Anonymous ID: b137b3 Dec. 9, 2022, 1:58 p.m. No.17914601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4615 >>4628 >>4666 >>4718 >>4740

Karine Jean-Pierre Denies Biden Administration Was in Contact with James Baker in Effort to Censor Conservatives on Twitter


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Friday denied the Biden Administration was involved in Twitter’s efforts to censor conservatives.


A White House reporter asked KJP if the Biden Regime was in contact with James Baker to censor conservatives.


Baker was behind the decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020.


James Baker also interfered in the 2016 election when he acted as a running dog for Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Michael Sussmann.


James Baker has now interfered in TWO presidential elections and both times he worked to derail Trump while helping the Democrat candidate.


Karine Jean-Pierre denied the Biden Regime was communicating with James Baker.


“We were not involved! I can say that. We were not involved,” Karine Jean-Pierre insisted.


No serious person believes this.

Anonymous ID: b137b3 Dec. 9, 2022, 2 p.m. No.17914605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4628 >>4666 >>4718 >>4740

Explosive Update from Jeremy Brown Trial via TGP Reporter Brian Lupo — The FBI’s Evidence Is Falling Apart


The trial of January 6 protester Jeremy Brown is taking place at the Middle District Court in Tampa, FL this week.


The Gateway Pundit reporter Brian Lupo is attending the trial.


Jeremy has been locked up since September 2021 after FBI agents raided his home. Jeremy was approached to work as an operative for the FBI that day. He refused so seven months later they arrested him at home in Florida.


The attorney for Jeremy Brown, Mr. Roger Futerman, alleged on Wednesday that the FBI “planted” evidence in this case during his opening statements.


As The Gateway Pundit reporter Brian Lupo earlier reported — The accusation is understandable when the chain of custody and documentation of evidence presented at the trial is so atrocious.


The military grade M67 grenades found in Brown’s RV during the raid can only be tracked by lot number and where they’ve been, not the dates that they were there.


They also found human hair, dog hair, and textile fibers stuck to the tape on the grenades that had allegedly been in Brown’s possession for months, since Jan. 6, 2021, but none of the hairs or fibers matched Brown, Brown’s dog, or the carpet samples taken from his RV nor his girlfriend’s home.


The DNA found on the tape of one of the grenades was of two males but neither of the samples belonged to Jeremy Brown.


Brown maintains that the two illegal firearms are, in fact, his (more on that Friday) but the plate carrier (body armor) and grenades were planted.


The other remaining charges levied against Brown involve the possession of classified materials, most of which are contained on a compact disc (CD) that was “found” in his RV back in September 2021.


The only picture of the CD from that day was a tiny peek at the corner of the blue CD case sticking out from underneath a pile of other papers and folders. The total area of the corner that you can see may be the width of half of a credit card. You cannot in any way identify it as a CD case.


In fact, FBI Staff Operation Specialist Elyssa Gonzalez testified that she doesn’t recall the CD in the RV at all. One of her duties was to log all of the pictures that day as she was “attached at the hip” with the FBI photographer. The defense showed a log of the evidentiary pictures from that day. The CD was not on the list, according to Gonzalez. You’d think a trained FBI specialist would remember a CD (in 2022) with big red “CLASSIFIED” tape on the cover.


This afternoon Gateway Pundit reporter Brian Lupo called from outside the court room.


The evidence presented by the defense against Jeremy Brown is being torn apart in court today.


They never had anything on Jeremy. They jailed him anyway.

Anonymous ID: b137b3 Dec. 9, 2022, 2:02 p.m. No.17914619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

== Kosovo situation ‘on brink of war’ – Serbia

Russia's Ambassador to Belgrade has warned that ethnic Albanian authorities are targeting Serbs with the support of the West ==


The authorities in Pristina have brought the situation in Kosovo to the brink of war, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Friday. Belgrade has announced it will seek a return of its security forces to the breakaway province, claiming the NATO-led peacekeeping force is failing in its task.


Serbia has the right to deploy up to 1,000 of its security personnel in the province under the provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Brnabic said, because “KFOR is not fulfilling its obligations and Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija don’t feel safe.”


Brnabic pointed to multiple incidents this week, including KFOR and the ethnic Albanian police raiding a kindergarten in Leposavic, and said the Kosovo government led by Albin Kurti is violating the Kumanovo and Brussels agreements every day – referring to the 1999 armistice and the 2013 technical deal, respectively.


In addition to the kindergarten raid, ethnic Albanian authorities destroyed the entire stock of a Serb family winery in Velika Hoca and “literally occupied the entire city” of Kosovska Mitrovica with hundreds of heavily armed special police, Petar Petkovic, the Serbian government’s commissioner for Kosovo, said on on Thursday.


Petkovic also warned “those in the West whose job is to keep Kurti in line” that President Aleksandar Vucic was entirely serious when he said Serbia will not allow another pogrom in the province.


Russian ambassador in Belgrade, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, said that Pristina’s actions amounted to a “campaign of intimidation and oppression of the Serbs” aiming to seize control of the Serb-majority counties “with forbearance and even support from the West.”


“Of course the West doesn’t care for implementing the agreements they mediated,” added Botsan-Kharchenko. “What matters to them is buying time for the side they support.”


