Jewish Owned and Controlled Federal Reserve Unveils Climate Risk Proposal For Big Banks For Public Comment
Sadly for the jews and their boomer minions, it is already failing.
No digital currency for you filthy, nation destroying jews, or your boomer minions
Jews and boomers cry a river of tears on the shoulders of their nearest rabbi.
No digital currency and social Credit score for you, dimwit. Boo-Hoo.
The criminals who just do happen to be jew and boomers.
Gorka is a jew, as represented by your satan digits.
Your meme sums it all up. I would change Judeo-Christians to JEW-LOVING BOOMERS, but that is probably just me.
>I like to be around black people. I like to be around Jewish people. I like all people. We're all in this together.
No. You are a dupe being controlled by jews and you are accepting niggers because of the jewish brain virus.
You poor fucker.
That's what went through my mind, too.