Anonymous ID: f45bc8 Dec. 8, 2022, 9:43 a.m. No.17907667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7733

Ok anons… I've been saying for a while that the NWO wants to get rid of Putin so they can reestablish control of Russia. Putin paid off the Rothschild debts and freed Russia from the central banking bondage. He's also been very outspoken against a one world government. Nonetheless, he's an old KGB agent and not to be trusted. Anywho, lo and behold I see a story on Yahoo that mentionsarresting Putiin. Eyes open for more stories mentioning this anons. It is still my conviction that Putin, despite his past, isnot one of them. Here's the story anons:


Ukrainian Nobel Peace Prize winner calls for war crimes tribunal for Putin and Russian military leaders


As for the Russian leader himself, “Yes,it's a question of how to physically arrest Vladimir Putin,” she said. “But look to history. There are a lot of successful and very convincing examples, when people who see themselves as untouchable suddenly appeared in court and when the whole regime — which thinks that they will [last] for ages — collapsed.”