According to Kosovo police, the Mitrovica deployment was preventive and part of “necessary, reasonable and lawful measures to enforce the law and decisions of Kosovo state bodies.” Pristina added that it is “entitled to control the security situation and enforce the law in the entire country.”


Meanwhile, the breakaway province’s president Vjosa Osmani said Serbian police will “never” return to Kosovo, calling Belgrade’s statements “Serbian hegemonic dreams” and “an open threat of aggression,” according to RT Balkans.


NATO troops took control of Kosovo in 1999, after bombing Serbia for 78 days. The ethnic Albanian provisional government declared independence in 2008, which Belgrade has refused to recognize.

Anonymous ID: b137b3 Dec. 9, 2022, 2:04 p.m. No.17914626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4666 >>4687 >>4718 >>4740

New York health department once again advises masking indoors as respiratory illnesses spread


Officials urge what they call "common sense precautions" against getting sick.



Health officials in New York City are once again advising the public to don face masks while indoors, the return of a divisive health suggestion amid a surge of respiratory viruses around the country.


The New York City Health Department said in a press release that though "vaccination and boosters are critical" in the fight against respiratory diseases including COVID-19, "so are common sense precautions like masking when indoors or among crowds and staying home if you don’t feel well."


"Also, get tested before getting together, and get treated quickly if you test positive," the release said.


In its official health advisory, the city said that residents should wear masks "at all times when in an indoor public setting, including inside stores, offices, lobbies, hallways, elevators, public transportation, schools, child care facilities, and other public shared spaces, and when in a crowded outdoor setting," regardless of their vaccination status.


The city urged residents to seek out "higher-quality masks, such as KN95 and KF94 masks."


Masking policies were often explosively divisive over the course of the COVID-19 crisis, with many health authorities mandating them and many critics pushing back against what they argued were ineffective and inconvenient mitigation measures.

Anonymous ID: b137b3 Dec. 9, 2022, 2:22 p.m. No.17914701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4705

Covid cases to start decline in ‘next week or so’, says NSW chief health officer


NSW’s chief health officer has revealed when the state’s Covid wave is expected to peak after tens of thousands of cases were reported in the past week.


The peak of NSW’s fourth Covid wave may only be a week away, chief health officer Kerry Chant says, as transmission of the virus intensifies across the state.


NSW recorded 40,194 new cases in the seven days to Thursday afternoon, with 1526 people hospitalised with Covid and 40 people in intensive care. Forty-eight people died from the virus over the week.


Dr Chant said the “coming week or so” would be when cases began to decline.


Families and friends should be trying to hold any gatherings in outdoor or well-ventilated spaces, Dr Chant said.


“Let’s all keep doing the little things as we head into the festive season,” she said.


Summer outbreak

Anonymous ID: b137b3 Dec. 9, 2022, 2:32 p.m. No.17914726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4740

European Parliament Vice President Eva Kaili brought in for questioning in Brussels corruption probe


Greek Socialist MEP Eva Kaili, one of the 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament, was brought in for questioning in Brussels on Friday evening in connection with an investigation into suspected corruption involving "a Gulf country", AFP and Belgian outlet Le Soir reported, quoting prosecutor's offfice.


European Parliament sources told Euronews that the offices of three MEPs: Kaili, and Belgian S&D group members Maria Arena and Marc Tarabella, have been sealed by Belgium police.


Le Soir later reported that the sealed offices involving Arena and Tarabella belonged to their respective parliamentary assistants.


"The seals were put because she worked for the NGO Fight impunity, I believe, in 2019," Arena told Le Soir. "It has nothing to do with the fact that she is my assistant."


Four arrests had already taken place in the Belgian capital in the morning in the same case. Media outlets in Greece and Belgium reported that one of the four arrested is Kaili's partner.


The Greek socialist party PASOK, of which Kaili is a member, announced on Friday evening that she was "expelled" from its membership.


Belgium's Federal Prosecutor's Office said it recovered €600,000 in cash and seized computers and mobile phones in Friday's swoop.


It said the investigation was centred on European parliamentary assistants but that one former MEP had been questioned.


"For several months, investigators of the Federal Judicial Police have suspected a Gulf country to influence the economic and political decisions of the European Parliament, this is done so by paying large sums of money or offering large gifts to third parties with a significant political and/or strategic position within the European Parliament," it said.


The prosecutor's office did not name the country at the centre of the probe. Its press statement only referred to a "Gulf state". Le Soir identified the country as Qatar.


The beneficiaries are personalities with "a significant political and/or strategic position" in the European Parliament.


The arrested quartet have not been identified by Belgian authorities, but they are all believed to be Italian citizens, including an unnamed NGO director; trade union leader Luca Visentini; the former S&D MEP Pier-Antonio Panzeri; and Panzeri's former parliamentary assistant with links to the S&D group and Kaili's partner.


Kaili, 44, is a former Greek television presenter and MEP since 2014.


Contacted by Euronews, the European Parliament's press services said that "the European Parliament does not comment on judicial proceedings".


"As always, the European Parliament fully cooperates with the national authorities in charge. The same in this specific case," they added.


Top EU Parliament Officials Arrested In Huge Qatar-Linked Corruption Probe