Anonymous ID: 7ea3ae Dec. 9, 2022, 1:27 p.m. No.17914472   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>17913669 pb Gracie


The move at :42 seconds was the same move that was used on me when I was attacked by 15 people at the hospital the day I warned the SS to get a message to PDJT about the up coming riots/pandemic/health care murders that was about to transpire all over America on 12/27/2019. The only different was I was on both knees as someone pushed on my back, others were using Da mon, death touch pressure points on my calves, another was pushing my head down, and another grab my other arm. They planned the whole thing. I told them I could get out of these holds and crush their skulls if I want to, they obviously didn't believe me, so I broke free of them all (to prove kill or be killed and trust was in my control not theirs) and got to one knee but then stated if this is how you treat a ground zero worker and it's God's will that I die like a dirty dog in front of all you animals then who am I to deny the cup that the Lord has given me. I put on the Armor of God that day, they gave me a shot, then we all proceeded to a hospital bed/gurney. As I felt the chemicals enter my veins I knew I was poisoned. I said to the psychiatrist, you bastard, you killed me. He just laughed in front of his entourage and proudly said "Yep, that would be me" then he kept mocking me over and over as I held my breath fighting the poison and trying not to loose consciousness while praying to the Lord. He kept saying "come on tough guy, breathe, what's a matter, Dave, you can't breathe?" He kept laughing, enjoying his sadistic actions to the fullest. I struggled with death into a mind of a singularity where everything was collapsing into a point of permanent unconsciousness and I knew it was happening. I had to fight to exercise my mind by relating every sensation, word, thought, into am association with God. I kept crying out it's all a Lie, I am not dead, help me Elijah (not realizing what Elijah meant) as an ominous darkness overcame me. At the same time I had a sensation of buildings growing in a city as I was in a car going full speed twisting and turning between streets at full speed as the building behind me kept crashing and smashing into each other as I passed them. As my strength diminished from the poison and my breathing peaked at 250 breaths per minute I instantly blacked out after 3 and half hours of struggling. I heard my wife say in my ear twice, David, the Lord loves you, the Lord is with you. Then all of a sudden, a voice of like that of 10k people said to me Eli Eli Elias Elias as 7 thunders peeled as if in a cave under rushing waters. Then I came to to see an astonished face on those that thought I was surely dead. Only God can assure WWG1WGA and provide Armor, there was no other anywhere around to save me except the Lord of Hosts, Amen. Even the police were part of the crime. They didn't like that I was destroying their plans and arrested me for calling the SS even though I had not threatened anyone, had a weapon, nor drugs. I let them handcuff me because the other choice would have been to beat them for their illegal crime even though I asked for a lawyer. They try to kill people by cuffing your left side to cut off your circulation and leave the other side loose, so you die in custody of a heart attack. Even though I explained this to them and told them I know what they are trying to do, they just smirk and ignore you even when cry out in pain from the cramping. The cops are thugs that work for the deep state. This is why none spoke out about 911 (2 planes != 3 building) and tried to kill a ground zero worker for trying to keep America safe, on both sides. from the upcoming calamity. I have the right to move second as God is my witness, answer the call.