Boards of Directors and other decision makers. Scientists, research and publications were bought, and politicians were funded and made to change legislations to favor Rockefeller business interests.


The Rockefeller family controls Chase Manhattan Bank and The First National City Bank. Chase Manhattan is the third largest banking establishment in the world and, according to Wikipedia, by far the most influential.


This means they also own a major chunk of “The Federal Reserve”, the privately owned US central bank created through a coup in Congress on December 23, 1913, when the majority of congressmen and senators had already left for their Christmas holiday.


To a great extent, therefore, Rockefeller interests control global finance, such as interest rates, and the printing of fiat dollars, which is counterfeit money on a massive scale. The Federal Reserve therefore has the power to cause stock market booms and busts, as well as financial crises leading to recessions and depressions at will. They have used that power several times. And are deep into it right now, as I am writing this in October of 2022.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 11:03 a.m. No.17908016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

10 Most SURPRISING and DANGEROUS ingredients in vaccines, and the industry’s poor explanations for why they’re used


#1. Monosodium Glutamate – Found in vaccines for Adenovirus, certain flu shots, Vericella (chicken pox), and MMRV — used as a “preservative” and “stabilizer.” MSG is a concentrated salt that can give infants brain damage, and becomes a neurotoxin when injected, even in miniscule amounts, because it bypasses digestion.


#2. Human Serum Albumin – supposedly used to “prevent immunogens from adhering to the injection vial walls.”


#3. Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (a dog’s cell protein) – in flu shots, to grow flu viruses instead of fertilized hen’s eggs.


#4. Human Abortion Cells (MRC5) – unethical procedures are used to manufacture vaccines using cells derived from human fetuses aborted decades ago.


#5. Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle (Medium) – used in the Rotavirus vaccine.


#6. Squalene – found in flu shots.


#7. Embalming fluid – formaldehyde is found in most flu shots and the Anthrax jab.


#8. Polysorbate 80 – found in DTaP, Hep B, most flu shots, and HPV – used as surfactant to increase the solubility of one agent into another. Polysorbate 80 is derived from sorbitol using a chemical reaction, and can cause IBS because it metabolizes very slowly. Health concerns from consuming or injecting polysorbate 80 are linked to cancer (due to ethylene oxide and 1,4 dioxane), skin allergies, developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity.


#9. African Green Monkey Kidney (vero cells) – harvested from infected, diseased primates – used in polio vaccines – used to propagate the virus over decades.


#10. Deadly porcine pathogen Circovirus – found in Rotateq Rotavirus jabs – Porcine circovirus DNA is a contaminant of an enzyme obtained from pig’s pancreas. No explanation has ever been given as to why this highly dangerous contaminant is purposely put in rotavirus vaccines.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 11:20 a.m. No.17908065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Drone for Attempt to Strike at Russia Was Modernized With US Participation: Russian Diplomat


The drone used by Ukraine to attempt an attack on two Russian military airfields was modernized with the participation of a corporation from the United States, Konstantin Gavrilov, the head of the Russian delegation at the military security and arms control talks in Vienna, said.

"Firstly, during 2022, the Kharkov Aviation Plant carried out work to modernize the mentioned UAVs with the participation of specialists from the Kiev Design Bureau Luch and US corporation Raytheon Technologies. The range of this drone is up to 1000 kilometers. It is clear in which direction it was planned to be used," Gavrilov told Sputnik on Thursday, commenting on the possible involvement of NATO countries in attack.

According to Gavrilov, "it is well known that the overwhelming majority of targets targeted by neo-Nazis are determined by the Western masters of the Kiev regime."

"The aforementioned Tu-141 Strizh UAVs are aimed at the target using US global satellite system GPS. By the way, the United States and its allies have long been actively using various space systems for reconnaissance and information support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including for the purpose of discovering places of deployment, routes of movement and actions of Russian troops. In fact, in Ukraine, in real combat conditions, new methods are being developed for the use of civilian satellite constellations as an element of command of the US Armed Forces," he stressed.

According to Gavrilov, "NATO members are not at all worried that this could provoke significant risks for peaceful space activities and shake its international legal foundations."


"The Russian side has repeatedly pointed out that the United States and its satellites were becoming more and more fixed in the status of participants in the Ukrainian conflict. And now, once again, the facts indicate that NATO member countries really had a hand in Kiev's terrorist provocations against Russian strategic airfields Dyagilevo and Engels with the use of two Soviet-era reactive strike drones Tu-141 Strizh," Gavrilov said, when asked if there was evidence that NATO had been involved in organizing this attack.

In particular, according to Gavrilov, Kiev "actually had a publicly announced order to carry out this perfidious provocation."

He recalled the statement of the Latvian foreign minister on November 30 during the NATO Council at the level of foreign ministers that "possible Ukrainian strikes on military targets deep in Russia's territory would be justified."

"Of course, our army does not leave such terrorist acts unpunished," the head of the delegation added.

Anonymous ID: aa891e Dec. 8, 2022, 11:22 a.m. No.17908074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8076 >>8080 >>8096

Talmud and Jewish Values Are Now King of the Classroom


Science who? Netanyahu’s coalition partners are planning to undercut the very things in Israeli education that make the economy run.


“I haven’t seen that mathematics and English advanced the country that much in terms of the economy” - Yitzhak Goldknopf, leader of the United Torah Judaism party, who couldn’t understand why Haredi schools shouldn’t get full government funding just because they don’t teach math and science.